Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Model Systems Engineering Documents for Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) Systems

Appendix A: Concept of Operations Table of Sample Statements

ConOps Reference Number ConOps Sample Statements
1 Chapter 1: Scope
1.1 Document Purpose and Scope
1.1-1 The scope of this document covers the consideration of a DMS System for use within [describe the agency and/or geographic area covered by this consideration].
1.1-2 This document describes and provides a rationale for the expected operations of the proposed DMS System.
1.1-3 It documents the outcome of stakeholder discussions and consensus building that has been undertaken to ensure that the system that is implemented is operationally feasible and has the support of stakeholders.
1.1-4 The intended audience of this document includes: system operators, remote system operators, administrators, decision-makers, elected officials, other nontechnical readers and other stakeholders who will share the operation of the system or be directly affected by it.
1.2 Project Purpose and Scope
1.2-1 A DMS System provides transportation system managers with a tool to convey information to the traveling public.
1.2-2 The purpose of having a DMS System is to provide the traveling public with actionable information affecting the transportation network. The information can be advisory in nature such as road closures, traffic congestion, estimated travel times and weather watches/warnings/alerts. The information can also be regulatory in nature such as speed limits, lane controls, amber alert, mandatory detour information, hurricane evacuation and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane access requirements.
1.2-3 This project will allow [specify agency name] to convey information affecting the transportation network [summarize briefly the types of sign content expected].
1.2-4 Other agencies [specify which agencies] will be able to access the DMS System to view messages on the signs.
1.2-5 Other agencies [specify which agencies] will be able to access the DMS System to place messages on the signs.
1.2-6 The DMS System will be integrated with [name other systems, such as a traffic management software system].
1.3 Procurement
1.3-1 The DMS System will be procured using [Edit this or choose alternative statement].
1.3-1.1 a combination of best value procurement for software and system integration services, and low-bid procurement for equipment and construction services.
1.3-1.2 a best value procurement process based on responses to a request for proposals.
1.3-1.3 a low-bid process based on detailed plans and technical specifications.
1.3-2 A request for qualifications (RFQ) will be issued to all potential vendors. Responses will be used to develop a short list of suitable systems and a request for proposals (RFP) will be issued to those vendors. The selected system will be the one that provides the best value, subject to financial and schedule constraints.
1.3-3 Field equipment (parts and labor) will be procured using a low-bid process based on detailed plans and technical specifications.
1.3-4 A detailed procurement plan will be prepared after the system requirements have been determined.
2 Chapter 2: Referenced Documents
2-1 The following documents have been used in the preparation of this Concept of Operations and stakeholder discussions. Some of these documents provide policy guidance for DMS System operation in this area, some are standards with which the system must comply, while others report the conclusions of discussions, workshops and other research used to define the needs of the project and subsequently identify project requirements.
2-1.1 References Specific to the DMS System Locations

*Business Planning / Strategic Planning Documents for relevant agencies

*Concept of Operations for related agency/facility-specific systems

*Requirements of related systems

*Studies identifying operational needs

*Regional ITS Architecture documents

*Planning studies and Master Plans

*Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP)

*Long Range Transportation Plans

2-1.2 Systems Engineering

*"Systems Engineering Guidebook for ITS", California Department of Transportation, Division of Research & Innovation, Version 3.0, <>

*"Systems Engineering for Intelligent Transportation Systems, An Introduction for Transportation Professionals",

*"Developing Functional Requirements for ITS Projects", Mitretek Systems, April 2002

*"Developing and Using a Concept of Operations in Transportation Management System, FHWA TMC Pooled-Fund Study (

2-1.3 DMS Systems Insert any DMS Systems used as a reference here.
2-1.4 ITS,Operations, Architecture, Other

* FHWA Rule 940, Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 5 / Monday, January 8, 2001 / Rules and Regulations, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Federal Highway Administration 23 CFR Parts 655 and 940, (FHWA Docket No. FHWA-99-5899] RIN 2125-AE65 Intelligent Transportation System Architecture and Standards

* Regional ITS Architecture Guidance Document; “Developing, Using, and Maintaining an ITS Architecture for your Region; National ITS Architecture Team; October, 2001

2-1.5 NTCIP

* NTCIP 1203 – NTCIP Objects for Dynamic Message Signs (Version used for reference with these model documents is v03A-SE.06)

