Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


The Variation of Road-Surface Temperatures in Devon, UK During Cold and Occluded Front Passage


Road-surface cooling during three contrasting frontal passages was examined for various sites with widely varying exposure across Devon. Delays in road cooling were dependent on exposure, topography, thermal inertia, precipitation and surface wetness. Scattered cloud and cloud bands complicate the spatial variability, but for winter maintenance, worst-case scenarios of complete cloud clearance produce important guidelines for prioritising salting routes.


Meteorological Applications of the Royal Meteorological Society Vol. 6, University of Plymouth Institute of Marine Studies (United Kingdom). For a copy of this resource, please direct your request to

Date: 1999


Wood, Clark


Pavement temperature

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Office of Operations