Organizing for TSMO
Case Study 8: Training for TSMO
Chapter 3 - Summary
Each transportation agency has different approaches when addressing training needs. As technology deployments and operational strategies become more common in the transportation design space, the need for enhanced training is apparent. To maximize the broad expanse of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) philosophy, TSMO training opportunities should be made available to all departments within a transportation agency. Managing the complexities of training for a broad group of people is difficult. The agencies interviewed for this case study shared several key lessons learned that support the advancement of training in their TSMO programs:
- Centralized training is an effective and efficient approach to provide consistent information that can be adapted for different audiences. Training can be more effective if used by multiple agencies or shared between States. Developing and prioritizing training needs through regular meetings of involved parties maximizes the effectiveness of training.
- Creating a website, graphic, or some type of aide can be a valuable resource for TSMO training. A website can be used for many things, such as posting training videos, registering for classes, and disseminating information. The versatility of a website makes it a powerful tool, especially when it provides different mediums for people to learn new information.
- Close collaboration with stakeholders including partner agencies, other State departments, universities, and trade schools is critical to the success of TSMO training. Coordination is an important part of TSMO and it becomes easier when all involved parties receive consistent training. Maintaining relationships through communication advances the success of TSMO.
Training agency staff and regional partners on the role TSMO plays in transportation planning and development sets the stage for a successful TSMO program. Well-informed staff promote an agency's workforce capability and culture, which enables improved development of business processes and programming. The challenges and lessons learned provided in this case study can be used to develop the business case for TSMO training in other agency TSMO programs.