Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Long Description: Figure 12. Responder and Motorist Safety Have "move over" laws which require drivers to slow down and if possible move over to the adjacent lane when approaching workers or responders and equipment in the roadway?

  • Baseline: 3.20
  • 2010: 3.27 Train all transportation responders in traffic control following MUTCD guidelines?

  • Baseline: 1.97
  • 2010: 2.75 Utilize transportation resources to conduct traffic control procedures in compliance with the MUTCD?

  • Baseline: 1.93
  • 2010: 2.79 Utilize traffic control procedures for the end of the incident traffic queue?

  • Baseline: 1.56
  • 2010: 2.43 Have mutually understood equipment staging and emergency lighting procedures on-site to maximize traffic flow past an incident while providing responder safety?

  • Baseline: 1.38
  • 2010: 2.20

Return to Figure 12.

Office of Operations