Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Effectiveness of Disseminating Traveler Information on Travel Time Reliability: Implement Plan and Survey Results Report


Slide 1

TTR Study: Exit Questionnaire
Columbus Round 1
June 2015

Slide 2

Exit survey design goals/ considerations for reviewers

The primary purposes of the Exit Survey (following Phase 2 of the trip diaries when participants were provided with TTR information) is to collect information about if and how respondents used the TTR information they were provided and how they perceived that information. This includes information about:

  • How often participants used the TTR information for different kinds of trips
  • What kind of impacts the TTR information had on behavior (if any) (e.g., changes in departure time, route, mode choice)
  • How satisfied participants were with various aspects of the information (e.g., clarity, ease of access, trustworthiness, overall usefulness)
  • What kind of impacts the TTR had on trip experience (if any) (e.g., reduced stress, congestion avoidance, shorter trip, overall trip satisfaction)
  • Perceptions of what might make the information more useful for different kinds of trips or in an unfamiliar city (or what might make participants likely to use the information in the future)

When relevant, questions in the exit survey are designed to match similar questions from the baseline survey as closely as possible.

This is intended to allow for "before" and "after" comparisons, or more specifically comparisons of how respondents typically used and perceived "other" types of information before the study versus how they typically used and perceived the TTR information during the second phase of the study. Questions from the baseline that are similar to questions in this exit survey include:

  • infosource familiar/unfamiliar (baseline, slides 40-41) == ttruse_freq familiar/ unfamiliar (exit, slide 5)
  • change familiar/unfamiliar (baseline, slides 48-49) == ttr_change familiar/unfamiliar (exit, slides 18-19)
  • infosat (baseline, slide 50) == ttr_infosat (exit, slide 22)
  • infoopinion (baseline, slide 51) == ttr_infoopinion (exit, slides 23-24)
  • ynoinfo (baseline, slide 52) == ttr_ynoinfo (exit, slide 26)

Other exit survey questions focus specifically on aspects and opinions of the TTR info and do not have comparable baseline questions.

Slide 3

Exit survey overview: flow chart

This figure presents a flowchart of the Exit Survey questions. It shows that the introductory information is provided first. Then, questions about frequency of use of TTR and other information are asked. Those participants that did not use TTR are asked the reason. Those participants that used TTR are provided questions about the impacts of the TTR information, and questions comparing the impacts of TTR information to other information are asked if the respondent used both types of information. Then, questions about satisfaction with TTR information are asked, and questions comparing the satisfaction with TTR information to other information are asked if the respondent used both types of information. Then, questions about impacts of TTR information on travel experiences are asked. Finally, all participants are asked about the likelihood of future use of TTR. The concluding slides thank the participant and provide information about obtaining their incentive.

Slide 4

Exit questionnaire formatting overview

This document is designed to show question wording, answer choices, and survey flow logic.

A few tips and notes to keep in mind while reviewing this document:

  • Each slide represents one page in the survey. Typically there is one question per page, though in some cases a few simple questions may be asked of respondents on a single page.
  • In the comments section below each slide, each question or page name is shown between [ ] square brackets (e.g., [intro]) – use these page names to help provide feedback for the survey
  • The comments section below each slide may also show additional notes or shorter lists of answer options
  • Slides with a gray background (such as this one) include notes, instructions for programming the survey, or longer lists of answer choices, but are not shown to survey respondents. We try to "over provide" this information for reviewer convenience.
  • Text written in (start red text) red (end red text) indicates survey logic (e.g., who should see which questions) and other notes for the programmers, and are not shown to survey respondents
  • Hyperlinks for pop-up descriptions, survey information pages, etc. are only active during the conduct of the study
  • Text between ‹ › angle brackets indicate information displayed dynamically for each respondent (e.g., a person's typical trip purpose)
  • Exact layout and formatting are not displayed. Layout is approximate (for example, showing different question types and order of multiple questions on one page). However, it is not possible to display exact formatting in this document (for example, on some slides text is smaller in order to show all the questions and survey logic on one page)

Slide 5

Password Entry Page

This image shows the password entry webpage.  It contains a photograph of the Columbus skyline, with a graphic of the state of Ohio and the name of the study (North Columbus Transportation Study).  It has a place for the password to be entered next to a 'Begin' button.  Logos for USDOT and Ohio Department of Transportation are at the bottom.

Slide 6

Frequently Asked Questions

Study Overview

  • What is the purpose of this study?
    The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of Columbus area drivers who regularly use I-71 and other roads north of the city. We want to understand your experiences with busy travel conditions, including whether you use information to plan your trips and the decisions you make about how best to handle traffic congestion in the North Columbus Study Corridor.
  • What is the North Columbus Study Corridor?
    The North Columbus Study Corridor includes about 25 miles of I-71 and other roads between U.S. Route 36 and downtown Columbus.
  • How do I participate in this study?
    This study involves four steps:
    STEP 1: Complete an initial survey about your typical experiences in the North Columbus Study Corridor. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. To start this survey, use the unique password you received on your postcard to log into the secure survey website:
    STEP 2: Install the study's mobile app on your smartphone to log your trips and complete daily mini-surveys about your travel in the corridor. After completing the initial survey, instructions on how to download and install this mobile app will be emailed to you. This part of the study will last 1-2 weeks and will involve less than 5 minutes of time per day.
    STEP 3: Continue using the mobile app and completing mini-surveys with access to customized trip planning resources. After the second part of the study is over, you will be given access to information about travel times on your routes in the corridor. Otherwise this part of the study is similar to Step 2, including using the mobile app to log your trips and completing daily mini-surveys for 1-2 weeks.
    STEP 4: Complete an exit survey about your experiences. After completing Steps 2 and 3, you will receive an email with a link to take the exit survey. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
    To qualify for this study, participants must be regular drivers in the study corridor, age 18 or older, and must own and use an iPhone or an Android phone in order to install the mobile application and complete Steps 2 and 3.
  • What will I get for participating?
    After completing all parts of the study including the exit survey, qualified participants will receive a $50 gift card! In appreciation of the contribution participants will make during all the steps in the study, this final gift card is a higher amount than originally advertised on the invitation postcard.

Slide 7

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

  • Why should I participate?
    As one of a small number of travelers in the Columbus area invited to participate, your response represents the views of many other travelers. We can better understand how to improve your travel experiences by understanding how travelers like you use the transportation system.
  • How was I selected to participate?
    Invited participants were randomly selected from all residential addresses in the North Columbus study area.
  • How are my privacy and personal information protected?
    All of your responses during this study are strictly confidential and will only be analyzed with responses from all other study participants. Your contact information and other identifying information will not be linked to your responses in any analysis or reports and will be destroyed at the conclusion of the study. All information is stored in a secure database that will only be accessed by the study administrators.
    When you use the mobile application to log your trips, GPS data about where and when your vehicle travels will be captured automatically. However, to protect the privacy of your home, work, and other destinations, the first and last 30 seconds of each trip will be deleted.
    For more information about how we protect our privacy, please view our privacy policy or contact us.
  • What if I change my mind about participating?
    This study is completely voluntary, and you may choose to stop participating at any time. If you decide not to participate or to stop participating, there will be no effect on your relationship with the study sponsors and partners or the study administrators.
  • Who do I contact if I have questions or need help during the study?
    For help on how to complete the surveys or for general questions or feedback about the study, email
    If you have questions or concerns about the study, you may also contact the Principal Investigator, Beverly Kuhn, at (979) 862-3558 or
    For questions about your rights as a participant or concerns about the research, you may contact the Texas A&M University Human Subjects Protection Program at (979) 458-4067 or
  • Who is sponsoring this study?
    This study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) in partnership with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and RSG are conducting the study on behalf of the US DOT and ODOT.