* List other applicable NTCIP standards

2-1.6 NEMA

* NEMA TS 4-2016

2-1.7 Procurement

* NCHRP 560: <>

* Special Experimental Project 14 (SEP 14): <>

* The Road to Successful ITS Software Acquisition: <>

3 Chapter 3: User-Oriented Operational Description
3.1 The Existing Situation and Limitations of the Existing System
3.1-1 [Explain how the lack of or inadequacy of DMS is preventing achieving transportation management operational objectives. Describe the problem to be solved by deploying DMS technologies.]
3.2 Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Proposed System
3.2-1 The agencies vision, goals and objectives for the proposed system are: [extract a summary from relevant planning documents. If planning documents do not provide vision, goals and objectives for the role of DMS in transportation management, summarize that role here].
3.3 Strategies to be Applied by the Improved System
3.3-1 A set of use cases describe the strategies applied for a new or improved DMS System. The use cases defined in chapter three provide the framework for the user needs defined in chapter four of this document.
3.3.1 General Actors
3.3.1-1 The general actors listed below represent the various roles and systems that interact with the DMS System. Each actor represents a role, a user can have multiple roles and there can be multiple for the same type of actor. For example, a DMS System Maintainer and a DMS System User could be the same person or they could be different people. DMS System Owner The agency or organization that owns the system and sets policy for its use is represented by the DMS System Owner actor. DMS System Manager This actor represents the role of an operator of the DMS system. The DMS System Manager is expected to have full control of the system. The DMS System Manager assigns DMS System Users and DMS System Maintainers their system permissions and capabilities. DMS System User DMS System Users are granted access to the system for various duties, including viewing, controlling, and configuring the system, as configured by the DMS System Manager. Users may be local or remote, but have access to the system controlling the camera in question. A DMS System User also includes external systems such as an ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management System) whose users aren't identified as users of the DMS System. It is left up to the ATMS for example to control the access of the ATMS users. DMS System Maintainer This actor represents the role of a maintainer of the DMS System responsible for diagnosing and testing the DMS System. DMS System Designer The DMS System Designer actor represents the role of the designer of the DMS System taking into account overall system requirements and constraints. Traveling Public This actor represents the role of the traveling public viewing the sign face of the DMS Field Equipment including any DMS Field Equipment External Devices such as beacons.
3.3.2 Use Cases
3.3.2-1 Use cases capture the high-level typical interactions between a user and a computer system. A user case needs to address a discrete goal of the user. Besides the common use cases of system support (e.g., configuration, maintenance, etc.) the DMS Management System use cases give the system operator the ability to convey actionable information to travelers. Configuring the DMS Management System The DMS System Manager configures the DMS Management System to control system access by other users (DMS System User and DMS System Maintainer). Various users will have different access to the DMS Management System capabilities such as viewing messages on signs, placing messages on signs, running system diagnostics and testing. The DMS System Manger will set each user's permissions to access these capabilities. The DMS System Manager configures the DMS Management System to arbitrate competing user requests for DMS Management System access such as particular DMS. The DMS System Owner specifies the number of users to be accommodated by the DMS Management System at any one time based on DMS system design. The DMS System User determines the DMS Field Equipment characteristics and capabilities. The DMS System User manages the DMS Field Equipment fonts, graphics, and brightness level thresholds. Monitoring DMS Field Equipment For general DMS Field Equipment monitoring, the DMS System User interacts with the DMS Management System to determine what message is currently displayed on the sign face. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to relinquish monitoring of a DMS Field Equipment. Controlling DMS Field Equipment The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to place information on or remove information from the sign face to convey proper information to travelers. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to define and store sign messages. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to remove any messages displayed on a sign. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to prioritize particular sign messages. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to schedule the display of particular stored sign messages. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to activate and display a previously defined message to be displayed on the sign face. The priority of the sign message to be displayed will take into account the priority of the currently displayed sign message. The DMS System User will specify the desired duration of the message to be displayed. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to specify which message should be displayed when certain non-scheduled events occur, such as loss of communication or loss of power. The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System to control the sign brightness either directly or through an automated algorithm. Controlling External Devices The DMS System User uses the DMS Management System's auxiliary ports on the sign controller to control external devices, such as High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Gates. Logging DMS Management System Data The DMS System Maintainer specifies what DMS Management System events are logged. The DMS System Maintainer specifies the size and timeframe of the DMS Management System's log. The DMS System Maintainer accesses the log of the DMS Management System to review it. The DMS System Maintainer accesses the log of the DMS Management System to review diagnostic and alarms. Maintaining the DMS Management System The DMS System Maintainer maintains the DMS Management System by performing and testing all DMS capabilities both locally and remotely. The DMS System Maintainer maintains the DMS Management System by performing remote updates of the DMS firmware and DMS system software. The DMS System Maintainer can remotely reset the sign controller to attempt to recover from a software failure. The DMS System Maintainer can enable or disable the periodic exercise of pixels (activated either manually or via a schedule) to ensure they are performing reliably. Determining DMS Field Equipment Siting The DMS System Designer will specify the DMS Field Equipment siting characteristics taking into account best placement for traveler decisions based on actionable information and system maintenance requirements. Interfaces The DMS System User interfaces with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers within the DMS Management System. The DMS System Maintainer replaces DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers within the DMS Management System. The DMS System Designer specifies different DMS Field Equipment interface standards within the DMS Management System. The DMS System Designer specifies the existing DMS interfaces in order to integrate new DMS Field Equipment into an existing DMS Management System. The DMS System Designer specifies the existing DMS Field Equipment interfaces in order to integrate a new DMS Management System with existing DMS Field Equipment. Failure Management The DMS System User detects a suspected system failure, runs the system diagnostics and refers the issue to the DMS System Maintainer. The DMS System User detects a suspected communications failure, runs the communication diagnostics and refers the issue to the DMS System Maintainer.
3.4 Alternative Strategies Considered
3.4-1 Agencies use DMS to provide facility-specific information to travelers in real time, to achieve a spatial diversion of demand away from a temporal bottleneck, or to provide the traveler with information needed in response to specific real-time scenarios that require textual presentation (such as for AMBER alerts) that do not require the use of a hand-held device while driving. Other traveler information technologies may also emerge in the future that will attain the objective of providing facility-specific information in real time. Highway advisory radio attains the objective of providing more detailed information beyond what can be represented on DMS, but usually requires a DMS to trigger a traveler to tune to the HAR frequency. The operational purpose of DMS has been established in the planning documents (if available) referenced in Chapter 2. Operational alternatives have been considered during the planning of this project. Some operational choices for types of signs and overall characteristics are made in this document, based on the needs identified in Chapter 4. These include, for example, the use of permanent versus portable DMS, variable versus fixed or changeable messaging, associated external devices, overall system architecture, and so on. Technological alternatives for dynamic message signs will be considered during the design stage of this project, in response to the Requirements.

ConOps Reference Number ConOps Sample Statement System Requirements
4 Chapter 4: Operational Needs No Value
4-1 Note: There is a wide variety of DMS Field Equipment available in the marketplace. The user needs listed below contain features that are not applicable to all DMS Field Equipment. The DMS Management System may need to accommodate one or more of these DMS Field Equipment variations. [The user of these Model System Engineering Documents must categorize the DMS Field Equipment according to several key characteristics prior to determining which user needs, and by extension requirements, are mandatory for a particular deployment. The DMS Field Equipment characteristics include DMS Field Equipment Type, Portable or Fixed DMS Field Equipment, DMS Field Equipment Technology, DMS Field Equipment Display Matrix Configuration and DMS Field Equipment External Devices.] No Value
4.1 Control Access to DMS Management System (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Configuring the DMS Management System use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.1

Access Control


The DMS System Manager needs access to the DMS Management System.

The DMS Management System shall enforce access control of all users. The DMS System Manager needs access for DMS Management System configuration.

The DMS Management System shall enforce access control of all users.

The DMS System Manager needs to configure DMS System User access.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to assign access control credentials to DMS System Users. The DMS System Manager needs to configure DMS System Maintainer access.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to assign access control credentials to DMS System Maintainers.

