Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Enhancing Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) with Advanced and Emerging Technologies and Data Sources

List of Acronyms

ACC adaptive cruise control
ADM active demand management
AI artificial intelligence
AID automatic incident detection
AMS analysis, modeling, and simulation
APC automatic passenger counters
APM active parking management
ATDM active transportation and demand management
ATM active traffic management
ATMS advanced transportation management system
AV autonomous vehicle
AVL automatic vehicle location
BI buffer index
BSM basic safety message
CAD computer aided dispatch
CAPRI congestion and parking relief incentives
CAV connected and autonomous vehicle
CCP connected citizen program
CCTV closed circuit television
CIP continuous improvement process
ConOps concept of operations
COP common operating picture
DL deep learning
DMA dynamic mobility application
DMS dynamic message sign
DOT department of transportation
DSRC dedicated short range communications
DSS decision support system
ETL extract, transform, load
FAST Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act
FAVES fleets of autonomous vehicles that are electric and shared
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FIPS Federal information processing standard
GID geometric intersection description
GIS geographic information system
GPS global positioning system
HD high definition
HOT high occupancy toll
HOV high occupancy vehicle
I- Interstate
ICM integrated corridor management
ICMS integrated corridor management system
IMO integrated mobile operations
IMU inertial measurement unit
IAC infrastructure as code
IoT Internet of things
IT information technology
ITS intelligent transportation system
JPO Joint Program Office
LCS lane control system
LDM logical data management
LiDAR light detection and ranging
MAW motorist advisory warning
M&O management and operations
ML machine learning
MOE measure of effectiveness
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
O&M operations and maintenance
OD origin destination
PB petabyte
PCP pre-commercial procurement
PDM physical data management
PII personally identifiable information
PMT person miles traveled
PTI planning time index
RFID radio frequency identification
ROI return on investment
RWIS road weather information system
SANDAG San Diego Association of Governments
SMART specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound
SPAT signal phasing and timing
SR State route
STIP Statewide transportation improvement program
TB terabyte
TIPS transportation improvement programs
TMC traffic management center
TM CMF traffic management capability maturity framework
TM CMM traffic management organizational capability maturity model
TRB Transportation Research Board
TSMO transportation systems management and operations
TIRTL infrared traffic logger
USDOT u.s. Department of Transportation
UAV unmanned aerial vehicles
V2I vehicle to infrastructure
V2P vehicle to pedestrian
V2V vehicle to vehicle
V2X vehicle to others
VCTMC virtual corridor transportation management center
VDT vehicle data translator
VIPS video image processing system
VMS variable message sign
VMT vehicle miles traveled
VSL variable speed limit
WRTM weather responsive traffic management
  Last modified: April 24, 2020  
Office of Operations