Slide 8

Resource Systems Group, Inc. Privacy Statement


© Resource Systems Group, Inc. 2015 is conducting this study for the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) in collaboration with Battelle Memorial Institute and Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).

Resource Systems Group (RSG) will never sell, trade or otherwise share any personal information collected in its surveys with any third party.

RSG will never spam you, advertise to you or otherwise contact you outside of this survey without your explicit and direct permission.

Any and all information collected during this survey will only be presented to RSG's clients as part of an aggregate sample. At no time will individual responses be connected to survey takers' personal information.

During the study, we need your name and contact information in order to reach you, but at the conclusion of the study, this information will be destroyed. Your survey responses will never be sold or shared.


We are committed to your privacy and we take it very seriously. This statement is intended to provide you with information and understanding about how Resource Systems Group (RSG) collects and safeguards personal information that is used as part of the firm's market research studies.


RSG conducts market research on behalf of both public and private sector clients using Internet, stand-alone computer, and other data collection means. Ultimately, this research allows our clients to provide you with better products and services that you use on a daily basis. These products and services range from large infrastructure, like rail service and highways, to consumer products, like magazines and cell phones.


Through independently commissioned surveys, RSG may collect information such as your email address, home or work location, and a variety of demographic information (e.g., gender, age, household income) that will allow us to qualify you for a current survey, tailor survey questions, or ensure we have collected a sample that provides representation across a variety of characteristics. Once you are qualified to participate in a survey, you may be asked to provide additional demographic data, express opinions, and register preferences. The information gathered is aggregated, analyzed, and summarized on behalf of RSG's clients. This information is always presented to clients in summary fashion and never contains any personally identifiable information. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary, and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information requested.

Slide 9


During the course of our surveys, we may passively collect information about your Internet browser and computer settings that makes your survey experience more pleasant. In addition to making your survey experience better, we use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the site, and to track users' movements around the site.


If your personal information changes, if you no longer desire to participate in this study, or if you have inquiries or complaints, please contact us via email at


We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


RSG reserves the right to change its privacy policy. These changes will be posted clearly on the firm's websites and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.


We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law, and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our website.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at: Resource Systems Group, Inc.

Resource Systems Group, Inc.
41 North Rio Grande St, Suite 106
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Slide 10

Thank you for your recent participation in the smartphone app portion of the North Columbus Transportation Study.

This final survey is the last step to complete the study. The purpose of this survey is to help us understand how your travel experiences may have changed when you were provided with the customized Transportation Study Resource during the last two weeks of the study.

As one of a small number of Columbus travelers completing this study, your input in this final survey is important. Your feedback will help the study sponsors and other agencies provide better transportation information and services in the region. Also, once you complete this final survey, you will receive your $50 gift card!

Your privacy will be protected. Please click here to view the privacy policy, or refer to the links at the bottom of the page for more information. You may also email with any questions or concerns. Thank you again for your continued participation!

Please click "Next" to continue.

Next button

Slide 11

Definition and description of traveler information resources in this study

Throughout this study we have asked you about several different types of traveler information. In this final survey, we are specifically asking about two different types of information:

  • Transportation Study Resource: The customized trip-planning information you were provided in the last two weeks of the study. This resource provided average historical travel time information for the study corridor.
  • Other traveler information resources: Any other type of information you may have used before or during the study, including:
    • Other types of trip-planning resources, such as directions or travel times from Google Maps
    • Real-time travel information, such as radio reports of current congestion or traffic app notifications of collisions or other potential roadway hazards

Please click "Next" to continue.

Previous button   Next button

Slide 12

Tips for completing this survey

  • To proceed through the survey and ensure that your responses are saved, please click the "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of the page. Do not use your browser's "back" and "forward" buttons as this may take you out of the survey without saving your answers.
  • If you need to pause and come back later in the middle of the survey, your responses will be saved automatically and you will be able to continue from where you stopped.
  • This survey may be completed on a mobile device (a smartphone or tablet computer) as well as a laptop or desktop computer.
  • A few key terms and concepts are used throughout this survey (different types of information and familiar or unfamiliar trips). You can click on the links throughout the survey to see a reminder of their definitions.

Now, let's get started!

Previous button   Next button

Slide 13

During the last two weeks of this study, how often did you check the Transportation Study Resource for traveler information when planning familiar or unfamiliar trips on I-71?

  More than once/ day Once/ day A few days/ week About one day per week Never
Familiar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of Transportation Study Resource (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-ups for Familiar and Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline (see next page)
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 14

(start red text) Pop-up definitions for "familiar" and "unfamiliar" trips (same as baseline) (end red text)

(start red text) Familiar: (end red text)

For example, trips to familiar locations might include grocery shopping, regular errands (e.g. to the bank or the dentist), taking your kids to school, going to a friend's house, going to the gym, or any other personal destinations you regularly visit or feel comfortable finding without directions.

(start red text) Unfamiliar:(end red text)

For example, trips to unfamiliar locations might include new or infrequent errands (e.g. to the airport or to a new doctor), trips to a new restaurant, infrequent trips to a recreational destination (e.g. a concert hall), or other destinations you rarely visit or need directions or navigation assistance to find.

Slide 15

During the last two weeks of this study, how often did you check other traveler information resources when planning familiar or unfamiliar trips on I-71?

  More than once/ day Once/ day A few days/ week About one day per week Never
Familiar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-ups for Familiar and Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 16

(start red text) If used TTR study resource at all for familiar trips (end red text)

Based on what you learned from the Transportation Study Resource, how often did you change your travel plans for familiar trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of this study?

  Frequently (almost every day) Sometimes (a few times/ week) Rarely (once/ week or less) Did this, but based on other info Never did this Not applicable
Started my trip earlier radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Started my trip later radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Made minor changes to my route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to a toll road radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Completely changed my planned route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to public transit radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Canceled trip or postponed to a later day radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Decided to telecommute radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-up for Familiar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 17

(start red text) If used TTR study resource at all for unfamiliar trips (end red text)

Based on what you learned from the Transportation Study Resource, how often did you change your travel plans for unfamiliar trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of this study?

