2016 Urban Congestion Trends
Using Technology to Measure, Manage, and Improve Operations
Illustration of the Operations Performance Management Capability Maturity Model
A line graph with four levels increasing from 0% to 100% (y-axis) of the degree to which performance data are used in decision making. Equally spaced along the x-axis are: engineering judgment/intuition/anecdotal; project-specific performance; network performance; feedback loop in decision making; data informed; and data driven. All levels typically use travel-time-based or delay performance measures, including total delay, delay per mile, Travel Time Index, Planning Time Index, etc. Measures are computed at the spatial and temporal scales of interest. The four levels of Performance Management (Content) are:
- No choice made to undertake performance management. Only do portions required by law/regulation/policy.;
- Aspects of performance management are undertaken on individual programs/strategies.;
- Project or operational strategy selection is based on evaluations of previous projects. Operations uses performance management and share some roles with planning.;
- and Performance management is ubiquitous in agency culture, 'Data-driven' decisions are made using real-time information.