Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Best Practices in Permitting of Oversize and Overweight Vehicles: Final Report


The Study Team met with representatives from the FHWA Office of Bridges and Structures to discuss the study and the availability of relevant information from the National Bridge Inventory. The purpose of the meeting was to identify:

  • Information available by State and by location within each State on bridge height restrictions.
  • Information available on bridges with variable lane clearance heights.

The Office provided two datasets for reference by the Study Team:

  • A summary list of total bridges by State that included a subset of bridges with a "minimum of the maximum" clearance of 30 meters or less. "Minimum of the maximum" refers to the minimum height clearance on a bridge with variations in lane clearance height.
  • A detailed list of bridges by height and location that match the above criteria for five States identified for inclusion in the study – Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Texas, and Nebraska.

This information was used to help frame specific questions on bridge height restrictions in the eight States ultimately selected for inclusion in the study.

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  Last modified: April 21, 2020  
Office of Operations