United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables
Pilot | United States |
Design and Delivery of an Urban Freight Transportation Management Planning Certificate
In 2017, METRANS researchers designed and delivered an Urban Freight Transportation Management Planning Certificate pilot course. This class, which was conducted over four consecutive Fridays in February and March, addressed multi-modal transportation conflicts in urban areas. Participants in this course included employees of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as well as representatives of Los Angeles City Council offices. The curriculum was designed to help local planners analyze the potential conflicts between freight and passenger movement planning using a hypothetical Los Angeles case study. Specific topics addressed in the course included:
- Geography of the supply chain and trucking perspective on the passenger-freight conflict;
- Local planning approaches to integrate goods movement into site specific planning and innovative approaches to last mile deliveries; and
- Identifying solutions with the help of a GIS data collection tool.
Project Type
Period of Performance
January 2017 - June 2018.
Project Site
Los Angeles, California, USA.
Tom O’Brien
METRANS/California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California, USA
(562) 985-2877
Topics Addressed
- Other: Passenger-freight conflicts.
- Other: Lack of urban freight-specific training materials.
Expected Outcomes
The pilot program will result in curricular materials that will be used in a regular professional development course offering. The walk audit app will be incorporated into both credit and non-credit course offerings.
Stakeholder Involvement
The course was developed in conjunction with LA Metro. Participants from LA Metro, Caltrans and local council offices took part as students and provided valuable feedback on curricular materials and course delivery. LA Metro is assisting with the development of the next pilot, focused on the consulting community, by facilitating access to consultants registered with the agency.