Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Final Evaluation Report for the Greater Yellowstone Regional Traveler and Weather Information System (GYRTWIS)


Describes the national evaluation of the Greater Yellowstone Regional Traveler and Weather Information System (GYRTWIS). Three studies were included. The System Impacts Study, The Pavement Thermal Model (PTM) Accuracy Study, and The Case Studies. Researchers investigated the accuracy of the predicted versus actual pavement temperatures. Although the PTM process showed promise for forecasting road surface temperatures, limitations in the accuracy of small-scale, long- term weather forecasts currently limit the accuracy of the road surface temperature forecasts. Validations of these forecast temperatures showed typical differences between forecast and measured values of about 5 degrees C. To be useful for estimating when icing might occur, much more accurate forecasts are needed. During initial validations, significant differences between the forecast and measured weather conditions were observed. It was proposed that these differences resulted in much of the errors in forecast road surface temperatures. Subsequent validation activities, confirmed this supposition and reduced the typical differences between forecast and measured temperatures to about 2.5 degrees C.


Prepared for U.S. Department of Transportation, ITS Joint Porgram Office, HOIT-1, SAIC

Date: 2003


Sanchez, Haas, Mitchell


Weather information
Pavement temperature
Winter maintenance
Traveler information

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Office of Operations