Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Evaluation Methods and Techniques: Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program

Appendix B: Annual Report Template

The purpose of this template is to assist grantees in preparing uniform annual reports. This template, while not required, is highly recommended, as the Federal Highway Administration intends to use the information from the grantees’ annual reports in the required annual report on the effectiveness of the ATCMTD grant recipients in meeting their projected deployment plans.

Reporting Requirement:

23 U.S.C. 503(c)(4)(F) says "That for each eligible entity that receives a grant under this paragraph, not later than 1 year after the entity receives the grant, and every year thereafter, the entity shall submit a report to the Secretary that describes:

  1. Deployment and operational costs of the project compared to the benefits and savings the project provides; and
  2. how the project has met the original expectations projected in the deployment plan submitted with the application, such as—
    1. data on how the project has helped reduce traffic crashes, congestion, costs, and other benefits of the deployed systems;
    2. data on the effect of measuring and improving transportation system performance through the deployment of advanced technologies;
    3. the effectiveness of providing real-time integrated traffic, transit, and multimodal transportation information to the public to make informed travel decisions; and
    4. lessons learned and recommendations for future deployment strategies to optimize transportation efficiency and multimodal system performance."

This template has 4 parts:

  • Part 1 of 4: Introduction and Overview
  • Part 2 of 4: Evaluation/Research Activities
  • Part 3 of 4: Findings
  • Part 4 of 4: Wrap up

PART 1 of 4: Introduction and Overview

Part 2 of 4: Evaluation/Research Activities

Please complete the following table regarding your evaluation activities. For each goal area that is applicable to your project, provide the performance measures (PMs) and a status update on your research activities. The update should include the status of baseline data collection (if applicable) and any challenges or data limitations. If research is completed, please indicate that here in Part 2, but please reserve "Findings" for Part 3.

Goal Area Performance Measures - Quantitative and Qualitative (if multiple technologies apply, please note the different technologies) Research Update (e.g., baseline data collection, challenges, milestones achieved, etc.)
Improved Safety (e.g., reduced crashes)
  1. Etc.
No Value
Reduced Congestion/Improved mobility (e.g., travel time reliability)
  1. Etc.
No Value
Reduced environmental impacts
  1. Etc.
No Value
Improved System performance (including optimized multimodal system performance)
  1. Etc.
No Value
Enhanced Access to Transportation Alternatives
  1. Etc.
No Value
Effectiveness of providing integrated real-time transportation information to the public to make Informed travel decisions
  1. Etc.
No Value
Reduced costs
  1. Etc.
No Value
Institutional or administrative benefits
  1. Etc.
No Value
Other benefits:
Please specify:
No Value No Value
Other benefits:
Please specify:
No Value No Value
Other goals: [ADD IF NEEDED]
Please specify:
No Value No Value

PART 3 of 4: Findings

For each applicable goal area, please describe the impacts of your project based on findings from the performance measures. If data collection is still underway (i.e., findings are not yet available), indicate "In Progress" in the Findings column. Please use the "Notes/Considerations" column to include any other relevant information regarding the evaluation. Note: the numbering for the Findings should correspond to the numbering used for Performance Measures in Part 2.

Goal Area Findings (tied to performance measures; also include any anecdotal evidence) Notes/Considerations
Improved Safety (e.g., reduced crashes)
  1. Etc.
No Value
Reduced Congestion/Improved mobility (e.g., travel time reliability)
  1. Etc.
No Value
Reduced environmental impacts
  1. Etc.
No Value
Improved System performance (including optimized multimodal system performance)
  1. Etc.
No Value
Enhanced Access to Transportation Alternatives
  1. Etc.
No Value
Effectiveness of providing integrated real-time transportation information to the public to make informed decisions
  1. Etc.
No Value
Reduced costs
  1. Etc.
No Value
Institutional and/or administrative benefits
  1. Etc.
No Value
Other benefits:
Please specify:
  1. Etc.
No Value
Other benefits:
Please specify:
  1. Etc.
No Value
Other goals: [ADD IF NEEDED]
Please specify:
  1. Etc.
No Value

Part 4 of 4: Wrap Up

Office of Operations