Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Integration with Protected Bike Lanes | Chicago, IL

Long Description for Figure 2:
Educational flyer for truck drivers on how to safely deliver from new loading zones across the protected bike lane

This figure shows a snapshot of a Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) educational flyer titled "Loading/Unloading Near Protected Bike Lanes."

The right side of the flyer is a map of a city street with a protected bike lane, a floating parking lane, and a loading/unloading buffer zone, all to the left of two travel lanes. The map has three numbered labels:

  1. A delivery truck: "Park in the floating parking lane"
  2. A dotted line from a delivery person in the buffer zone leading to a crosswalk onto the sidewalk: "Unload & and move goods via the buffer zone"
  3. A dotted line from a delivery person in the buffer zone leading across the protected bike lane onto the sidewalk: "Look for Cyclists"

The left side of the flyer is divided into two sections. The top section contains a list of three items corresponding to the three map labels:

  1. Park in the floating parking lane located between the buffer zone and the travel lane.
  2. Unload into the buffer zone. Walk in the buffer zone to the nearest crosswalk to get to the curb if wheeling goods.
  3. Look for cyclists when crossing the protected bike lane if walking directly to the curb.

The bottom section of the left side of the flyer is a photo of the street in the map with three sections labeled:

  1. "Floating Parking Lane"
  2. "Buffer Zone"
  3. "Protected Bike Lane"

Office of Operations