  Frequently (almost every day) Sometimes (a few times/ week) Rarely (once/ week or less) Did this, but based on other info Never did this Not applicable
Started my trip earlier radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Started my trip later radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Made minor changes to my route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to a toll road radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Completely changed my planned route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to public transit radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Canceled trip or postponed to a later day radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Decided to telecommute radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-up for Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 18

(start red text) If (ttr_infofreq_familiar › never OR ttr_infofreq_unfamiliar › never)
AND (othinfo_freq_familiar › never OR othinfo_freq_unfamiliar › never)
(end red text)

Please continue thinking about the last two weeks that you participated in the study.

Compared to information from the other traveler information resources, how much impact did information from Transportation Study Resource have on your travel plans?

Travel information from the Transportation Study Resource had:

  • A lot more impact than other information
  • Slightly more impact than other information
  • About the same impact as other information
  • Slightly less impact than other information
  • A lot less impact than other information

(start red text) Show pop-up definitions of Transportation Study Resource and Other resources (see infodefinition page) (end red text)

Slide 19

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

For the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
The Transportation Study Resource was easy to understand radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource was reliable radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
The information from the Transportation Study Resource did NOT reduce the amount of travel time I plan for my trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Overall, the information I received from the Transportation Study Resource was useful radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 20

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

For the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
In general, information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me reduce my travel time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
In general, information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me avoid congestion radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource reduced the stress of my trip radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me plan my trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 21

(start red text) If (ttr_infofreq_familiar › never OR ttr_infofreq_unfamiliar › never)
AND (othinfo_freq_familiar › never OR othinfo_freq_unfamiliar › never)
(end red text)

Compared to information from the other traveler information resources, how useful was the information from the Transportation Study Resource for you?

Travel information from the Transportation Study Resource was:

  • A lot more useful than other information
  • Slightly more useful than other information
  • About as equally useful as other information
  • Slightly less useful than other information
  • A lot less useful than other information

(start red text) Show pop-up definitions of Transportation Study Resource and Other resources (see infodefinition page) (end red text)

Slide 22

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

In general, how satisfied were you with the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Estimated/ approximate travel time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Extra time/ recommended cushion radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Recommended/ suggested departure time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Total travel time estimate for most/ majority of the time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 23

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

Overall, how satisfied were you with your trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of the study period?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Trips made while using the Transportation Study Resource radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
(start red text) [if used other sources] (end red text) Trips made while using another travel information resource radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Trips made when I did not use any travel information radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 24

(start red text) If never used info (ttrinfo_freq_fam=never AND ttrinfo_freq_unfam=never) (end red text)

Can you tell us why you did not use the Transportation Study Resource for your trips during the study?

Please select all that apply.

  • The information did not seem reliable
  • My schedule is generally flexible (I do not need to arrive at my destinations at a specific time)
  • I am familiar with traffic conditions/travel times on I-71
  • I did not have time to check the information
  • Accessing information was difficult or inconvenient
  • The information was not detailed enough
  • The information was not available for my entire route
  • The information was difficult to understand
  • I prefer the other types of traveler information I normally use
  • I never use any types of traveler information
  • Other, please specify:

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 25

(start red text) Ask everyone (end red text)

How likely are you to use travel information resources (like the Transportation Study Resource) for the following types of trips in the future?

  Very unlikely Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neutral Somewhat Likely Likely Very Likely Not Applicable
Commuting trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Familiar personal trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Trips in an unfamiliar city radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements
Show pop-up for Familiar/ Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 26

If you plan to use travel information for trips in the future, how do you prefer to receive this information?

Please select all that apply.

  • Through a smartphone app
  • On a website
  • Through a phone number (e.g. 511)
  • Through email or text message alerts
  • Other, please specify:
  • I do not plan to travel information in the future

(start red text) Randomize statements – anchor "Other" and "do not plan to use" at bottom (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 27

Optional: Do you have any suggestions for improving travel information, other types of traveler information, or travel experiences on I-71?

(start red text) Optional text box entry (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 28

Would you be willing to participate in future studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Ohio Department of Transportation, or other study sponsors?

An important part of improving the transportation system is gathering feedback from residents such as yourself. If you say "Yes" you may be contacted in the future to invite you to another study, but your response does not impact your participation in this study.

radio button Yes
radio button No

Previous button   Next button

Slide 29

Thank you! Your responses have been successfully submitted.

Congratulations, you have completed the North Columbus Transportation Study!

You will receive your $50 Amazon gift card through email within two business weeks.

In the meantime, please email if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you again for helping to improve traveler information resources and transportation in the Columbus region!

Slide 1

TTR Study: Exit Questionnaire
Columbus Round 3
October 2015

Slide 2

Exit survey design goals/ considerations for reviewers

The primary purposes of the Exit Survey (following Phase 2 of the trip diaries when participants were provided with TTR information) is to collect information about if and how respondents used the TTR information they were provided and how they perceived that information. This includes information about:

  • How often participants used the TTR information for different kinds of trips
  • What kind of impacts the TTR information had on behavior (if any) (e.g., changes in departure time, route, mode choice)
  • How satisfied participants were with various aspects of the information (e.g., clarity, ease of access, trustworthiness, overall usefulness)
  • What kind of impacts the TTR had on trip experience (if any) (e.g., reduced stress, congestion avoidance, shorter trip, overall trip satisfaction)
  • Perceptions of what might make the information more useful for different kinds of trips or in an unfamiliar city (or what might make participants likely to use the information in the future)

When relevant, questions in the exit survey are designed to match similar questions from the baseline survey as closely as possible.

This is intended to allow for "before" and "after" comparisons, or more specifically comparisons of how respondents typically used and perceived "other" types of information before the study versus how they typically used and perceived the TTR information during the second phase of the study. Questions from the baseline that are similar to questions in this exit survey include:

  • infosource familiar/unfamiliar (baseline, slides 40-41) == ttruse_freq familiar/ unfamiliar (exit, slide 5)
  • change familiar/unfamiliar (baseline, slides 48-49) == ttr_change familiar/unfamiliar (exit, slides 18-19)
  • infosat (baseline, slide 50) == ttr_infosat (exit, slide 22)
  • infoopinion (baseline, slide 51) == ttr_infoopinion (exit, slides 23-24)
  • ynoinfo (baseline, slide 52) == ttr_ynoinfo (exit, slide 26)

Other exit survey questions focus specifically on aspects and opinions of the TTR info and do not have comparable baseline questions.

Slide 3

Exit survey overview: flow chart

This figure presents a flowchart of the Exit Survey questions. It shows that the introductory information is provided first. Then, questions about frequency of use of TTR and other information are asked. Those participants that did not use TTR are asked the reason. Those participants that used TTR are provided questions about the impacts of the TTR information, and questions comparing the impacts of TTR information to other information are asked if the respondent used both types of information. Then, questions about satisfaction with TTR information are asked, and questions comparing the satisfaction with TTR information to other information are asked if the respondent used both types of information. Then, questions about impacts of TTR information on travel experiences are asked. Finally, all participants are asked about the likelihood of future use of TTR. The concluding slides thank the participant and provide information about obtaining their incentive.

Slide 4

Exit questionnaire formatting overview

This document is designed to show question wording, answer choices, and survey flow logic.

