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1.0 Background and Objectives

Entering the 21st century, the Nation's transportation system has matured; it only expands its infrastructure by a fraction of a percentage each year. However, congestion continues to grow at an alarming rate, adversely impacting our quality of life and increasing the potential for crashes and long delays. These are expected to escalate, calling for transportation professionals to increase the productivity of existing transportation systems through the use of operational improvements. To assess the potential effectiveness of a particular strategy, it must be analyzed using traffic analysis tools or methodologies.

There are several traffic analysis methodologies and tools available for use; however, there is little or no guidance on which tool should be used. These tools all vary in their scope, capabilities, methodology, input requirements, and output. In addition, there is no one tool that can address all of the analytical needs of a particular agency.

The objective of Decision Support Methodology for Selecting Traffic Analysis Tools (Volume II) is to assist traffic engineers, planners, and traffic operations professionals in the selection of the correct type of traffic analysis tool for operational improvements. This document is intended to assist practitioners in selecting the category of tool for use (e.g., Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) versus traffic simulation); this document does not include an assessment of the capabilities of specific tools within an analytical tool category. Another objective of this document is to assist in creating analytical consistency and uniformity across State departments of transportation (DOTs) and Federal/regional/local transportation agencies.

Decision Support Methodology for Selecting Traffic Analysis Tools identifies the criteria that should be considered in the selection of an appropriate traffic analysis tool and helps identify the circumstances when a particular type of tool should be used. A methodology is also presented to guide users in the selection of the appropriate tool category. This document includes worksheets that transportation professionals can use to select the appropriate tool category and provides assistance in identifying the most appropriate tool within the selected category. An automated tool that implements this methodology can be found at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Analysis Tools Web site at: http://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/Travel/Traffic_Analysis_Tools/traffic_analysis_toolbox.htm

This methodology was developed for FHWA. The FHWA Traffic Analysis Tools Team made extensive contributions to this document and to the automated tool. This document is organized into the following sections:

1.1 Overview of the Transportation Analysis Process

The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), and Federal/State Clean Air legislation have reinforced the importance of traffic management and control of existing highway capacity. As transportation agencies deploy more sophisticated hardware and software system management technologies, there is an increased need to respond to recurring and nonrecurring congestion in a proactive fashion, and to predict and evaluate the outcome of various improvement plans without the inconvenience of a field experiment.

Out of these needs, traffic analysis tools emerge as one of the most efficient methods to evaluate transportation improvement projects. This document addresses quantifiable traffic operations analytical tools categories, but does not include real-time or predictive models. Traffic analysis tools may include software packages, methodologies, and procedures, and are defined as those typically used for the following tasks:

Figure 1 presents an overview of the transportation analysis process, along with its various evaluation contexts and the types of traffic analysis tools that are typically used in each context. Typically, transportation analysis needs result from the policies and objectives of State/regional/local transportation plans and programs. A transportation improvement (project) goes through several phases, including planning, project development, design, implementation, and post-implementation operational assessment and modification. As shown in Figure 1, each of these phases requires different analytical methodologies and tools. A project's early planning stage usually involves the application of sketch-planning or travel demand modeling techniques. These methodologies help agencies screen the different transportation improvements, resulting in the selection of a few candidate transportation improvements. Later stages (such as project development or post-implementation modifications) usually involve the application of more rigorous and detailed techniques, such as traffic simulation and/or optimization. The role of traffic analysis tools is further explained in the following section.

Figure 1.  Overview of the transportation analysis process.  This figure shows an overview of the transportation analysis process, along with the types of traffic analysis tools that are typically used in each evaluation context.

Figure 1. Overview of the transportation analysis process.

1.2 Role of Traffic Analysis Tools

Traffic analysis tools are designed to assist transportation professionals in evaluating the strategies that best address the transportation needs of their jurisdiction. Specifically, traffic analysis tools can help practitioners:

1.3 Categories of Traffic Analysis Tools

The intent of this document is to provide guidance on the selection of the appropriate type of analytical tool, not the specific tool. To date, numerous traffic analysis methodologies and tools have been developed by public agencies, research organizations, and various consultants. Traffic analysis tools can be grouped into the following categories:

1.4 Comparison of HCM and Simulation

The intent of this section is to provide an overview of the strengths and limitations of the HCM and traffic simulation tools and to provide additional guidance on assessing when traffic simulation may be more appropriate than the HCM-based methods or tools.

1.4.1 Overview of HCM

HCM is a compilation of peer-reviewed procedures for computing the capacity and operational performance of various transportation facilities. HCM was first produced in 1950 and has undergone many major revisions since then. It is currently published by the Transportation Research Board. The current edition of HCM was produced in 2000.

Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM 2000) has more than 1,100 pages and 30 chapters. Parts I and II of the manual present introductory information on capacity and the quality of service analysis. Part III presents the actual analytical procedures. Part IV provides information on applying HCM to corridor and areawide planning analyses. Part V provides introductory materials on models that go beyond the HCM procedures described in part III.

