Applying Transportation Asset Management to Traffic Signals: A Primer
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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
January 2022
Table of Contents
[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] | [ Technical Report Documentation ] | [ SI Modern Metric Conversion Factors ]| [ List of Acronyms ]
Chapter 1. Introduction
Primer Structure
Chapter 2. Background
Transportation Asset Management
Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Transportation Performance Management
The TSMO, Transportation Asset Management, and Transportation Performance Management Relationship
Emerging Themes in Traffic Signals Asset Management
Chapter 3. Asset Identification
Asset Definition
Asset Attributes and Hierarchy
Asset Inventory Management
Key Actions
Define and Collect Asset Attributes for Traffic Signals
Define and Collect Asset Attributes for Traffic Signal Components
Chapter 4. Management Systems for Assets
System Functionality
Location-Specific Functionality
System Interfaces and Integrations
System Implementation and Adoption
Key Actions
Identify Management System Requirements, Gaps, and Interfaces
Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan for System Implementation
Chapter 5. Performance Measures and Targets
Asset Reliability/Condition
Asset Maintainability/Serviceability
Reporting Framework for Performance Measures
Key Actions
Develop and Set Asset Management Performance Measures/Targets
Develop Reporting Framework and Processes
Chapter 6. Maximizing Performance—Lifecycle Planning
Maintenance Management Approaches
Condition-Based Maintenance Management
Interval-Based Maintenance Management
Reactive Maintenance Management
Reliability-Centered Maintenance
Lifecycle Planning
Building Information Modeling as a Tool to Inform Lifecycle Planning
Key Actions
Understand the Outcome from Alternative Maintenance Management Approaches
Chapter 7. Resource Allocation—Financial Plan, Investment Strategies, Performance Gap Analysis
Informing Resource Allocation
Asset Valuation
Communicating an Investment Strategy
Traffic Signal Management Plans
Key Actions
Develop a Process to Inform Resource Allocation Decisionmaking
Utilize Asset Valuation
Communicating Investment Strategies
Chapter 8. Summary
Asset Identification
Key Actions
Management Systems for Assets
Performance Measures and Targets
Key Actions
Maximizing Performance—Lifecycle Planning
Key Actions
Resource Allocation—Financial Plan, Investment Strategies, Performance Gap Analysis
Key Actions
List of Figures
Figure 1. Diagram. Integration of Performance Management and Transportation Asset Management.
Figure 2. Diagram. Asset inventory definitions framework.
Figure 3. Rendering. Traffic signal assets level of detail.
Figure 4. Graph. Connecticut Department of Transportation condition ratings.
Figure 5. Graph. Statewide system condition of traffic signals for Utah Department of Transportation.
Figure 6. Graph. Asset deterioration curves.
Figure 7. Graph. Condition-based maintenance management.
Figure 8. Graph. Interval-based maintenance management.
Figure 9. Graph. Virginia Department of Transportation condition of ancillary structures.
Figure 10. Graph. Reactive maintenance management.
Figure 11. Flowchart. Maintenance Approach Decision Tree.
Figure 12. Diagram. Caltrans physical asset model for lifecycle assessment.
Figure 13. Diagram. Resources allocation decisionmaking process.
Figure 14. Graph. Connecticut Department of Transportation traffic signals performance projections.
Figure 15. Diagram. Colorado Department of Transportation traffic signal asset valuation 2016.
List of Tables
Table 1. Alignment of themes to transportation asset management plan elements.
Table 2. Common traffic signal components, items, and attributes.
Table 3. Potential functionality of management systems for traffic signal assets.
Table 4. Traffic signals and intelligent transportation system performance measures for Utah Department of Transportation.
Table 5. Seattle Department of Transportation asset measures and results.
Table 6. Highways England maintainability metrics (selected items).
Table 7. Maintenance management approaches for traffic signals.
Table 8. Predicting performance of traffic signal assets.
Table 9. Austroads reliability-centered maintenance process.
Table 10. Minnesota Department of Transportation traffic signal lifecycle planning scenarios.
Table 11. Caltrans asset gap analysis outcomes.