A few tips and notes to keep in mind while reviewing this document:

  • Each slide represents one page in the survey. Typically there is one question per page, though in some cases a few simple questions may be asked of respondents on a single page.
  • In the comments section below each slide, each question or page name is shown between [ ] square brackets (e.g., [intro]) – use these page names to help provide feedback for the survey
  • The comments section below each slide may also show additional notes or shorter lists of answer options
  • Slides with a gray background (such as this one) include notes, instructions for programming the survey, or longer lists of answer choices, but are not shown to survey respondents. We try to "over provide" this information for reviewer convenience.
  • Text written in (start red text) red (end red text) indicates survey logic (e.g., who should see which questions) and other notes for the programmers, and are not shown to survey respondents
  • Hyperlinks for pop-up descriptions, survey information pages, etc. are only active during the conduct of the study
  • Text between ‹ › angle brackets indicate information displayed dynamically for each respondent (e.g., a person's typical trip purpose)
  • Exact layout and formatting are not displayed. Layout is approximate (for example, showing different question types and order of multiple questions on one page). However, it is not possible to display exact formatting in this document (for example, on some slides text is smaller in order to show all the questions and survey logic on one page)

Notable differences from Round 1

  • The incentive offering changed, and survey instructions and text related to the incentive were updated accordingly.

Slide 5

Password Entry Page

This image shows the password entry webpage.  It contains a photograph of the Columbus skyline, with a graphic of the state of Ohio and the name of the study (North Columbus Transportation Study).  It has a place for the password to be entered next to a 'Begin' button.  Logos for USDOT and Ohio Department of Transportation are at the bottom.

Slide 6

Frequently Asked Questions

Study Overview

  • What is the purpose of this study?
    The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of Columbus area drivers who regularly use I-71 and other roads north of the city. We want to understand your experiences with busy travel conditions, including whether you use information to plan your trips and the decisions you make about how best to handle traffic congestion in the North Columbus Study Corridor.
  • What is the North Columbus Study Corridor?
    The North Columbus Study Corridor includes about 25 miles of I-71 and other roads between U.S. Route 36 and downtown Columbus.
  • How do I participate in this study?
    This study involves four steps:
    STEP 1: Complete an initial survey about your typical experiences in the North Columbus Study Corridor. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. To start this survey, use the unique password you received on your postcard to log into the secure survey website:
    STEP 2: Install the study's mobile app on your smartphone to log your trips and complete daily mini-surveys about your travel in the corridor. After completing the initial survey, instructions on how to download and install this mobile app will be emailed to you. This part of the study will last 1-2 weeks and will involve less than 5 minutes of time per day.
    STEP 3: Continue using the mobile app and completing mini-surveys with access to customized trip planning resources. After the second part of the study is over, you will be given access to information about travel times on your routes in the corridor. Otherwise this part of the study is similar to Step 2, including using the mobile app to log your trips and completing daily mini-surveys for 1-2 weeks.
    STEP 4: Complete an exit survey about your experiences. After completing Steps 2 and 3, you will receive an email with a link to take the exit survey. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
    To qualify for this study, participants must be regular drivers in the study corridor, age 18 or older, and must own and use an iPhone or an Android phone in order to install the mobile application and complete Steps 2 and 3.
  • What will I get for participating?
    After completing all parts of the study including the exit survey, qualified participants will be entered into a drawing for an iPad Air 2 64 GB (worth $600)! No purchase is necessary to enter, and odds of winning are expected to be about 1 in 20. Winners will be responsible for any applicable taxes.

Slide 7

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

  • Why should I participate?
    As one of a small number of travelers in the Columbus area invited to participate, your response represents the views of many other travelers. We can better understand how to improve your travel experiences by understanding how travelers like you use the transportation system.
  • How was I selected to participate?
    Invited participants were randomly selected from all residential addresses in the North Columbus study area.
  • How are my privacy and personal information protected?
    All of your responses during this study are strictly confidential and will only be analyzed with responses from all other study participants. Your contact information and other identifying information will not be linked to your responses in any analysis or reports and will be destroyed at the conclusion of the study. All information is stored in a secure database that will only be accessed by the study administrators.
    When you use the mobile application to log your trips, GPS data about where and when your vehicle travels will be captured automatically. However, to protect the privacy of your home, work, and other destinations, the first and last 30 seconds of each trip will be deleted.
    For more information about how we protect our privacy, please view our privacy policy or contact us.
  • What if I change my mind about participating?
    This study is completely voluntary, and you may choose to stop participating at any time. If you decide not to participate or to stop participating, there will be no effect on your relationship with the study sponsors and partners or the study administrators.
  • Who do I contact if I have questions or need help during the study?
    For help on how to complete the surveys or for general questions or feedback about the study, email
    If you have questions or concerns about the study, you may also contact the Principal Investigator, Beverly Kuhn, at (979) 862-3558 or
    For questions about your rights as a participant or concerns about the research, you may contact the Texas A&M University Human Subjects Protection Program at (979) 458-4067 or
  • Who is sponsoring this study?
    This study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) in partnership with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and RSG are conducting the study on behalf of the US DOT and ODOT.

Slide 8

Resource Systems Group, Inc. Privacy Statement


© Resource Systems Group, Inc. 2015 is conducting this study for the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) in collaboration with Battelle Memorial Institute and Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).

Resource Systems Group (RSG) will never sell, trade or otherwise share any personal information collected in its surveys with any third party.

RSG will never spam you, advertise to you or otherwise contact you outside of this survey without your explicit and direct permission.

Any and all information collected during this survey will only be presented to RSG's clients as part of an aggregate sample. At no time will individual responses be connected to survey takers' personal information.

During the study, we need your name and contact information in order to reach you, but at the conclusion of the study, this information will be destroyed. Your survey responses will never be sold or shared.


We are committed to your privacy and we take it very seriously. This statement is intended to provide you with information and understanding about how Resource Systems Group (RSG) collects and safeguards personal information that is used as part of the firm's market research studies.


RSG conducts market research on behalf of both public and private sector clients using Internet, stand-alone computer, and other data collection means. Ultimately, this research allows our clients to provide you with better products and services that you use on a daily basis. These products and services range from large infrastructure, like rail service and highways, to consumer products, like magazines and cell phones.


Through independently commissioned surveys, RSG may collect information such as your email address, home or work location, and a variety of demographic information (e.g., gender, age, household income) that will allow us to qualify you for a current survey, tailor survey questions, or ensure we have collected a sample that provides representation across a variety of characteristics. Once you are qualified to participate in a survey, you may be asked to provide additional demographic data, express opinions, and register preferences. The information gathered is aggregated, analyzed, and summarized on behalf of RSG's clients. This information is always presented to clients in summary fashion and never contains any personally identifiable information. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary, and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information requested.

Slide 9


During the course of our surveys, we may passively collect information about your Internet browser and computer settings that makes your survey experience more pleasant. In addition to making your survey experience better, we use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the site, and to track users' movements around the site.


If your personal information changes, if you no longer desire to participate in this study, or if you have inquiries or complaints, please contact us via email at


We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


RSG reserves the right to change its privacy policy. These changes will be posted clearly on the firm's websites and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.