The DMS System Manager needs access to the DMS Management System to select DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to select the DMS Field Equipment. The DMS System Manager needs access to the DMS Management System to control DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to control the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS System Manager needs access to the DMS Management System to control external devices.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to control external devices attached to the DMS Controller. The DMS System Manager needs access to the DMS Management System logged data.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to access its logged data.


The DMS System User needs access to the DMS Management System as configured by the DMS System Manager.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to grant access to the DMS Management System by the DMS System User. The DMS System User needs access to the DMS Management System to select DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to select DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS System User needs access to the DMS Management System to control DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to control DMS Field Equipment. The DMS System User needs access to the DMS Management System to control external devices.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to control external devices.

The DMS Management System shall control external devices such as flashers or beacons when directed by the DMS System User. Note: Agency policy may dictate when flashers and/or beacons may be used (e.g., lane blockage only).

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to specify automatically including flashers or beacons based on message type.


The DMS System Maintainer needs access to the DMS Management System as configured by the DMS System Manager.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to grant access to the DMS Management System by the DMS System Maintainer. The DMS System Maintainer needs access to the DMS Management System to select DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to select DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS System Maintainer needs access to the DMS Management System to control DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to control DMS Field Equipment. The DMS System Maintainer needs access to the DMS Management System to control external devices.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to control external devices.

The DMS System Maintainer needs access to the DMS Management System to run system diagnostics and testing.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to run system diagnostics and testing. The DMS System Maintainer needs access to the DMS Management System to repair it.

The DMS Management System shall provide access to the DMS System Maintainer to repair it.

The DMS System Manager needs to organize DMS System Users into groups.

The DMS Management System shall organize DMS System Users into groups.

Membership in the group shall be defined by the DMS System Manager. The DMS System Manager needs to specify named groups of DMS System Users and place those users in the group.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to specify named user groups and place those users in the group.

The DMS System Manager needs to specify which signs will be shared by individual or groups of users.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to specify which signs will be shared with individual users or user groups. The DMS System Manager needs to specify which users or groups of users can access the archived logged data.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to specify which individual users or user groups can access the archived logged data.

The DMS System Manager needs to protect the integrity of archived and logged data.

The DMS Management System shall assign which signs are shared by individual users or groups of users. The DMS System Manager needs to specify which users or groups of users can access the archived logged data.

Access to archived data shall be assigned by the DMS System Manager to users or groups.

The DMS System Manager needs to protect the integrity of archived and logged data.

The DMS Management System shall not allow archived data to be altered.

4.2 Configure DMS Management System (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Configuring the DMS Management System use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.2

Configure DMS Management System


The DMS System Manager needs to configure the DMS Management System data logging parameters.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to configure the DMS Management System data logging parameters.

4.2.2 The DMS System Manager needs to accommodate [specify] users with access to the DMS Management System. [This may be further defined by type of user and their bandwidth consumption.]

The DMS System Management System shall accommodate [specify number] users at different physically accessed terminals as configured by the DMS System Manager.

The DMS System Management System shall accommodate [specify types of] users as configured by the DMS System Manager.


The DMS System Manager needs to configure the system to arbitrate competing requests for access, including providing automatic timeouts, transfer of access, and other DMS Field Equipment user access issues. [Describe the desired operation, and choose the requirements relevant to the desired operation. Options: DMS Field Equipment ownership, last user control, first-come-first-served, etc.]

The DMS System Management System shall arbitrate competing requests for access, including providing automatic timeouts, transfer of access, and other DMS Field Equipment user access issues as configured by the DMS System Manager. [Describe the desired operation, and choose the requirements relevant to the desired operation. Options: DMS Field Equipment ownership, last user control, first-come-first-served, etc.]

4.2.4 Managing DMS Field Equipment Configuration No Value

The DMS System User needs to determine the identity of the DMS Field Equipment and its basic information including type (Blank-out Sign, Changeable Message Sign, or Variable Message Sign), technology, manufacturer, model and version number for both hardware and software elements.

The DMS Management System shall determine the identity of the DMS Field Equipment based on a DMS System User request.

The DMS Management System shall determine the sign type (Blank-out Sign, Changeable Message Sign, or Variable Message Sign) based on a DMS System User request.

The DMS Management System shall determine the sign technology (mostly LED) based on a DMS System User request.

The DMS Management System shall determine the manufacturer based on a DMS System User request.

The DMS Management System shall determine the model and version number for both hardware and software elements based on a DMS System User request. The DMS System User needs to determine the sign display characteristics of the DMS Field Equipment in order to determine if a given message can be displayed on the sign.

The DMS Management System shall tell the DMS System User if an entered message can be displayed on a given sign.

The DMS Management System shall limit the sign types available to the DMS System User based on a given message and different sign display capabilities.

The DMS Management System shall manage variations in a given message to be displayed on signs with different capabilities. The DMS System User needs to define and edit the appearance of fonts used to display messages on DMS Field Equipment throughout the DMS Management System.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to define and edit the appearance of fonts (i.e., type, color and size) used to display messages on DMS Field Equipment throughout the DMS Management System. The DMS System User needs to define the appearance of graphics used to for display on DMS Field Equipment for later use, manage existing graphics and determine graphics storage capabilities throughout the DMS Management System.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to define the appearance of graphics used to for display on DMS Field Equipment for later use.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to edit vendor supplied graphics.

The DMS Management System shall allow import of graphics generated independently by the DMS System User.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to manage existing graphics.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to determine the graphics storage capabilities throughout the DMS Management System.

The DMS Management System shall assist the DMS System User in determining which graphics are compatible with each sign type. The DMS System User needs to configure when the DMS Field Equipment may automatically switch between brightness levels based on changing lighting conditions.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to configure when the DMS Field Equipment may automatically switch between brightness levels based on changing lighting conditions. The DMS System User needs to configure the speed limit applicable to the location of the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to configure the speed limit applicable to the location of the DMS Field Equipment. Note: this requirement is typically for portable DMS Field Equipment that act a speed warning signs. The DMS System User needs to configure the threshold when the fuel in a generator powering a DMS Field Equipment is considered low. This is typically only for Portable DMS Field Equipment that use generators.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to configure the threshold when the fuel in a generator powering a DMS Field Equipment is considered low. Note: this requirement is typically only for portable DMS Field Equipment that use generators.

4.2.5 Managing DMS Messages No Value

The DMS System Manager needs to configure message priority for each DMS.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to configure message priority for each DMS.

