Description of Table 1-8.
Planned Special Event Management Phases and Key Tasks
Phase 1: Program Planning
- Coordinate stakeholders serving an oversight role.
- Establish a regional planned special event program.
- Develop interagency agreements and legislation.
- Establish a planned special event permit program.
- Develop event permit regulations and guidelines.
- Evaluate permanent and portable infrastructure needs.
Phase 1: Handbook Topics
- Regional level institutional framework
- Policy support
- Regional planned special events program
- Planned special event permitting
- Infrastructure support
Phase 2: Event Operations Planning
- Prepare Feasibility Study, includes the following: Travel
forecast, Market area analysis, Parking demand analysis, Traffic demand
analysis, and Roadway capacity analysis
- Develop traffic management plan, includes the following: Site access
and parking, Pedestrian access, Traffic flow, Traffic control, En-route
traveler information, Traffic surveillance, Traffic incident management
and safety
- Evaluate travel demand management initiatives.
- Develop pre-trip traveler information messages and strategies for
Phase 2: Handbook Topics
- Initial planning activities
- Feasibility study
- External factors affecting scope of event impact
- Traffic management plan
- Travel demand management and traveler information
Phase 3: Implementation Activities
- Prepare implementation plan.
- Conduct stakeholder simulation exercises and equipment testing.
- Recruit and train volunteers and temporary staff.
Phase 3: Handbook Topics
- Implementation plan
- Review and testing
- Personnel
Phase 4: Day-Of-Event Activities
- Coordinate traffic management team.
- Establish a command post.
- Implement interagency communications structure and protocol.
- Monitor traffic operations and collection performance evaluation data.
Phase 4: Handbook Topics
- Traffic management team
- Communication
- Traffic monitoring
Phase 5: Post-Event Activities
- Conduct participant evaluations, includes the following: Stakeholder
debriefing, Patron survey, Public survey
- Hold post-event debriefing meeting to identify key successes and lessons
- Prepare post-event report.
Phase 5: Handbook Topics
- Evaluation framework
- Participant evaluation
- Post-event debriefing
- Post-event report