We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law, and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our website.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at:

Resource Systems Group, Inc.
41 North Rio Grande St, Suite 106
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Slide 10

Thank you for your recent participation in the smartphone app portion of the North Columbus Transportation Study.

This final survey is the last step to complete the study. The purpose of this survey is to help us understand how your travel experiences may have changed when you were provided with the customized Transportation Study Resource during the last two weeks of the study.

As one of a small number of Columbus travelers completing this study, your input in this final survey is important. Your feedback will help the study sponsors and other agencies provide better transportation information and services in the region. Also, once you complete this final survey, you will be entered into the drawing for an Apple iPad Air (valued at $600)!

Your privacy will be protected. Please click here to view the privacy policy, or refer to the links at the bottom of the page for more information. You may also email with any questions or concerns. Thank you again for your continued participation!

Please click "Next" to continue.

Next button

Slide 11

Definition and description of traveler information resources in this study

Throughout this study we have asked you about several different types of traveler information. In this final survey, we are specifically asking about two different types of information:

  • Transportation Study Resource: The customized trip-planning information you were provided in the last two weeks of the study. This resource provided average historical travel time information for the study corridor.
  • Other traveler information resources: Any other type of information you may have used before or during the study, including:
    • Other types of trip-planning resources, such as directions or travel times from Google Maps
    • Real-time travel information, such as radio reports of current congestion or traffic app notifications of collisions or other potential roadway hazards

Please click "Next" to continue.

Previous button   Next button

Slide 12

Tips for completing this survey

  • To proceed through the survey and ensure that your responses are saved, please click the "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of the page. Do not use your browser's "back" and "forward" buttons as this may take you out of the survey without saving your answers.
  • If you need to pause and come back later in the middle of the survey, your responses will be saved automatically and you will be able to continue from where you stopped.
  • This survey may be completed on a mobile device (a smartphone or tablet computer) as well as a laptop or desktop computer.
  • A few key terms and concepts are used throughout this survey (different types of information and familiar or unfamiliar trips). You can click on the links throughout the survey to see a reminder of their definitions.

Now, let's get started!

Previous button   Next button

Slide 13

During the last two weeks of this study, how often did you check the Transportation Study Resource for traveler information when planning familiar or unfamiliar trips on I-71?

  More than once/ day Once/ day A few days/ week About one day per week Never
Familiar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of Transportation Study Resource (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-ups for Familiar and Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline (see next page)
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 14

(start red text) Pop-up definitions for "familiar" and "unfamiliar" trips (same as baseline) (end red text)

(start red text) Familiar: (end red text)

For example, trips to familiar locations might include grocery shopping, regular errands (e.g. to the bank or the dentist), taking your kids to school, going to a friend's house, going to the gym, or any other personal destinations you regularly visit or feel comfortable finding without directions.

(start red text) Unfamiliar:(end red text)

For example, trips to unfamiliar locations might include new or infrequent errands (e.g. to the airport or to a new doctor), trips to a new restaurant, infrequent trips to a recreational destination (e.g. a concert hall), or other destinations you rarely visit or need directions or navigation assistance to find.

Slide 15

During the last two weeks of this study, how often did you check other traveler information resources when planning familiar or unfamiliar trips on I-71?

  More than once/ day Once/ day A few days/ week About one day per week Never
Familiar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-ups for Familiar and Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 16

(start red text) If used TTR study resource at all for familiar trips (end red text)

Based on what you learned from the Transportation Study Resource, how often did you change your travel plans for familiar trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of this study?

  Frequently (almost every day) Sometimes (a few times/ week) Rarely (once/ week or less) Did this, but based on other info Never did this Not applicable
Started my trip earlier radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Started my trip later radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Made minor changes to my route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to a toll road radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Completely changed my planned route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to public transit radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Canceled trip or postponed to a later day radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Decided to telecommute radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-up for Familiar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 17

(start red text) If used TTR study resource at all for unfamiliar trips (end red text)

Based on what you learned from the Transportation Study Resource, how often did you change your travel plans for unfamiliar trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of this study?

  Frequently (almost every day) Sometimes (a few times/ week) Rarely (once/ week or less) Did this, but based on other info Never did this Not applicable
Started my trip earlier radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Started my trip later radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Made minor changes to my route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to a toll road radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Completely changed my planned route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to public transit radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Canceled trip or postponed to a later day radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Decided to telecommute radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-up for Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 18

(start red text) If (ttr_infofreq_familiar › never OR ttr_infofreq_unfamiliar › never)
AND (othinfo_freq_familiar › never OR othinfo_freq_unfamiliar › never)
(end red text)

Please continue thinking about the last two weeks that you participated in the study.

Compared to information from the other traveler information resources, how much impact did information from Transportation Study Resource have on your travel plans?

Travel information from the Transportation Study Resource had:

  • A lot more impact than other information
  • Slightly more impact than other information
  • About the same impact as other information
  • Slightly less impact than other information
  • A lot less impact than other information

(start red text) Show pop-up definitions of Transportation Study Resource and Other resources (see infodefinition page) (end red text)

Slide 19

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

For the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
The Transportation Study Resource was easy to understand radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource was reliable radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
The information from the Transportation Study Resource did NOT reduce the amount of travel time I plan for my trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Overall, the information I received from the Transportation Study Resource was useful radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 20

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

For the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
In general, information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me reduce my travel time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
In general, information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me avoid congestion radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource reduced the stress of my trip radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me plan my trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 21

(start red text) If (ttr_infofreq_familiar › never OR ttr_infofreq_unfamiliar › never)
AND (othinfo_freq_familiar › never OR othinfo_freq_unfamiliar › never)
(end red text)

Compared to information from the other traveler information resources, how useful was the information from the Transportation Study Resource for you?

Travel information from the Transportation Study Resource was:

  • A lot more useful than other information
  • Slightly more useful than other information
  • About as equally useful as other information
  • Slightly less useful than other information
  • A lot less useful than other information

(start red text) Show pop-up definitions of Transportation Study Resource and Other resources (see infodefinition page) (end red text)

Slide 22

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

In general, how satisfied were you with the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Estimated/ approximate travel time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Extra time/ recommended cushion radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Recommended/ suggested departure time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Total travel time estimate for most/ majority of the time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 23

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

Overall, how satisfied were you with your trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of the study period?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Trips made while using the Transportation Study Resource radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
(start red text) [if used other sources] (end red text) Trips made while using another travel information resource radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Trips made when I did not use any travel information radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 24

(start red text) If never used info (ttrinfo_freq_fam=never AND ttrinfo_freq_unfam=never) (end red text)

Can you tell us why you did not use the Transportation Study Resource for your trips during the study?

Please select all that apply.