The DMS Field Equipment shall display the message with the highest priority or the message with the latest start time if at the same priority as the message being displayed. The DMS System User needs to create schedules assigning messages to particular DMS according to a start time, duration and message priority.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to create schedules assigning messages to particular DMS according to a start time, duration and message priority.

The DMS System User needs to be able to override the currently displayed message on a DMS.

The DMS Management System shall give the highest priority to messages being manually engaged by the DMS System User.

4.3 Monitoring DMS (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Monitoring DMS Field Equipment use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.3

Monitoring DMS Field Equipment


The DMS System User needs to select which DMS Field Equipment to view the current message displayed on the sign face.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to select which DMS Field Equipment to view the current message displayed on the sign face.

4.3.2 The DMS System Manager needs to monitor the DMS Field Equipment control source (e.g., central system, DMS time-based scheduler, individual physically present at the DMS site).

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Manager to monitor the DMS Field Equipment control source (e.g., central system, DMS time-based scheduler, individual physically present at the DMS site).

The DMS Management System performance monitoring shall conform, at a minimum, to NEMA TS 4-2016.


Controlling DMS (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Controlling DMS Field Equipment use case in Chapter Three)


Controlling DMS Field Equipment

4.4.1 The DMS System User needs to control the DMS Field Equipment from both remote and local locations.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User control of the DMS Field Equipment from both remote and local locations.


DMS System Users need to be prevented from interfering with one another for simultaneous control of a DMS Field Equipment.

DMS Management System shall prevent DMS System Users from interfering with one another for simultaneous control of a DMS Field Equipment.

4.4.3 Controlling the DMS Field Equipment Sign Face

Controlling the DMS Field Equipment Sign Face

The DMS System User needs to be able to activate a stored message to be displayed on the sign face.

The DMS Management System User shall activate a stored message to be displayed on the sign face upon request of a DMS System User. The DMS System User needs to specify the duration for the display of the activated message including its relative priority in order to possibly override the currently displayed message.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to specify the duration for the display of the activated message including its relative priority in order to possibly override the currently displayed message.

The DMS System User needs to prioritize messages.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to prioritize messages. The DMS System User needs to create a message and modify its format and content.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to create a message and modify its format and content.

The DMS System User needs to uniquely identify a message.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to uniquely identify a message. The DMS System User needs to ensure that a message is complete.

The DMS Management System shall assist the DMS System User in ensuring that a message is complete by viewing it in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) format.

The DMS System User needs to develop an approved word list including standardized abbreviations.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to develop an approved word list including standardized abbreviations. The DMS System User needs to use the approved word list in developing a message.

The DMS Management System shall recommend words and abbreviations from the approved word list to the DMS System User.

The DMS System User needs to ensure that a message does not have offensive language.

The DMS Management System shall assist the DMS System User in ensuring that the message does not contain offensive language. The DMS System User needs to define the exact contents of the message to be displayed on the sign face.

The DMS Management System shall assist the DMS System User in defining the exact contents of the message to be displayed on the sign face.

The DMS System User needs to define if the display of a message activates beacons. [Specify if supported]

The DMS Management System shall provide the capability for the DMS System User to define if the display of a message activates beacons. [Specify if supported] The DMS System User needs to store a newly created or modified message in a library of messages.

The DMS Management System shall store a newly created or modified message by the DMS System User in a library of messages.

The DMS System User needs to blank or remove any messages displayed on a sign.

The DMS Management System shall blank or remove any messages displayed on a sign upon request by the DMS System User. The DMS System User needs to schedule when messages are displayed on DMS Field Equipment. These are the stored messages that are displayed unless overridden by a manually activated message.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to schedule when messages are displayed on DMS Field Equipment. These are the stored messages that are displayed unless overridden by a manually activated message.

The DMS System User needs to set a series of times when a stored message, including a blank message, will be activated.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to set a series of times when a stored message, including a blank message, will be activated. The DMS System User needs to set which message will be displayed when certain non-scheduled events occur such as loss of communications or power.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to set which message will be displayed when certain non-scheduled events occur such as loss of communications or power.

The DMS System User needs to directly control the sign brightness.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to directly control the sign brightness. The DMS System User needs to configure automated algorithms that can adjust brightness levels based on the ambient light levels.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to configure automated algorithms that can adjust brightness levels based on the ambient light levels.

4.5 Controlling External Devices 3.1.5

Controlling External Devices

4.5.1 The DMS System User needs to control external devices through the auxiliary ports of the sign controller.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to control external devices through the auxiliary ports of the sign controller.

The DMS System User needs to control High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Gates attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to control High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Gates attached to the DMS Field Equipment. The DMS System User needs to control Beacons attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to control Beacons attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS System User needs to configure and monitor any speed detectors attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to monitor any speed detectors attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Field Equipment shall detect speed and display speed threshold limits with detected speed. The DMS System User needs to configure, monitor and control environmental sensors attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to monitor and control environmental sensors attached to the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Field Equipment shall detect environmental conditions and display environmental conditions.

The DMS System User needs to control other external devices. [Specify other types of external devices]]

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to control other external devices. [Specify other types of external devices]

4.6 DMS Management System Logging (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Logging DMS Management System Data use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.6

DMS Management System Logging


The DMS System Maintainer needs to access and review the DMS Management System log(s).

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer access to the DMS Management System log(s).

4.6.2 The DMS System Maintainer needs to specify what DMS Management System events are logged.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to specify what DMS Management System events are logged.

4.6.3 The DMS System Maintainer needs to specify, for each log, the log size and/or duration for the DMS Management System.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to specify, for each log, the log size and/or duration for the DMS Management System.

4.6.4 The DMS System Maintainer needs to access and review a history (log) of the following diagnostic information [specify] and alarms [specify] for a period of [specify] days.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to access and review a history (log) of the following diagnostic information [specify] and alarms [specify] for a period of [specify] days.


DMS Management System Maintenance (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Maintaining the DMS Management System use case in Chapter Three)


DMS Management System Maintenance

4.7.1 The DMS System Maintainer needs to maintain DMS Management System operations.

The DMS Management System operations shall be maintainable by the DMS System Maintainer.

The DMS System User needs durable equipment. [Add descriptions of what this means]

The DMS Field Equipment shall be durable to support operations. [Specify description of what this means] The DMS System User needs equipment designed for environmental conditions.

