United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables
Research | Metro Plans | United States |
Research Support for the California Freight Action Plan
In June 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order calling for a "sustainable freight action plan" to be developed and accepted within one year. Several State agencies, including the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), were tasked with developing the plan in collaboration with the freight industry. CARB and Caltrans turned to the academic community for research support. A "Freight Efficiency Group" was formed, with membership representing all of the major segments of the supply chain. Faculty experts from University of California Davis and METRAN Transportation Center (University of Southern California and California State University, Long Beach) were also included. Faculty members worked with industry committees on various topics, wrote white papers, and identified priority strategies for achieving the goals of the plan. The California Sustainable Freight Action Plan (CSFAC) was approved July 2016. METRANS faculty continue to provide research support. Current projects include:
- Assessment of freight efficiency metrics for measuring plan performance;
- Assessment of Caltrans workforce needs in order to manage the various State freight programs;
- Development of economic competitiveness metrics for measuring plan performance; and
- Assessment of industry workforce needs associated with plan implementation.
Project Types
Research, Metropolitan Plans.
Period of Performance.
June 2015 - December 2018.
Project Site
California, USA.
Genevieve Giuliano
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA
(213) 740-3956
Topics Addressed
- Air quality/environment.
- Economic competitiveness.
- Energy consumption.
Expected Outcomes
The CSFAC is expected to contribute to achieving California's greenhouse gas reduction goals. Research support is helping State agencies implement the strategies outlined in the CSFAC.
Stakeholder Involvement
This project is entirely stakeholder driven. It includes several State agencies, as well as a wide array of industry segments, including ports, ocean carriers, trucking, rail, agriculture, wholesale, distribution, and retail.