  • The information did not seem reliable
  • My schedule is generally flexible (I do not need to arrive at my destinations at a specific time)
  • I am familiar with traffic conditions/travel times on I-71
  • I did not have time to check the information
  • Accessing information was difficult or inconvenient
  • The information was not detailed enough
  • The information was not available for my entire route
  • The information was difficult to understand
  • I prefer the other types of traveler information I normally use
  • I never use any types of traveler information
  • Other, please specify:

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 25

(start red text) Ask everyone (end red text)

How likely are you to use travel information resources (like the Transportation Study Resource) for the following types of trips in the future?

  Very unlikely Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neutral Somewhat Likely Likely Very Likely Not Applicable
Commuting trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Familiar personal trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Trips in an unfamiliar city radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements
Show pop-up for Familiar/ Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 26

If you plan to use travel information for trips in the future, how do you prefer to receive this information?

Please select all that apply.

  • Through a smartphone app
  • On a website
  • Through a phone number (e.g. 511)
  • Through email or text message alerts
  • Other, please specify:
  • I do not plan to travel information in the future

(start red text) Randomize statements – anchor "Other" and "do not plan to use" at bottom (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 27

Optional: Do you have any suggestions for improving travel information, other types of traveler information, or travel experiences on I-71?

(start red text) Optional text box entry (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 28

Would you be willing to participate in future studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Ohio Department of Transportation, or other study sponsors?

An important part of improving the transportation system is gathering feedback from residents such as yourself. If you say "Yes" you may be contacted in the future to invite you to another study, but your response does not impact your participation in this study.

radio button Yes
radio button No

Previous button   Next button

Slide 29

Thank you! Your responses have been successfully submitted.

Congratulations, you have completed the North Columbus Transportation Study!

You have automatically been entered into the drawing for an iPad. Winners will be notified via email after all participants have completed this final survey (by the end of December).

In the meantime, please email if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you again for helping to improve traveler information resources and transportation in the Columbus region!

Slide 1

TTR Study: Exit Questionnaire
Columbus Round 4
February 2016

Slide 2

Exit survey design goals/ considerations for reviewers

The primary purposes of the Exit Survey (following Phase 2 of the trip diaries when participants were provided with TTR information) is to collect information about if and how respondents used the TTR information they were provided and how they perceived that information. This includes information about:

  • How often participants used the TTR information for different kinds of trips
  • What kind of impacts the TTR information had on behavior (if any) (e.g., changes in departure time, route, mode choice)
  • How satisfied participants were with various aspects of the information (e.g., clarity, ease of access, trustworthiness, overall usefulness)
  • What kind of impacts the TTR had on trip experience (if any) (e.g., reduced stress, congestion avoidance, shorter trip, overall trip satisfaction)
  • Perceptions of what might make the information more useful for different kinds of trips or in an unfamiliar city (or what might make participants likely to use the information in the future)

When relevant, questions in the exit survey are designed to match similar questions from the baseline survey as closely as possible.

This is intended to allow for "before" and "after" comparisons, or more specifically comparisons of how respondents typically used and perceived "other" types of information before the study versus how they typically used and perceived the TTR information during the second phase of the study. Questions from the baseline that are similar to questions in this exit survey include:

  • infosource familiar/unfamiliar (baseline, slides 40-41) == ttruse_freq familiar/ unfamiliar (exit, slide 5)
  • change familiar/unfamiliar (baseline, slides 48-49) == ttr_change familiar/unfamiliar (exit, slides 18-19)
  • infosat (baseline, slide 50) == ttr_infosat (exit, slide 22)
  • infoopinion (baseline, slide 51) == ttr_infoopinion (exit, slides 23-24)
  • ynoinfo (baseline, slide 52) == ttr_ynoinfo (exit, slide 26)

Other exit survey questions focus specifically on aspects and opinions of the TTR info and do not have comparable baseline questions.

Slide 3

Exit survey overview: flow chart

This figure presents a flowchart of the Exit Survey questions. It shows that the introductory information is provided first. Then, questions about frequency of use of TTR and other information are asked. Those participants that did not use TTR are asked the reason. Those participants that used TTR are provided questions about the impacts of the TTR information, and questions comparing the impacts of TTR information to other information are asked if the respondent used both types of information. Then, questions about satisfaction with TTR information are asked, and questions comparing the satisfaction with TTR information to other information are asked if the respondent used both types of information. Then, questions about impacts of TTR information on travel experiences are asked. Finally, all participants are asked about the likelihood of future use of TTR. The concluding slides thank the participant and provide information about obtaining their incentive.

Slide 4

Exit questionnaire formatting overview

This document is designed to show question wording, answer choices, and survey flow logic.

A few tips and notes to keep in mind while reviewing this document:

  • Each slide represents one page in the survey. Typically there is one question per page, though in some cases a few simple questions may be asked of respondents on a single page.
  • In the comments section below each slide, each question or page name is shown between [ ] square brackets (e.g., [intro]) – use these page names to help provide feedback for the survey
  • The comments section below each slide may also show additional notes or shorter lists of answer options
  • Slides with a gray background (such as this one) include notes, instructions for programming the survey, or longer lists of answer choices, but are not shown to survey respondents. We try to "over provide" this information for reviewer convenience.
  • Text written in (start red text) red (end red text) indicates survey logic (e.g., who should see which questions) and other notes for the programmers, and are not shown to survey respondents
  • Hyperlinks for pop-up descriptions, survey information pages, etc. are only active during the conduct of the study
  • Text between ‹ › angle brackets indicate information displayed dynamically for each respondent (e.g., a person's typical trip purpose)
  • Exact layout and formatting are not displayed. Layout is approximate (for example, showing different question types and order of multiple questions on one page). However, it is not possible to display exact formatting in this document (for example, on some slides text is smaller in order to show all the questions and survey logic on one page)

Notable differences from Round 1

  • The incentive offering changed, and survey instructions and text related to the incentive were updated accordingly.

Slide 5

Password Entry Page

This image shows the password entry webpage.  It contains a photograph of the Columbus skyline, with a graphic of the state of Ohio and the name of the study (North Columbus Transportation Study).  It has a place for the password to be entered next to a 'Begin' button.  Logos for USDOT and Ohio Department of Transportation are at the bottom.

Slide 6

Frequently Asked Questions

Study Overview

  • What is the purpose of this study?
    The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of Columbus area drivers who regularly use I-71 and other roads north of the city. We want to understand your experiences with busy travel conditions, including whether you use information to plan your trips and the decisions you make about how best to handle traffic congestion in the North Columbus Study Corridor.
  • What is the North Columbus Study Corridor?
    The North Columbus Study Corridor includes about 25 miles of I-71 and other roads between U.S. Route 36 and downtown Columbus.
  • How do I participate in this study?
    This study involves four steps:
    STEP 1: Complete an initial survey about your typical experiences in the North Columbus Study Corridor. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. To start this survey, use the unique password you received on your postcard to log into the secure survey website:
    STEP 2: Install the study's mobile app on your smartphone to log your trips and complete daily mini-surveys about your travel in the corridor. After completing the initial survey, instructions on how to download and install this mobile app will be emailed to you. This part of the study will last 1-2 weeks and will involve less than 5 minutes of time per day.
    STEP 3: Continue using the mobile app and completing mini-surveys with access to customized trip planning resources. After the second part of the study is over, you will be given access to information about travel times on your routes in the corridor. Otherwise this part of the study is similar to Step 2, including using the mobile app to log your trips and completing daily mini-surveys for 1-2 weeks.
    STEP 4: Complete an exit survey about your experiences. After completing Steps 2 and 3, you will receive an email with a link to take the exit survey. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
    To qualify for this study, participants must be regular drivers in the study corridor, age 18 or older, and must own and use an iPhone or an Android phone in order to install the mobile application and complete Steps 2 and 3.
  • What will I get for participating?
    After completing all parts of the study including the exit survey, qualified participants will receive a $100 check from the Battelle Memorial Institute as thanks for your participation.

