Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer For Program Planning

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United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


September 2017

Table of Contents

[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ Preface ] [ List of Acronyms ] [ Acknowledgments ]

Chapter 1. Introduction to Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning
Purpose of this Primer
Who Should Use the Primer?
How to Use the Primer?
Chapter 2. The Rationale for Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning
Creating a Transportation Systems Management and Operations Mission
Sustaining and Institutionalizing the Transportation Systems Management and Operations Mission
Supporting Effective Program Delivery
Responding to Unique Needs and Issues
Chapter 3. The Evolution and Current Practice of Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning
Strategic Highway Research Program 2: Reliability Research and Self-Assessment Workshops
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 20-07/345 Program Planning and Development for Transportation Systems Management and Operations in State Departments of Transportation
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 20-07/365: Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning – Experiences from the Second Strategic Highway Research Program Implementation Assistance Program
Leading State and Metropolitan Planning Organization Efforts
Development of this Primer
Chapter 4. The Key Elements of Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning
Three Key Elements: Strategic, Programmatic, and Tactical
Making the Key Elements Work Together: the Resulting Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Plan
Chapter 5. Strategic Elements: Setting Clear Direction and Common Understanding
Developing the Business Case for Transportation Systems Management and Operations.
Developing a Transportation Systems Management and Operations Vision and Program Mission
Developing Strategic Goals and Performance Objectives for Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Identifying Strategic Focus Areas and Priority Functions
Chapter 6. Programmatic Elements: Organizing, Staffing, and Developing Processes to Advance Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Defining an Organizational Structure
Developing Transportation Systems Management and Operations Programmatic Objectives
Identifying Staffing and Workforce Development Needs
Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Resource Management: Financial Resources, Planning, and Budgeting Processes
Developing Business Processes and Management Strategies
Promoting and Embedding a Transportation Systems Management and Operations Culture throughout Agency and Partner Business Practices
Chapter 7. Tactical Elements: Identifying Priority Services, Activities, and Projects
Identifying Prioritized Services, Activities, and Projects
Defining Implementation Policies and Guidelines to Support Service Functions
Developing an Investment Plan or Financial Plan
Developing Annual Action Plans and Deployment
Tracking Progress: Performance Assessment
Chapter 8. Ten Guiding Principles to Advance Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning for Your Organization
Understand Motivation
Identify a Leader and Key Internal Partners
Develop a Clear Definition and Understanding of Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Establish Baseline Conditions/Conduct Self-Assessment
Identify What Expertise is Needed
Organize for Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Engage Key External Stakeholders
Look Ahead to Emerging Technologies and Innovations
Consider External Forces and Other Emerging Issues
Analyze and Evaluate Performance
Chapter 9. Resources
Federal Highway Administration Resources
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials and Transportation Research Board Resources
Sample Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Plans and Related Documents

List of Figures

Figure 1 Diagram. Capability maturity model for improved transportation systems management and operations effectiveness
Figure 2 Diagram. Relationship among program, processes, and the institutional framework
Figure 3 Diagram. Structure for the Iowa transportation systems management and operations plan
Figure 4 Diagram. Building and sustaining a transportation systems management and operations mission: Three Elements of Program Planning
Figure 5 Illustration. Sample table of contents for a transportation systems management and operations program plan and references to primer
Figure 6 Maryland State Highway Administration transportation systems management program goals and objectives

List of Tables

Table 1 Elements of transportation systems management and operations program planning and development for State departments of transportation
Table 2 Unified transportation systems management and operations program planning framework from National Cooperative Highway Research Program 20-07/365
Table 3 Aspects of performance management and financial management across all elements
  Last modified: April 22, 2020  
Office of Operations