Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Strengthening Linkages between Transportation Demand Management and Traffic Management

List of Acronyms

Acronym Definition
ADM active demand management
ARC Atlanta Regional Commission
ATDM active transportation and demand management
ATM active traffic management
Caltrans California Department of Transportation
CIMS Construction Impact Mitigation Strategies
ConOps concept of operations
DDOT District Department of Transportation
DMS dynamic message sign
DOT department of transportation
DTA Duluth Transit Authority
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FRATIS Freight Advanced Traveler Information Systems
GDOT Georgia Department of Transportation
GHG greenhouse gas
GRTC Greater Richmond Transit Company
HOT high-occupancy toll
HOV high-occupancy vehicle
ICM integrated corridor management
IDOT Illinois Department of Transportation
ITS intelligent transportation systems
LA Metro Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
LADOT Los Angeles Department of Transportation
LIRR Long Island Railroad
MARTA Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
METRO Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
MnDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation
MTA Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York)
MUNI San Francisco Municipal Railway
MWCOG Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
NFL National Football League
NJDOT New Jersey Department of Transportation
NWS National Weather Service
NYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation
PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
RTC Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
SFMTA San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
SOV single-occupancy vehicle
TDM transportation demand management
TIDC Traveler Information during Construction
TMA transportation management association
TMC transportation management center
TMP transportation management plan
TNC transportation network company
TOC Traffic Operations Center
TxDOT Texas Department of Transportation
UCI Union Cycliste Internationale
UDOT Utah Department of Transportation
USDOT U.S. Department of Transportation
VDOT Virginia Department of Transportation
VMS variable message sign
VMT vehicle miles traveled
WMATA Washington Metropolitan Transportation Authority
WYDOT Wyoming Department of Transportation
Office of Operations