Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Build Smart, Build Steady: Winning Strategies for Building Integrated Corridor Management Over Time


  1. USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office - Integrated Corridor Management. Accessed April 11, 2019.
  2. Florida Department of Transportation District 5 Smart Roads. Accessed April 11, 2019.
  3. Hatcher, G., Campos, J., Hardesty, D., and Hicks, J. "Mainstreaming Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) - An Executive Level Primer," FHWA-HOP-19-040, April 2019.
  4. FHWA Corridor Traffic Management. Accessed April 11, 2019.
  5. Wunderlich, K and Alexiadis, V. "Incorporating Freight, Transit, and Incident Response Stakeholders into Integrated Corridor Management (ICM): Processes and Strategies for Implementation," NCHRP Report 899, September 2019.
  6. Motiani, D., Spiller, N, Compin, N., Reshadi, A., Umfleet, B., Westhuis, T., Miller, K., and Sadegh, A. "Advances In Strategies For Implementing Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)," NCHRP Report 20-68A, Scan 12-02, October 2014.
  7. Christie, B., Hardesty, D., Hatcher, G., and Mercer, M. "Integrated Corridor Management: Implementation Guide and Lessons Learned (Final Report Version 2.0)," FHWA-JPO-16-280, September 2015.
  8. Wunderlich, K., Vasudevan, M., and Wang, P. "TAT Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software, 2019 Update to the 2004 Version," FHWA-HOP-18-036, April 2019.
Office of Operations