Traffic Incident Management KnowledgebaseHow Can the Traffic Incident Management Knowledgebase Help You?Search the Traffic Incident Management Knowledgebase by keyword or browse by event, resource type, program-level performance measure, or State. Performance Measurement-Related Web Sites of Potential Interest:Welcome to the FHWA Traffic Incident & Events Management (TI&EM) Knowledge Management System (KMS). While the system holds items relevant to traffic planning for special events and disaster highway operations and planning, including evacuations and debris clearance from roadways, the TI&EM KMS, or also known as the Knowledgebase, principally contains items relevant to the Traffic Incident Management (TIM) discipline. FHWA believes that sharing information among TIM program planners and practitioners will result in stronger local, regional, Tribal and State TIM Committees and TIM programs. This will result in professionals clearing incidents more quickly and safely. Ultimately, better practices will save motorist and responder lives. FHWA continues to add good practices, lessons learned, after-action reports, tools and other products shared by those jurisdictions that strive to improve their TIM operations and planning efforts. The items in this database emanated from discussions with State and local law enforcement, transportation, fire, public works, EMS, towers, and other TIM practitioners and program managers. This Knowledgebase began as a tool to house online reference materials that furnished transportation and public safety professionals with knowledge and tools they need to conduct TIM incident-specific performance measurements. However, FHWA captured so much great information while meeting with jurisdictions' transportation and public safety mid-level managers, decision makers and practitioners during its TIM Workshops and SHRP2 TIM Responder Train-the-Trainer initiatives, that the Knowledgebase necessarily expanded to accommodate great tools and information. As a result, the TI&EM team expanded this KMS, building upon the performance measurement foundation to include other documents and models graciously provided by other States, local and regional jurisdictions and functional disciplines. The visitor will find documents and tools that range from policy, safe/quick clearance legislation, training, traffic management center operations and TIM, TIM Committee formation and operations, TIM resources, Public Outreach and other TIM functions. FHWA looks to TIM program managers, TIM Committee members, TIM practitioners either independently or through the National TIM Network to collect and provide more good practices and lessons learned inputs, documents and tools that will aid jurisdictions implement strong TIM programs and operations in their localities. Users can conveniently search and browse the KMS to find information they need today, as provided by other TIM professionals around the Nation. Help grow the Knowledgebase! Is your organization implementing TIM performance measures? Share your knowledge with others by submitting sample documents or presentations to the Knowledgebase via email to ETO@dot.gov. We'll upload it to the Knowledgebase! Subscribe to the TIM Performance Measurement LISTSERV by emailing TIMPM@dot.gov (simply enter SUBSCRIBE in the subject line)! Search the TIM Knowledgebase:
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