The DMS Field Equipment shall conform to the environmental conditions specified in NEMA TS 4-2016. [Description needs to include conditions under which the equipment will be operated. Reference NEMA TS 4-2016. Does it need to withstand rain? Inundation? High-pressure hose-down? High wind? High (or low) temperatures? IPC67? IEC 60529? NEMA (Type R, Type X, etc.)? Ground cabinets versus signs.]

The DMS System Maintainer needs serviceable field equipment.

The DMS Field Equipment shall be serviceable. [Specify how to access for maintenance, crane, bucket truck, requirements for maintainer to be protected by elements] The DMS System Maintainer needs to have access to replacement parts for the life of the system [specified period of time].

The DMS Field Equipment shall have readily available replacement parts for the life of the system [specified period of time].

The DMS System Maintainer needs to remotely test devices via IP protocol.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to remotely test DMS Field Equipment via IP protocol. The DMS System Maintainer needs diagnostic information that the DMS Field Equipment collects about itself at the direction of the Maintainer.

The DMS Management System shall provide diagnostic information via NTCIP 1203 protocols that the DMS Field Equipment collects about itself, defined in Section 9 of NEMA TS4-2016 at the direction of the DMS System Maintainer.

The DMS System Maintainer needs to enable or disable the periodic exercise of pixels (activated either manually or via a schedule) to ensure they are performing reliably.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to enable or disable the periodic exercise of pixels (activated either manually or via a schedule) to ensure they are performing reliably. The DMS System Maintainer needs the following failure conditions to trigger alarms visible to the DMS System User. [It is only necessary for the DMS Field Equipment to support information about capabilities actually present in the DMS Field Equipment. For example, a matrix sign does not provide the drum-rotor status items, and a drum sign does not provide the pixel status items.]
  1. Power Sources
  2. Power Supplies
  3. Lamps
  4. Pixels
  5. Light Level Sensors
  6. Sign Controller
  7. Temperature Sensors
  8. Humidity
  9. Internal Environmental Systems (Fans and/or Heaters)
  10. Drum Sign Rotors
  11. External Device Errors

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to troubleshoot the following failure conditions to trigger alarms visible to the DMS System User. [It is only necessary for the DMS Field Equipment to support information about capabilities actually present in the DMS Field Equipment. For example, a matrix sign does not provide the drum-rotor status items, and a drum sign does not provide the pixel status items.]

  1. Power Sources
  2. Power Supplies
  3. Lamps
  4. Pixels
  5. Light Level Sensors
  6. Sign Controller
  7. Temperature Sensors
  8. Humidity
  9. Internal Environmental Systems (Fans and/or Heaters)
  10. Drum Sign Rotors
  11. External Device Errors The DMS System Maintainer needs to obtain detailed information about a reported warning or error condition within a subsystem (detailed-level diagnostics).

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to obtain detailed information about a reported warning or error condition within a subsystem (detailed-level diagnostics). The DMS System User needs to monitor errors associated with defining or activating a particular message.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to monitor errors associated with defining or activating a particular message.

The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the temperature and humidity within the sign housing and control cabinet.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the temperature within the sign housing. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016]

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the temperature within the control cabinet. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016]

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the humidity within the sign housing. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016]

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the humidity within the control cabinet. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016] The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor for any errors related to the attached external devices to the DMS Field Equipment. [Specify external devices.]

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor for any errors related to the attached external devices to the DMS Field Equipment. [Specify external devices.] The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the status (opened, closed) of the doors to the sign housing and control cabinet.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the status (opened, closed) of the doors to the sign housing.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the status (opened, closed) of the doors to the control cabinet. The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor whether the DMS Field Equipment controller software is operating properly through the use of watchdog timers.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor whether the DMS Field Equipment controller software is operating properly through the use of watchdog timers. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016] The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the automatic display of a blank message when diagnostics detect that too many pixels are non-operational or that the light outputs are faulty.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the automatic display of a blank message when diagnostics detect that too many pixels are non-operational or that the light outputs are faulty. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016] The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the source of power that is being used to operate the DMS sign face.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the source of power that is being used to operate the DMS sign face. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016] The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the voltage level of the power that is being used to operate the DMS sign face.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the voltage level of the power that is being used to operate the DMS sign face. [Reference NEMA TS 4-2016] The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the level of fuel within the tank of a generator that is being used to operate the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the level of fuel within the tank of a generator that is being used to operate the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS System Maintainer needs to monitor the engine RPM when a generator is being used to operate the DMS Field Equipment.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to monitor the engine RPM when a generator is being used to operate the DMS Field Equipment. The DMS System Maintainer needs to run a complete diagnostic test and review the results.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System Maintainer to run complete diagnostics and store the results for review.

4.7.2 The DMS Field Equipment in a DMS Management System need to be uniquely identifiable and locatable.

The DMS Field Equipment connected with a DMS Management System shall be uniquely identifiable.

The DMS Field Equipment connected with a DMS Management System shall be locatable.

4.7.3 The DMS System Maintainer needs to have safe access to DMS Field Equipment locations for maintenance.

The DMS Management System shall be designed by the DMS System Designer to provide the DMS System Maintainer with safe access to DMS Field Equipment locations for maintenance.


The DMS System Maintainer needs to update DMS Field Equipment controller software and firmware remotely.

The DMS Management System shall provide the DMS System Maintainer with the ability to remotely update DMS Field Equipment controller software and firmware.

4.8 DMS Field Equipment Characteristics (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Determining DMS Field Equipment Siting use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.8

DMS Field Equipment Characteristics


The Traveling Public needs to read messages on the sign face in reduced visibility conditions.

The DMS Management System shall provide the capability for the Traveling Public to read messages on the sign face in reduced visibility conditions. Note: Reference the NEMA TS 4 viewing cone.

