United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables
Metro Plans | United States |
Atlanta Truck Parking Study
The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), along with a consultant team led by RS&H, conducted the Atlanta Regional Truck Parking Assessment Study for the 20-county Atlanta region. This study was a recommendation from the 2016 Atlanta Regional Freight Mobility Plan Update based on information gathered about truck parking demand from local, regional, and Federal sources. During that planning process, many cities and counties in the Atlanta Region identified truck parking as an issue in their jurisdiction. The purpose of this study was to identify ways to help facilitate development of a well-planned regional truck parking network that meets existing and future truck parking needs. Goals for this plan emphasize safety, quality of life, efficient operations, economic development, and coordinated planning and development. This study was primarily focused on truck parking needs related to Federal hours-of-service requirements and also focused on parking demand for truck staging near industrial facilities. This study resulted in potential recommendations for both infrastructure projects and policies that could be implemented to address truck parking needs across the Atlanta Region. Since the study's completion, ARC has focused on moving towards implementation by working with the public and private sectors. More information can be found on the project's website, atlantaregional.org/truckparking.

Truck parking is concentrated in the south and west sides of the Atlanta Region, in addition to locations just outside of the MPO's boundaries.
Source: Atlanta Regional Commission.
Project Type
Metropolitan Plan.
Period of Performance
April 2017 - June 2018.
Project Site
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Daniel Studdard
Principal Planner
Atlanta Regional Commission
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
(470) 378-1593
Topics Addressed
- Other: Regional Truck Parking.
Key Outcomes
Recommendations focus on the following strategies:
- Add/expand truck parking supply.
- Develop truck parking policies.
- Develop truck parking partnerships.
- Improve sharing of truck parking information.
- Monitor/integrate future technology.
Expanding the truck parking supply is the most important and most difficult of these strategies but is challenging due to zoning, land costs, and NIMBYism. With the study complete and the focus now on adding parking, the second most populous county in the State has begun a truck parking study focused on implementation while other local jurisdictions have expressed interest in updating their zoning code related to parking. Staff from TSPS, a truck parking company, have also presented at a regional transportation meeting and conducted individual meetings with local governments and Community Improvement Districts (CIDs).
Stakeholder Involvement
ARC used stakeholder interviews, a survey, and its Freight Advisory Task Force to engage with Georgia DOT, FHWA, local government transportation/land use planners, CIDs, and the private sector. ARC had a separate survey to gather input from truck drivers about parking issues in their region.