Slide 7

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

  • Why should I participate?
    As one of a small number of travelers in the Columbus area invited to participate, your response represents the views of many other travelers. We can better understand how to improve your travel experiences by understanding how travelers like you use the transportation system.
  • How was I selected to participate?
    Invited participants were randomly selected from all residential addresses in the North Columbus study area.
  • How are my privacy and personal information protected?
    All of your responses during this study are strictly confidential and will only be analyzed with responses from all other study participants. Your contact information and other identifying information will not be linked to your responses in any analysis or reports and will be destroyed at the conclusion of the study. All information is stored in a secure database that will only be accessed by the study administrators.
    When you use the mobile application to log your trips, GPS data about where and when your vehicle travels will be captured automatically. However, to protect the privacy of your home, work, and other destinations, the first and last 30 seconds of each trip will be deleted.
    For more information about how we protect our privacy, please view our privacy policy or contact us.
  • What if I change my mind about participating?
    This study is completely voluntary, and you may choose to stop participating at any time. If you decide not to participate or to stop participating, there will be no effect on your relationship with the study sponsors and partners or the study administrators.
  • Who do I contact if I have questions or need help during the study?
    For help on how to complete the surveys or for general questions or feedback about the study, email
    If you have questions or concerns about the study, you may also contact the Principal Investigator, Beverly Kuhn, at (979) 862-3558 or
    For questions about your rights as a participant or concerns about the research, you may contact the Texas A&M University Human Subjects Protection Program at (979) 458-4067 or
  • Who is sponsoring this study?
    This study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) in partnership with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and RSG are conducting the study on behalf of the US DOT and ODOT.

Slide 8

Resource Systems Group, Inc. Privacy Statement


© Resource Systems Group, Inc. 2015 is conducting this study for the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) in collaboration with Battelle Memorial Institute and Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).

Resource Systems Group (RSG) will never sell, trade or otherwise share any personal information collected in its surveys with any third party.

RSG will never spam you, advertise to you or otherwise contact you outside of this survey without your explicit and direct permission.

Any and all information collected during this survey will only be presented to RSG's clients as part of an aggregate sample. At no time will individual responses be connected to survey takers' personal information.

During the study, we need your name and contact information in order to reach you, but at the conclusion of the study, this information will be destroyed. Your survey responses will never be sold or shared.


We are committed to your privacy and we take it very seriously. This statement is intended to provide you with information and understanding about how Resource Systems Group (RSG) collects and safeguards personal information that is used as part of the firm's market research studies.


RSG conducts market research on behalf of both public and private sector clients using Internet, stand-alone computer, and other data collection means. Ultimately, this research allows our clients to provide you with better products and services that you use on a daily basis. These products and services range from large infrastructure, like rail service and highways, to consumer products, like magazines and cell phones.


Through independently commissioned surveys, RSG may collect information such as your email address, home or work location, and a variety of demographic information (e.g., gender, age, household income) that will allow us to qualify you for a current survey, tailor survey questions, or ensure we have collected a sample that provides representation across a variety of characteristics. Once you are qualified to participate in a survey, you may be asked to provide additional demographic data, express opinions, and register preferences. The information gathered is aggregated, analyzed, and summarized on behalf of RSG's clients. This information is always presented to clients in summary fashion and never contains any personally identifiable information. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary, and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information requested.

Slide 9


During the course of our surveys, we may passively collect information about your Internet browser and computer settings that makes your survey experience more pleasant. In addition to making your survey experience better, we use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the site, and to track users' movements around the site.


If your personal information changes, if you no longer desire to participate in this study, or if you have inquiries or complaints, please contact us via email at


We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


RSG reserves the right to change its privacy policy. These changes will be posted clearly on the firm's websites and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.


We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law, and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our website.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at:

Resource Systems Group, Inc.
41 North Rio Grande St, Suite 106
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Slide 10

Thank you for your recent participation in the smartphone app portion of the North Columbus Transportation Study.

This final survey is the last step to complete the study. The purpose of this survey is to help us understand how your travel experiences may have changed when you were provided with the customized Transportation Study Resource during the last two weeks of the study.

As one of a small number of Columbus travelers completing this study, your input in this final survey is important. Your feedback will help the study sponsors and other agencies provide better transportation information and services in the region. Also, once you complete this final survey, you will receive a $100 check from Battelle Memorial Institute as thanks for your participation!

Your privacy will be protected. Please click here to view the privacy policy, or refer to the links at the bottom of the page for more information. You may also email with any questions or concerns. Thank you again for your continued participation!

Please click "Next" to continue.

Next button

Slide 11

Definition and description of traveler information resources in this study

Throughout this study we have asked you about several different types of traveler information. In this final survey, we are specifically asking about two different types of information:

  • Transportation Study Resource: The customized trip-planning information you were provided in the last two weeks of the study. This resource provided average historical travel time information for the study corridor.
  • Other traveler information resources: Any other type of information you may have used before or during the study, including:
    • Other types of trip-planning resources, such as directions or travel times from Google Maps
    • Real-time travel information, such as radio reports of current congestion or traffic app notifications of collisions or other potential roadway hazards

Please click "Next" to continue.

Previous button   Next button

Slide 12

Tips for completing this survey

  • To proceed through the survey and ensure that your responses are saved, please click the "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of the page. Do not use your browser's "back" and "forward" buttons as this may take you out of the survey without saving your answers.
  • If you need to pause and come back later in the middle of the survey, your responses will be saved automatically and you will be able to continue from where you stopped.
  • This survey may be completed on a mobile device (a smartphone or tablet computer) as well as a laptop or desktop computer.
  • A few key terms and concepts are used throughout this survey (different types of information and familiar or unfamiliar trips). You can click on the links throughout the survey to see a reminder of their definitions.

Now, let's get started!

Previous button   Next button

Slide 13

During the last two weeks of this study, how often did you check the Transportation Study Resource for traveler information when planning familiar or unfamiliar trips on I-71?

  More than once/ day Once/ day A few days/ week About one day per week Never
Familiar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of Transportation Study Resource (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-ups for Familiar and Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline (see next page)
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 14

(start red text) Pop-up definitions for "familiar" and "unfamiliar" trips (same as baseline) (end red text)

(start red text) Familiar: (end red text)

For example, trips to familiar locations might include grocery shopping, regular errands (e.g. to the bank or the dentist), taking your kids to school, going to a friend's house, going to the gym, or any other personal destinations you regularly visit or feel comfortable finding without directions.