4.8.2 The DMS System User needs to store the following information in the DMS Management System:

*DMS Field Equipment Owner

*DMS Field Equipment Unique Identifier

*DMS Field Equipment Descriptive Name

*DMS Field Equipment Location (physical, part of a corridor)

*DMS Field Equipment Type

*DMS Field Equipment Technology

*DMS Field Equipment Display Matrix Configuration

*DMS Field Equipment Fixed versus Portable

*[Specify other DMS Field Equipment characteristics]

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to store the following information in the DMS Management System:

*DMS Field Equipment Owner

*DMS Field Equipment Unique Identifier

*DMS Field Equipment Text Description [Specify number of characters of text]

*DMS Field Equipment Location (physical, part of a corridor)

*DMS Field Equipment Type (Blank Out Sign (BOS), Changeable Message Sign (CMS), or Variable Message Sign (VMS) as defined in NTCIP 1203)

*DMS Field Equipment Technology (Fiber Optic, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Flip disk or shutter, Lamp Matrix, or Drum)

*DMS Field Equipment Display Matrix Configuration (No Matrix (i.e., not a pixel matrix sign), Matrix Sign, Full Matrix, Line Matrix or Character Matrix)

*DMS Field Equipment Fixed versus Portable

*[Specify other DMS Field Equipment characteristics]

4.9 DMS Field Equipment Siting (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Determining DMS Field Equipment Siting use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.9

DMS Field Equipment Siting

4.9.1 The DMS System Designer needs to place the DMS Field Equipment at locations that provide travelers with actionable information to support the agency's operational objectives.

The DMS Field Equipment shall be placed by the DMS System Designer at locations that provide travelers with actionable information to support the agency's operational objectives.

The DMS Field Equipment sign placement shall conform, at a minimum, to NEMA TS 4-2016.


The DMS System Designer needs to have DMS Field Equipment siting take into account maintenance needs. [specify]

The DMS Field Equipment siting by the DMS System Designer shall take into account maintenance needs. [specify]

4.10 Interfaces (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Interfaces use case in Chapter Three) 3.1.10


4.10.1 The DMS System User needs to interface with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers within the same system, while satisfying all the user needs. [specify what DMS Field Equipment are being used]

The DMS Management System shall interface with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers within the same system in accordance with NTCIP 1203v03 or later at a minimum. [specify NTCIP 1203 mandatory requirements and what optional requirements needed, and what DMS Field Equipment are being used]

4.10.2 The DMS System Maintainer needs to replace DMS Field Equipment with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers.

The DMS Management System shall support the replacement by the DMS System Maintainer of existing DMS Field Equipment with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers. [specify existing system interface in accordance with NTCIP 1203].

4.10.3 The DMS System Designer needs to integrate new DMS Field Equipment with the existing DMS Management System [specify existing system interface].

The DMS Management System shall be designed to support the integration of new DMS Field Equipment with the existing DMS Management System [specify existing system interface in accordance with NTCIP 1203].

4.10.4 The DMS System Designer needs to accommodate existing communications interfaces [specify].

The DMS Management System shall be designed to accommodate existing communications interfaces [specify].


The DMS System Designer needs to follow agency IT policies. [specify]

The DMS Management System shall be designed based on agency IT policies [specify].

4.10.6 The DMS System Designer needs to design the DMS Management System interface definitions to comply (mandatory and specify optional) with the latest version of NTCIP 1203.

The DMS Management System shall interface with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers within the same system in accordance with NTCIP 1203v03 or later at a minimum. [specify NTCIP 1203 mandatory requirements and what optional requirements needed, and what DMS Field Equipment are being used]

The DMS Management System shall support the replacement by the DMS System Maintainer of existing DMS Field Equipment with DMS Field Equipment from different manufacturers. [specify existing system interface in accordance with NTCIP 1203].

The DMS Management System shall be designed to support the integration of new DMS Field Equipment with the existing DMS Management System [specify existing system interface in accordance with NTCIP 1203].

4.11 DMS Management System Performance 3.1.11

DMS Management System Performance

4.11.1 The DMS System Owner needs to accommodate [specify] users at any one time.

The DMS Management System shall accommodate [specify] users at any one time.

4.11.2 The DMS System Owner needs the DMS Management System to accommodate a minimum of [specify] signs.

The DMS Management System shall accommodate a minimum of [specify] signs.

4.11.3 The DMS System User needs to receive confirmation that a new message is placed on the DMS Field Equipment within [specify] seconds.

The DMS Management System shall provide confirmation that a new message is placed on the DMS Field Equipment within [specify] seconds.

4.12 Fault Management 3.1.12

Fault Management

4.12.1 The DMS System User needs to detect suspected system faults.

The DMS Management System shall detect suspected system faults and report them to the DMS System User.


The DMS System User needs to run diagnostics for suspected system faults.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to run diagnostics for suspected system faults.

4.12.3 The DMS System User needs to log and report suspected system faults to the DMS System Maintainer.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to log and report suspected system faults to the DMS System Maintainer.

4.12.4 The DMS System User needs to detect suspected communications faults.

The DMS Management System shall detect suspected communications faults and report them to the DMS System User.

4.12.5 The DMS System User needs to run diagnostics for suspected communications faults.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to run diagnostics for suspected communications faults.

4.12.6 The DMS System User needs to log and report suspected communications faults to the DMS System Maintainer.

The DMS Management System shall allow the DMS System User to log and report suspected communications faults to the DMS System Maintainer.

4.12.7 The DMS System Maintainer needs to know what is causing a DMS system fault by viewing the message display.

The DMS Field Equipment shall display a user defined indication of the following conditions:

*Communications fault

*[specify other faults]

[Specify the specific indicators to be used, e.g., *, 1, +, - at a specific position on the sign display]

