Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Effects of Various Deicing Chemicals on Pavement Concrete Deterioration


The deleterious effects of deicers on concrete pavements and bridges have concerned concrete researchers for several decades. The present study experimentally investigates the effects of different deicers on concrete deterioration. Laboratory simulations of environmental conditions (wet/dry and freeze/thaw cycling) were conducted on highway concrete samples with various deicer chemicals including NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) of 5 different Ca/Mg ratios, Ca-acetate, and Mg-acetate. Each deicer produced characteristic effects on the concrete samples by physically and chemically altering the dolomite coarse aggregate, the dolomite coarse aggregate-paste interface, and cement paste. Chloride solutions commonly promoted decalcification of paste and altered ettringite to chloroaluminate. Magnesium-bearing deicer solutions (e.g., CMA, Mg-acetate and MgCl2) caused severe paste deterioration by forming brucite and noncementitious magnesium silicate hydrate. For acetate solutions, the effects caused by Ca-acetate on concrete deterioration was much less severe than those caused by Mg-bearing acetates. For the experimental conditions utilized herein, NaCl solution was the least deleterious to the cement paste and aggregate.


Mid-Continent Transportation Symposium; Iowa State University, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences

Date: 2000


Lee; Cody, R.; Cody, A.; Spry


Anti-icing/deicing chemicals
Pavement deterioration

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Office of Operations