Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Integrating Travel Time Reliability into Transportation System Management: Final Technical Memorandum

List of Acronyms

ATM active traffic management
ATMS advanced traffic management systems
AV automated vehicles
CAD computer aided dispatch
Caltrans California Department of Transportation
CAV connected and automated vehicles
CCTV closed circuit television
CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation
CDTC Capital District Transportation Committee (NY)
CMAP Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
CMP Congestion Management Process
CMSP (Minnesota) Congestion Management and Safety Plan
COMPASS Community Planning Association (of Southwest Idaho)
DOT department of transportation
DSS decision support systems
ESS Environmental Senor Stations
FAST Fixing America's Surface Transportation (Act)
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
HOV high-occupancy vehicle
HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program
ICM integrated corridor management
IDOT Illinois Department of Transportation
ITS intelligent transportation systems
MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (Act)
MIST Management Information System for Transportation (NY)
MnDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation
MPO metropolitan planning organization
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NHS National Highway System
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPMRDS National Performance Management Research Data Set
PennDOT Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
PTI planning time index
RDAT reliability and data analysis tools
ROI return-on-investment
RTC Regional Transportation Commission
RTP regional transportation plan
RWIS road weather information system
SHRP2 Second Strategic Highway Research Program
SMART specific, measurable, agreed-upon, realistic, and time-bound
SOV single occupancy vehicle
TMC transportation management center
TSMO transportation systems management and operations
TTI travel time index
TTRMS travel time reliability monitoring system
TTTR truck travel time reliability
VMT vehicle miles traveled
Office of Operations