ConOps Reference Number ConOps Sample Statements
5 Chapter 5: Envisioned DMS System Overview
5.1 Operational Objectives
5.1.1 The primary operational objective of the agency is to convey information to the traveler.
5.2 Operational Policies and Constraints
5.2.1 The operation of the DMS Management System will enforce user access control based on the user's role and permissions as specified by the DMS operational policy.
5.2.2 The DMS Management System will have a limitation of [specify number] of system users at a given time.
5.2.3 The DMS Management System users will follow the DMS System policy guidelines for appropriate display of messages to the public.
5.3 Description of the Proposed System
5.3.1 Operator Access Operators and maintenance staff will be assigned different levels of authority, and access to equipment for which they are authorized, based on their roles and responsibilities. This will allow them to control, view, monitor, analyze and maintain the operation of the DMS Management System as appropriate. The DMS Management System will be connected to the agency's LAN/WAN, allowing access to all authorized users. The DMS Management System will allow access by authorized users outside the agency via a firewall.
5.3.2 Operational Environment The DMS Management System will be housed in a facility with suitable environmental characteristics based on the requirements of the procured DMS System equipment. The DMS Field Equipment will meet the environmental condition requirements of the region where they are deployed. The DMS Management System facility will provide physical access control. The DMS Management System facility will provide access to communication system(s) from the DMS Management System to the DMS Field Equipment.
5.3.3 Major DMS Management System Components The DMS Management System will include DMS Management System software running on one or more computer servers. The DMS Management System will include one or more user workstations containing [specify number] of user workstation displays. The DMS Management System will include a LAN connecting the DMS Management System server(s), and workstation(s)l.
5.3.4 Interfaces The DMS Management System will communicate with external systems over the following communications systems [specify]. The DMS Management System will communicate with external systems following standardized communication protocols [specify].
5.3.5 Estimated Cost of DMS Management System Operation The estimated annual cost of DMS Management System operations is [specify].
5.3.6 Operational Risk Factors A DMS Management System operational risk factor includes displaying inappropriate messages, as defined in the DMS Management System policy guidelines. A DMS Management System operational risk factor includes malicious usage of the DMS Management System by authorized and unauthorized users. A DMS Management System operational risk factor includes the loss of electrical power. A DMS Management System operational risk factor includes the loss of communications.
5.3.7 Performance Characteristics The DMS Management System will provide the DMS Management System user with DMS Field Equipment response times of [specify]. The DMS Management System will support [specify number] simultaneous users.
6 Chapter 6: DMS System Operational Environment
6-01 The system will be operated and monitored from the [specify agency] [specify overall system name such as TMC].
6-02 The system will be operated and monitored from workstations located [specify who will have workstations and where they will be located].
6-03 The central server equipment will be housed at [specify location] in an [air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned] environment.
6-04 Complaints or requests for changes in operation will be handled by the [in-house operators and/or on-call contract staff] on an as-needed basis.
6-05 Maintenance of all field equipment will be performed by [in-house and/or contract] staff
6-06 Maintenance of the following field equipment will be performed by [in-house and/or contract] staff. [specify what equipment will be maintained by whom]
6-07 Funding for maintenance of the DMS System will come from [specify funding program or source]. An increase of [specify $] per year will be required to accommodate the additional equipment installed for the DMS System.
6-08 Additional communications equipment and annual fees will be incurred with the DMS System. This will amount to approximately [specify $] per year, and will be covered by the [specify program or budget allocation details].
6-09 Replacement or repair of defective or failed equipment will be covered for [specify years] by the manufacturers' warranties. The labor cost of replacement during this period will be included in the purchase price.
6-10 The agency expects maintenance of parts and equipment for a period of [specify years] will be included in the purchase price.
6-11 The agency expects maintenance of all DMS Management System software for a period of [specify years] will be included in the purchase price.
6-12 The agency expects to operate this system using the latest software for a period of [specify years].
6-13 The agency will seek technical support from the vendor for assistance in using the adaptive software for [specify years].
6-14 Operations and maintenance staff will have the ability to log in to the system from remote locations via the internet, and have full functionality consistent with their access level.
6-15 Include any additional needs for support or information from the vendor that will be needed by your agency, and that will become requirements in the contract or purchase documents.
6.1 No Value
6.1-1 The central server will be a standard platform maintained by the [specify agency department] and able to be replaced independently from the software.
6.1-2 The agency selection of DMS will not be constrained by the DMS System software.
7 Chapter 7: DMS System Support Environment
7.1 Institutions and Stakeholders
7.1-1 Existing stakeholders utilizing the DMS system include: [list all stakeholders, such as:

*Sponsoring agency

*Neighboring agencies that will access the DMS System


7.1-2 The stakeholders who will be affected by or have a direct interest in the DMS System are: [list existing and include new stakeholders].
7.1-3 The activities that will be undertaken by the DMS System stakeholders include: system operation, system monitoring and adjustment, system performance monitoring and evaluation.
7.1-4 The organizational structures of the units responsible for installation, operation and maintenance are illustrated in the attached organization chart. The roles, responsibilities and required qualifications and experience are described below. [Describe as appropriate]
7.2 Facilities
7.2-1 Describe the current and/or proposed [TMC or DMS System Center].
7.2-2 Will there be a satellite and/or backup [TMC or DMS System Center]?
7.2-3 Describe the locations elsewhere within the agency, such as on a LAN or WAN, from which access to the system will be required?
7.2-4 Is air-conditioning required?
7.2-5 Describe the location where a separate server will be located. (e.g., IT server room, TMC back room, remote hub)
7.2-6 Describe who is responsible for providing and maintaining staff facilities (e.g., personnel, public works, building services, etc.?)
7.2-7 Describe who is responsible for fire control facilities (e.g., part of operating group's responsibility, or the responsibility of another group, such as building services?)
7.2-8 Describe who is responsible for secure access to the TMC, workshop, or office with DMS system workstations? (e.g., Is it the responsibility of the operating group or another group, such as building services?)
7.3 System Architecture Constraints
7.3-1 The DMS System processor/server will be protected within the agency's firewalls. The IT Department will provide resources, equipment and system management so that operators will have appropriate access to the system locally, from within the agency's LAN and from remote locations.
7.3-2 The communications media available for use by the system will be: [List Available Media, Provide a map or block diagram as appropriate. Show locations of any gaps, bandwidth and latency constraints, protocols and available alternatives.]
7.3-3 The [specify which State or Region] [Statewide or Regional] ITS Architecture provides the context for the DMS System project. The DMS System project fits within the ITS Architecture as illustrated in Figure XX. [Explain each architectural element and information flow in the DMS System project. If additional elements or interfaces are added, explain why].
7.4 Utilities
7.4-1 Are utilities the responsibility of the operating group, or are they the responsibility of another group, such as building services?
7.5 Equipment
7.5-1 Describe what test equipment is required to support the DMS system (e.g., communications testers, fiber testers, DMS sign testers. Is this currently available or is additional equipment required?
7.5-2 Will vehicles be the responsibility of the operating group or another group within the agency? What types of vehicles will be required, and how many?
7.6 Computing hardware
7.6-1 Describe the additional computing equipment required to support DMS system operation, such as printer, copier, additional monitors, and scanner.
7.6-2 Describe who is responsible for maintenance and repair of the computing equipment?
7.6-3 Describe who is responsible for replacement of the computing equipment when it reaches the end of its useful life?
7.7 Software
7.7-1 Who is responsible for keeping software up to date?
7.7-2 Who is responsible for keeping software licenses current?
7.7-3 What controls are proposed governing software use and availability on workstations and other support computers?
7.8 Personnel
7.8-1 Describe how many operators will be available for routine operations. Will this be provided by existing staff or will additional staff be required?
7.8-2 Describe what hours operators will be available.
7.8-3 Describe what training operators will need.
7.8-4 Describe what maintenance staff will be required. Will this be provided by existing staff or will additional staff be required?
7.8-5 What qualifications and training will the maintenance staff require?
7.9 Operating procedures
7.9-1 Describe who will be responsible for backing up databases. How often will backups be required? Will backups be stored off-site?
7.10 Maintenance
7.10-1 Describe the arrangements for maintenance. (E.g., is it done in-house or contracted out? Is it 24/7? Is equipment repair done in-house or externally?)
8 Chapter 8: Operational Scenarios
8.1 Overview
8.1-1 The following operational scenarios describe how the system is expected to operate under various conditions. The proposed DMS Management System is expected to be able to manage the following operational scenarios and issues envisioned for both the current and future project locations. Scenarios are described for the following operational conditions: [Edit to suit your situation.]

