Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Bal Harbour Village - FL

FAST FACTS ABOUT: BAl Harbour Village - FL
Types of TDM:
Modal Shift
Keywords: Vanpool Subsidy
Employer Demographics: The Village of Bal Harbour is a small community located south of Miami Beach. Traffic congestion is not a problem in Bal Harbour, but traffic around the Bal Harbour area is challenging.
Results: 48% drive alone, 12% vanpool, 2% telework, 38% flextime (police officers)
Cost: $7,440: 93% = Vanpool subsidies, 7% = staff/management
Staff: Minimal staff time and staff costs once program was set up.
Contact: Alfred Treppeda,


Vanpooling: A New Idea Presents Itself
Bal Harbour Village is a small, upscale resort town located in South Florida. With a population of 3,309, the Village has implemented strict growth management policies since its incorporation in 1946. Today, the Bal Harbour Village Manager seeks out ways to sustain Bal Harbour’s appeal to both Village employees and in turn to visitors. Despite good bus service, Bal Harbour Village employees are not avid bus riders. The presence of free parking for employees may be one explanation for low bus usage. Residential location may be a second explanation. Most of Bal Harbour Village’s employees commute from outside the town limits and prior to August 2001, a great majority of them drove alone.

In August 2001, the Village Manager received a flyer advertising the South Florida Commuter Services (SFCS) vanpool services. SFCS works with the South Florida Vanpool Program (SFVP) to provide vanpool services and programs. SFVP works directly with employers to design a vanpool program, present vanpooling options to employees and manage the program from the start-up through implementation. The Village Manager’s interest was peaked and he scheduled an employee vanpool presentation.

In just 2 years, 12% of Bal Harbour Village’s employees are vanpooling.

Immediate Vanpool Formation
The presentation concluded with high employee interest in starting a vanpool. Immediately, eight Bal Harbour employees signed up to form a vanpool. In addition to presenting the Vanpool program to employees, the Village Manager began researching subsidies and payment options for employees. In order to tap into employee motivation, the Village Manager leveraged a subsidy paid by Miami-Dade County with funds from the Village of Bal Harbour to establish the first vanpool. The employee and Village divided the remaining vanpool costs.

Employees that participated in the first vanpool began to report reduced commuting costs and influenced other employees to consider vanpooling. Not long after the first van formed, the Village Manager acquired enough employees to sponsor a second vanpool. In just 2 years, 12% of Bal Harbour Village’s employees are vanpooling. Due to the vanpool popularity, the Miami-Dade County subsidy and new transportation tax proceeds, the Village of Bal Harbour is able to pay 100% of the vanpool costs. Thus, as of Summer 2003, employees pay only the cost of gas to vanpool. All vanpoolers are eligible to participate in the County’s Guaranteed Ride Home program.

The Village Manager’s interest in promoting alternative mode choices to employees has resulted in the formation of a strong vanpooling program. Today, Bal Harbour’s mode split reflects the high interest in vanpooling. 12% of employees vanpool, 2% telework and 48% drive alone. The remaining 38% are police officers that work irregular shifts.


  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations