Application of Travel Time Data and Statistics to Travel Time Reliability Analyses: Handbook and Support Materials
List of Acronyms
ASD—aftermarket safety device
BSM—basic safety message
Caltrans—California Department of Transportation
ELPR—electronic license plate reader
FHWA—Federal Highway Administration
GIS—geographic information system
GPS—Global Positioning System
HCM—Highway Capacity Manual
LOS—level of service
LOTTR—level of travel time reliability
MAC—media access control
MAD—mean absolute deviation
MOE—measure of effectiveness
MTTI—mean travel time index
NCHRP—National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NPMRDS—National Performance Management Research Data Set
PeMS—performance measurement system
PM3—third performance management rule
PTI—planning time index
QC—quality control
RSU—roadside unit
SHRP 2—Second Strategic Highway Research Program
SR—State route
TMC—traffic message channel
TTI—travel time index
TTI50—median travel time index
TTI80—80th percentile travel time index
VHT—vehicle-hours traveled
VMT—vehicle-miles traveled