*Configure DMS Management System

*DMS Field Equipment Monitoring

*Controlling DMS Field Equipment

*Controlling External Devices

*DMS Management System Logging

*DMS Management System Maintenance and Failure Management

[For each scenario, describe the following elements:

*Operational objectives


*Summary of operations].

8.2 Configure DMS Management System
8.2.1 Operational Objectives
8.2.1-1 The operational objectives for the configuration of the DMS Management System are to:

*Provide the capability to configure DMS Management System user access and permissions to and from the DMS Management System

*Specify DMS Management System parameters affecting the DMS Management System performance

8.2.2 Users
8.2.2-1 The users involved with the configuration of the DMS Management System are:

*DMS System Manager is the primary user responsible for setting access and permissions for all users

*DMS System User

*DMS System Maintainer

8.2.3 Summary of Operations
8.2.3-1 The DMS System Manager will prepare and monitor the DMS Management System operation by controlling access of the various users to the DMS Management System. Specifically the DMS System Manager configures who can select particular DMS Field Equipment, monitor and control these DMS Field Equipment. Additionally, the DMS System Manager gives DMS System Maintainers the ability to run diagnostics and tests on the DMS Management System in order to enact repairs. The DMS System Manager also configures the DMS Management System by setting the number and types of users allowed access to the DMS Management System at any given time. The DMS System Manager also sets other parameters to handle competing user access to shared capabilities as well as DMS Field Equipment ownership, permissions, etc.
8.3 DMS Field Equipment Monitoring
8.3.1 Operational Objectives
8.3.1-1 The operational objective for DMS Field Equipment monitoring is to:

*Allow the DMS System User to monitor a sign's message

8.3.2 Users
8.3.2-1 The user involved with DMS Field Equipment monitoring is:

*DMS System User

8.3.3 Summary of Operations
8.3.3-1 The DMS Management System provides DMS System Users the ability to monitor what message is currently being displayed on the DMS Field Equipment.
8.4 Controlling DMS Field Equipment
8.4.1 Operational Objectives
8.4.1-1 The operational objectives for controlling DMS Field Equipment are to:

*Allow the DMS System User to select and control which messages are displayed on particular DMS Field Equipment or signs.

8.4.2 Users
8.4.2-1 The users involved with controlling DMS Field Equipment are:

*DMS System User

8.4.3 Summary of Operations
8.4.3-1 This is the primary operational scenario that defines some key operations where DMS Field Equipment, a "Sign", is used to inform the traveling public. Many agencies default to displaying travel times when there is not a higher priority message. Messages typically have a priority and can be scheduled. Operational scenarios involving different types of messages include: incidents, HOV restrictions, DHS alerts, amber alerts, silver alerts, special events, work zones, weather, ozone, evacuation and congestion/lanes blocked.
8.5 Controlling External Devices
8.5.1 Operational Objectives
8.5.1-1 The operational objectives for controlling external devices are to: Allow the DMS System User to select and turn on or off external devices such as flashers or beacons
8.5.2 Users
8.5.2-1 The users involved with controlling External Devices are:

*DMS System User

8.5.3 Summary of Operations
8.5.3-1 The DMS Management System provides DMS System Users the ability to select and turn on or off external devices independent of the message being displayed on the sign. The external devices can be flashers, beacons, speed sensors, etc.
8.6 Logging DMS Management System Data
8.6.1 Operational Objectives
8.6.1-1 The operational objectives for logging DMS Management System data are to:

*Allow the specification of log events and characteristics

*Allow access and review of the DMS Management System log(s)

8.6.2 Users
8.6.2-1 The user involved in logging DMS Management System data is:

*DMS System Maintainer

8.6.3 Summary of Operations
8.6.3-1 The DMS System Maintainer specifies which DMS Management System events are logged along with the size of the log(s) and each logs duration. The DMS System Maintainer accesses the logs and reviews the history for general system oversight and to perform diagnostics testing due to triggered alarms.
8.7 DMS Management System Maintenance and Failure Management
8.7.1 Operational Objectives

The operational objectives for DMS Management System maintenance and failure management are to:

*Ensure the DMS Management System continues to be operational

*Provide serviceable DMS Management System equipment

*Allow for remote testing and diagnostics of the DMS Management System

*Notification of failure conditions

*Remote update of DMS Management System device firmware and software

8.7.2 Users
8.7.2-1 The users involved in DMS Management System maintenance and failure management are:

*DMS System User

*DMS System Maintainer

8.7.3 Summary of Operations
8.7.3-1 Maintaining DMS Management System operations requires equipment designed for their location. Based on a DMS System User request or DMS Management System failure notification, the DMS System Maintainer can remotely test the DMS Management System including running diagnostics and updating device firmware and system software. It is important that the DMS System Maintainer has safe access to all aspects of the DMS Management System for repairs.
  Last modified: August 22, 2019  
Office of Operations