Each chapter in part III focuses on a specific facility type and capacity analysis problem. For example, there are four chapters devoted to freeway facilities: freeway facilities, basic freeway segments, ramps and ramp junctions, and freeway weaving. There are three chapters devoted to the analysis of urban facilities: urban streets, signalized intersections, and unsignalized intersections. There are also chapters that cover procedures for the analysis of multilane highways, two-lane rural roads, transit, pedestrian facilities, and bicycle facilities.

The HCM procedures are closed-form, macroscopic, deterministic, and static analytical procedures that estimate capacity, and performance measures to determine the level of service (e.g., density, speed, and delay). They are closed-form because they are not iterative. The practitioner inputs the data and parameters, and after a sequence of analytical steps, the HCM procedures produce a single answer. In general, the HCM procedures have the following characteristics:

1.4.2 HCM Strengths and Limitations

For many applications, HCM is the most widely used and accepted traffic analysis technique in the United States. The HCM procedures are good for analyzing the performance of isolated facilities with relatively moderate congestion problems. These procedures are quick and reliable for predicting whether or not a facility will be operating above or below capacity, and they have been well tested through significant field-validation efforts. However, the HCM procedures are generally limited in their ability to evaluate system effects.

Most of the HCM methods and models assume that the operation of one intersection or road segment is not adversely affected by conditions on the adjacent roadway. Long queues at one location that interfere with another location would violate this assumption. The HCM procedures are of limited value in analyzing queues and the effects of the queues.

There are also several gaps in the HCM procedures. HCM is a constantly evolving and expanding set of analytical tools and, consequently, there are still many real-world situations for which HCM does not yet have a recommended analytical procedure. The following list identifies some of these gaps:

Appendix A summarizes the limitations of HCM based on information listed in HCM 2000.

1.4.3 Simulation Strengths and Limitations

Simulation tools are effective in evaluating the dynamic evolution of traffic congestion problems on transportation systems. By dividing the analytical period into time slices, a simulation model can evaluate the buildup, dissipation, and duration of traffic congestion. By evaluating systems of facilities, simulation models can evaluate the interference that occurs when congestion builds up at one location and impacts capacity at another location. Also, traffic simulators can model the variability in driver/vehicle characteristics.

Simulation tools, however, require a plethora of input data, considerable error checking of the data, and manipulation of a large amount of potential calibration parameters. Simulation models cannot be applied to a specific facility without calibration of those parameters to actual conditions in the field. Calibration can be a complex and time-consuming process.

The algorithms of simulation models are mostly developed independently and are not subject to peer review and acceptance in the professional community. There is no national consensus on the appropriateness of a simulation approach.

Simulation models, for all their complexity, also have limitations. Commercially available simulation models are not designed to model the following:

Simulation models also assume "100 percent safe driving," so they will not be effective in predicting how changes in design might influence the probability of collisions. In addition, simulation models do not take into consideration how changes in the roadside environment (outside of the traveled way) affect driver behavior within the traveled way (e.g., obstruction of visibility, roadside distractions such as a stalled vehicle, etc.).

1.4.4 Traffic Performance Measures: Differences Between HCM and Simulation

The HCM methodologies and tool procedures take a static approach to predicting traffic performance; simulation models take a dynamic approach. HCM estimates the average density, speed, or delay over the peak 15 minutes of an hour, while simulation models predict density, speed, and delay for each time slice within the analytical period (which can be longer than an hour).

Not only are there differences in approach, there are differences in the definitions of the performance measures produced by simulation models and the HCM tools. Some of the most notable differences include:

1.4.5 Strategy for Overcoming the Limitations of HCM

Once a transportation professional has decided that the HCM procedures do not meet the needs of the analysis, the next step is to determine whether microscopic, mesoscopic, or macroscopic simulation is required. There are several simulation programs available for evaluating a variety of transportation improvements, facilities, modes, traveler responses, and performance measures. These analytical tools vary in their data requirements, capabilities, methodology, and output. In addition, the performance measures for the simulation models and the HCM procedures may differ in definition and/or methodology (e.g., the number of stops may be estimated at speeds of less than 8 kilometers per hour (km/h) (5 miles per hour (mi/h)) in one tool, but at 0 km/h for another).

If it is not necessary to microscopically trace individual vehicle movement, then the analyst can take advantage of the simpler data entry and control optimization features available in many macroscopic simulation models. However, macroscopic models often have to make certain assumptions of regularity in order to be able to apply macroscopic vehicle behavior relationships. If these assumptions are not valid for the situation being studied, then the analyst must resort to mesoscopic or microscopic simulation.

Simulation models require a considerable amount of detailed data for input, calibration, and validation. In general, microscopic simulation models have more demanding data requirements than mesoscopic and macroscopic models. Simulation models are also more complicated and require a considerable amount of effort to gain an understanding of the assumptions, parameters, and methodologies involved in the analysis. The lack of understanding of these tools often makes credibility and past performance (use/popularity) a major factor in the selection of a particular simulation tool.

More information on this issue may be found in Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software (Volume III).

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Federal Highway Administration - United States Department of Transportation