Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies


Welcome to the Traffic Management Capability Maturity Self-Evaluation Tool. This tool is intended to help agencies/regions assess their current traffic management capabilities and develop an implementation plan for moving to a higher level of capability. This plan development is guided by a menu of actions to consider based on current and desired levels of capability. Users of the tool can take a full, highly detailed assessment, or a quick (1-minute) assessment to arrive at the point of selecting actions.

Modeled after the AASHTO Systems Operations and Maintenance guidance, this tool assesses traffic management capability in the same six dimensions — Business Processes, Systems and Technology, Culture, Organization and Workforce, Performance Measurement, and Collaboration. However, in this tool, traffic management is viewed as a subset of the larger Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) program. The capability levels and the actions are more focused and defined from a traffic manager's perspective. The actions may require other agencies to be the responsible party, which is intended to foster multi-agency collaboration and dialogue about traffic management at the regional level. Users that take this assessment are encouraged to share this tool with agencies that they collaborate and work with on traffic management of their respective transportation systems.

Before initiating the assessment, you may want to identify the individuals in your Traffic Management Center or other traffic operations and planning personnel in the region who are best positioned and experienced to address the steps outlined above, and involve them throughout the self-evaluation and action planning process.

Full Assessment One-Minute Asessment
  Last modified: March 9, 2022