Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

U.S. Department of Transportation Roadway Transportation Data Business Plan (Phase 3): Data Business Plan Development for State and Local Departments of Transportation

Chapter 3. Data Business Plan Implementation

The lead agency should implement the Data Business Plan (DBP) by working on the strategies/actions (next steps) contained in the Improvement Plan, as well as formalizing the roles and responsibilities to support data governance at the Department of Transportation (DOT) as identified in the Data Governance Manual. Implementation is not a one-time event, but rather the policies, standards, and procedures identified in the DBP should become part of the day-to-day business practices of the DOT. For example, the lead agency may want to recommend workshops and meetings to implement the Plan.

Implementation of the DBP should be monitored by the Data Governance Council and include performance measures for monitoring implementation progress. Discussions at meetings should include reports on progress of current implementation tasks (e.g., tasks competed, tasks remaining) and any adjustments needed to the implementation schedule due to changes in DOT priorities, policies, standards, or legislative priorities. In addition, a lead agency should provide an annual report or briefing to senior management that provides an executive level summary of the lead agency of the roadway travel mobility data systems, successes achieved or new enhancements needed for existing systems, and recommendations for how to address those issues.

  Last modified: February 4, 2022  
Office of Operations