Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Confirmation and Improvement of Road Condition Detection Sensor Performance: Testing in Cold Locations with Snow Cover


Evaluated technological needs for practical implementation of Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway Systems on winter roads. Sensor performance in detecting vehicles and pedestrians in an environment of snow cover and falling snow, and sensor reliability and durability were evaluated.


Ministry of Construction, Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway System Research Association and Hokkaido Development Bureau (Japan). For an electronic copy of this resource, please direct your request to

Date: NA


Sasada, Nagai, Hirose, Mizusawa, Tamura


Environmental Sensor Station (ESS)

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Office of Operations