Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Freight Performance Measure Primer



Bala Akundi – Baltimore Metropolitan Council.

Jody Binnix – Genesee Transportation Council, Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region.

Teresa Brewer – City of Anchorage Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Ted Dahlburg – Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission.

Terry Freeland – Baltimore Metropolitan Council.

Valorie LaCour – Baltimore City Department of Transportation.

David Lee – Florida Department of Transportation.

Lauren Lejeune – Florida Department of Transportation.

Caroline Mays – Texas Department of Transportation.

Marygrace Parker – I-95 Corridor Coalition.

Lynn Soporowski – Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

Lori Tavasszy – The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research.

Alissa Torres – Orange County Government, Florida.

Wenjuan Zhao – Washington State Department of Transportation.


  1. Does your organization track performance measures?
  2. If so, what are your organization's top 5 freight performance measures (for example safety, environmental, congestion)?
  3. What do YOU think should be the top 5 freight performance measures (if different than above) and why?
    (i.e., what other measures should be tracked that would benefit your organization's goals)
  4. Do existing performance measures reflect your customers' needs/perspectives? (Who are your customers?)
  5. What does your organization do with the results of your performance measures?
    (e.g., Publish? Prioritize funding? Develop new projects? Put in government required reports? Organize action based stakeholder committees?)
  6. Are your current performance measures derived from organizational strategic goals?
  7. How frequently are performance measures evaluated/updated? (Monthly, annually, every 5 years?)
  8. Do you use your measures for forecasting into the future? If so, how accurate has this been?
  9. What methods/tools/technologies does your organization use to measure freight performance?
  10. What, if any, are the shortcomings of those tools?
  11. What, if any, are the strengths of those tools?
  12. How accurate, reliable, and timely are the data?
  13. Are the data used for performance measures easy to collect with low investment of effort and time?
  14. Who is responsible for data collection and developing performance measures? Were internal and external stakeholders involved?
  15. What other organizations, if any, utilize your freight performance measures? How do they use them?
    (Publish them in their report/newsletter? Put in government required reports? Other?)
  16. What modes are included in your freight performance measures?
  17. Why are the other modes excluded? (Choose from marine, truck, rail, air freight, pipeline.)
  18. Has MAP-21 or FAST Act altered your performance measures? If so, in what ways?
  Last modified: April 23, 2020  
Office of Operations