Effects on Intelligent Transportation Systems Planning and Deployment in a Connected Vehicle Environment
List of Abbreviations and Symbols
ATMS—Advanced Traffic Management System
AV—Automated Vehicle
AVL—Automatic Vehicle Location
BSM—Basic Safety Message
CAD—Computer Aided Dispatch
C/AV—Connected and Automated Vehicle
CCTV—Closed Circuit Television
CSW—Curve Speed Warning
CV—Connected Vehicle
CVOP—Commercial Vehicle Operator Portal
DMS—Dynamic message signs
DOT—Department of Transportation
DSRC—Dedicated Short-Range Communications
EV—Emergency response vehicles
EVAC—Emergency Communications and Evacuation
FHWA—Federal Highway Administration
GPS—Global Positioning System
HAR—Highway Advisory Radio
HOT—High-Occupancy Tolled lane
HOV—High-Occupancy Vehicle lane
HRI—Highway-Rail Intersections
INC-ZONE—Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers and Workers
INFLO—Intelligent Network Flow Optimization
IPSEC—Internet Protocol Security
ISP—Information Service Provider
ITS—Intelligent Transportation System
JSON—JavaScript Object Notation
MAUTC—Mid-Atlantic University Transportation Center
MPO—Metropolitan Planning Organization
NHTSA—National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
OBU—On Board Unit
OEM—Original Equipment Manufacturers
OS—Operating System
PATH—Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways
PED-SIG—Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System
PII—Personally Identifiable Information
PREEMPT—Emergency Vehicle Preemption
Q-WARN—Queue Warning
RAID—Redundant Array of Independent Disks
R.E.S.C.U.M.E.—Response, Emergency Staging and Communications, Uniform Management, and Evaluation
RESP-STG—Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders
REST—Representational State Transfer
RSU—Road Side Unit
SAE—Society of Automotive Engineers
SCMS—Security Credential Management System
SPaT—Signal Phase and Timing
SPD-HARM—Dynamic Speed Harmonization
SSL—Secured Socket Layer
TMC—Transportation Management Center
TSP—Transit Signal Priority
UAV—Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
VMT—Vehicle Miles Traveled
VPN—Virtual Private Networks
WYDOT—Wyoming Department of Transportation