Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

U.S. Department of Transportation Roadway Transportation Data Business Plan (Phase 3): Data Business Plan Development for State and Local Departments of Transportation

Appendix C. Example Data Sharing Agreement

Voluntary Data Contribution Agreement
Between the
U.S. Department of Transportation
{Contributing Entity}

In an effort to support the needs of Intelligent Transportation System researchers and developers while reducing costs and encouraging innovation, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) have developed the Research Data Exchange (RDE), a web-based transportation data sharing system to promote the sharing of multi-source and multi-modal data. In furtherance of this effort, this Agreement acknowledges the voluntary contribution of such data to the RDE.

WHEREAS, I, ______________________________ , am authorized to execute this agreement for and on behalf of _____________________________________ (hereinafter "Contributor");

WHEREAS, Contributor desires to voluntarily add its Data, as defined and described below, to the US DOT RDE;

WHEREAS, Contributor desires to grant to US DOT the rights to use and disseminate the Data as needed in support of the goals and objectives of its research projects; and

WHEREAS, US DOT desires Contributor to voluntarily add its Data, as defined and described in detail below;

Contributor definition and description of submitted data: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Now Therefore:

I, the undersigned, hereby grant irrevocable, non-exclusive rights to the US DOT to copy, use, disseminate, publicly display, store, and to grant others these rights in advancing their own research goals and objectives.

Signature of Data Contributor Representative

Title of Representative and Organization Name


  Last modified: February 4, 2022  
Office of Operations