Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Customer-Oriented Maintenance Decision-Support System: Developing a Prototype


Performance of highway maintenance units has been traditionally measured in terms of output or production rates. Today, more and more highway agencies are incorporating customer-oriented performance measures to evaluate their maintenance management processes. A prototype Decision Support System (DSS) is described that models user oriented performance measurement parameters and implements analytical processes that can support maintenance managers in responding to customer needs. The DSS utilizes input, output, outcome, environment and customer data from existing databases in order to measure efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance activities as defined by the customer. The pilot system focuses on two of seven groups of maintenance products and services -- Clear Roads and Attractive Roadsides. The prototype DSS displays data in formats useful for evaluating maintenance work processes, benchmarking work units' performance, evaluating efficiency and effectiveness in meeting customer needs, and for deploying resources. Models that calculate the value added to customers in terms of road user costs (i.e., travel time and accident costs), and customer willingness to pay for attractive roadside products were developed and incorporated in the DSS.


Transportation Research Board (TRB) 78th Annual Meeting; Cambridge Systematics, Booz-Allen and Hamilton and Minnesota DOT. For a copy of this resource, please direct your request to

Date: 1999


Alfelor, Hyman, Niemi


Decision support
Winter storm
Winter maintenance

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Office of Operations