(start red text) Unfamiliar:(end red text)

For example, trips to unfamiliar locations might include new or infrequent errands (e.g. to the airport or to a new doctor), trips to a new restaurant, infrequent trips to a recreational destination (e.g. a concert hall), or other destinations you rarely visit or need directions or navigation assistance to find.

Slide 15

During the last two weeks of this study, how often did you check other traveler information resources when planning familiar or unfamiliar trips on I-71?

  More than once/ day Once/ day A few days/ week About one day per week Never
Familiar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-ups for Familiar and Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 16

(start red text) If used TTR study resource at all for familiar trips (end red text)

Based on what you learned from the Transportation Study Resource, how often did you change your travel plans for familiar trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of this study?

  Frequently (almost every day) Sometimes (a few times/ week) Rarely (once/ week or less) Did this, but based on other info Never did this Not applicable
Started my trip earlier radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Started my trip later radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Made minor changes to my route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to a toll road radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Completely changed my planned route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to public transit radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Canceled trip or postponed to a later day radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Decided to telecommute radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-up for Familiar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 17

(start red text) If used TTR study resource at all for unfamiliar trips (end red text)

Based on what you learned from the Transportation Study Resource, how often did you change your travel plans for unfamiliar trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of this study?

  Frequently (almost every day) Sometimes (a few times/ week) Rarely (once/ week or less) Did this, but based on other info Never did this Not applicable
Started my trip earlier radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Started my trip later radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Made minor changes to my route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to a toll road radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Completely changed my planned route radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Changed to public transit radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Canceled trip or postponed to a later day radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Decided to telecommute radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Show pop-up definition of other types of information (see infodefinition page)
Show pop-up for Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 18

(start red text) If (ttr_infofreq_familiar › never OR ttr_infofreq_unfamiliar › never)
AND (othinfo_freq_familiar › never OR othinfo_freq_unfamiliar › never)
(end red text)

Please continue thinking about the last two weeks that you participated in the study.

Compared to information from the other traveler information resources, how much impact did information from Transportation Study Resource have on your travel plans?

Travel information from the Transportation Study Resource had:

  • A lot more impact than other information
  • Slightly more impact than other information
  • About the same impact as other information
  • Slightly less impact than other information
  • A lot less impact than other information

(start red text) Show pop-up definitions of Transportation Study Resource and Other resources (see infodefinition page) (end red text)

Slide 19

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

For the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
The Transportation Study Resource was easy to understand radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource was reliable radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
The information from the Transportation Study Resource did NOT reduce the amount of travel time I plan for my trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Overall, the information I received from the Transportation Study Resource was useful radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 20

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

For the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
In general, information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me reduce my travel time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
In general, information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me avoid congestion radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource reduced the stress of my trip radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Information from the Transportation Study Resource helped me plan my trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 21

(start red text) If (ttr_infofreq_familiar › never OR ttr_infofreq_unfamiliar › never)
AND (othinfo_freq_familiar › never OR othinfo_freq_unfamiliar › never)
(end red text)

Compared to information from the other traveler information resources, how useful was the information from the Transportation Study Resource for you?

Travel information from the Transportation Study Resource was:

  • A lot more useful than other information
  • Slightly more useful than other information
  • About as equally useful as other information
  • Slightly less useful than other information
  • A lot less useful than other information

(start red text) Show pop-up definitions of Transportation Study Resource and Other resources (see infodefinition page) (end red text)

Slide 22

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

In general, how satisfied were you with the information you received from the Transportation Study Resource?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Estimated/ approximate travel time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Extra time/ recommended cushion radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Recommended/ suggested departure time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Total travel time estimate for most/ majority of the time radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 23

(start red text) If uses TTR more than never for either unfamiliar or familiar trips (end red text)

Overall, how satisfied were you with your trips on I-71 during the last two weeks of the study period?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Trips made while using the Transportation Study Resource radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
(start red text) [if used other sources] (end red text) Trips made while using another travel information resource radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Trips made when I did not use any travel information radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 24

(start red text) If never used info (ttrinfo_freq_fam=never AND ttrinfo_freq_unfam=never) (end red text)

Can you tell us why you did not use the Transportation Study Resource for your trips during the study?

Please select all that apply.

  • The information did not seem reliable
  • My schedule is generally flexible (I do not need to arrive at my destinations at a specific time)
  • I am familiar with traffic conditions/travel times on I-71
  • I did not have time to check the information
  • Accessing information was difficult or inconvenient
  • The information was not detailed enough
  • The information was not available for my entire route
  • The information was difficult to understand
  • I prefer the other types of traveler information I normally use
  • I never use any types of traveler information
  • Other, please specify:

(start red text) Randomize statements (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 25

(start red text) Ask everyone (end red text)

How likely are you to use travel information resources (like the Transportation Study Resource) for the following types of trips in the future?

  Very unlikely Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neutral Somewhat Likely Likely Very Likely Not Applicable
Commuting trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Familiar personal trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Unfamiliar trips radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button
Trips in an unfamiliar city radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button

(start red text) Randomize statements
Show pop-up for Familiar/ Unfamiliar trip definitions/ examples – same as in baseline
(end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 26

If you plan to use travel information for trips in the future, how do you prefer to receive this information?

Please select all that apply.

  • Through a smartphone app
  • On a website
  • Through a phone number (e.g. 511)
  • Through email or text message alerts
  • Other, please specify:
  • I do not plan to travel information in the future

(start red text) Randomize statements – anchor "Other" and "do not plan to use" at bottom (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 27

Optional: Do you have any suggestions for improving travel information, other types of traveler information, or travel experiences on I-71?

(start red text) Optional text box entry (end red text)

Previous button   Next button

Slide 28

Would you be willing to participate in future studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Ohio Department of Transportation, or other study sponsors?

An important part of improving the transportation system is gathering feedback from residents such as yourself. If you say "Yes" you may be contacted in the future to invite you to another study, but your response does not impact your participation in this study.

radio button Yes
radio button No

Previous button   Next button

Slide 29

You're almost done! This last question is to confirm how you would like to receive your $100 check as thanks for your participation.

Please provide the address where you would like your check to be mailed. Please make sure to include the mail recipient's name and full mailing address (name, street address, city, state, and zip code).

(start red text) Optional text box entry (end red text)

This information will only be used to send your check. If you prefer not to receive your check by mail, you may pick it up in person at Battelle's main office:

Battelle Memorial Institute
505 King Ave.
Columbus, OH 43201

Please allow three weeks for payment processing.

Click "Next" to submit your responses and complete the study.

Previous button   Next button

Slide 30

Thank you! Your responses have been successfully submitted.

Congratulations, you have completed the North Columbus Transportation Study!

Your check will be mailed to the address you provided on the previous page, or will available at Battelle's main office (505 King Ave.) within three weeks if you did not provide an address.

In the meantime, please email if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you again for helping to improve traveler information resources and transportation in the Columbus region!

Office of Operations