Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

April 2017






WHEREAS, it is mutually recognized by the Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Team Agency Member that the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC) estimates that traffic incidents are the cause of about one-quarter of the congestion of United States roadways, and that for every minute a freeway lane is blocked during a peak travel period, four minutes of travel delay results after the incidents is cleared. First responders to these incidents routinely face dangers and are sometimes victims of secondary crashes, as are other motorists. Traffic incidents result in substantial economic impact, increased air pollution and motorist frustration as well as cause an adverse impact on the quality of life;

WHEREAS, it is understood the Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) has developed a TIM Strategic Plan to identify programs and actions to sustain the commitment to, and expand, the TIM program in Maryland to better meet our travel needs. Moreover, the SHA has reached a milestone where the Department can now strengthen its already successful TIM Program to reach new levels of leadership and vision. The program's future success will include; increased TIM Team Agency Membership, an in depth understanding of stakeholder needs, a statewide and national perspective on transportation management and operations, and credibility to lead the TIM community to achieve new goals;

WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed by the TIM Team Agency Member that the result of efficient traffic incident management through safe, quick clearance, prompt and reliable response as well as interoperable communications enhances responder safety and is consistent with the Traffic Incident Management National Unified Goal (NUG).

WHEREAS, it is understood by the TIM Team Agency Member that this MOU is intended to provide the framework and guidelines to promote a collaborative effort in Maryland to further refine and promote the TIM program within the State. This may be accomplished by identifying goals, delineating scene roles and responsibilities, establishing consistent emergency lighting guidelines, implement TIM training and understand the advantages of a central informational system;

WHEREAS, it is recognized that the TIM Team Agency Member understands the importance of data and resource-sharing and public safety through efficient and timely use of TIM most promising practices, and,

WHEREAS, it is understood this MOU does not obligate the TIM Team Agency Member or their representatives to commit or donate funds, equipment or personnel to the association's activities or initiatives. The TIM Team Agency Member does however commit to participating in collaborative efforts intended to advance the interest of the TIM program for the benefit of public safety.

NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned do hereby agree to the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding for Coordination of Traffic Incident Management on roadways maintained by the Maryland State Highway Administration.

I.        Endorsement of the MD/SHA-MSP "Clear the Road" Policy

The parties hereto agree the MD/SHA-MSP "Clear the Road" Policy as shown as Attachment A. This agreement by and between SHA and the Maryland State Police (MSP) establishes a policy for SHA personnel to expedite the removal of vehicles, cargo, and debris from roadways maintained by SHA to restore, in an URGENT MANNER the safe and orderly flow of traffic following a motor vehicle crash or other incident on Maryland's roadways.

The Policy establishes an overall time goal for roadway and incident scene clearance times as follows:

All incidents cleared from the roadway within 90 minutes of the arrival of the first responding officer.

By recognizing and understanding the importance of the Statewide Clear the Road Policy, the TIM Team Agency Member agrees to work toward meeting and/or exceeding this goal.

II.       Delineation of Incident Scene Roles and Responsibilities

            This section of the Memorandum of Understanding provides the definition of the incident scene roles for participating TIM Team Agency Members based on National Incident Management System and Incident Command System structure. These roles and responsibilities are as follows:

1.       Law Enforcement

Including State, County, City and Municipality Departments of Law Enforcement

  1. Secures incident scene
  2. Performs first responder duties
  3. Assists responders in accessing the incident scene
  4. Establishes emergency access routes
  5. Controls arrival and departure of incident responders
  6. Polices perimeter of incident scene and impact area
  7. Conducts crash investigation
  8. Performs traffic control
  9. Assumes role of Incident Commander, if appropriate
  10. Supports unified command, as necessary

2.        Fire and Rescue

Including State, County, City and Local Volunteer Fire and Rescue Departments

  1. Protects incident scene
  2. Rescues/extricates victims
  3. Extinguishes fires
  4. Responds to and assesses incidents involving a hazardous materials release
  5. Contains or mitigates a hazardous materials release
  6. Performs traffic control
  7. Assumes role of Incident Commander, if appropriate
  8. Supports unified command, as necessary

3.       Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Including State, County, City and other Municipality Medical Services

  1. Provides medical treatment to those injured at the incident scene
  2. Determines destination and transportation requirements for injured victims
  3. Transports victims for additional medical treatment
  4. Supports unified command, as necessary

4.        Emergency Management Agencies

Including State, County and City Emergency Operations Centers

  1. Coordinates government response and resources
  2. Provides technical expertise
  3. Provides evacuation recommendations
  4. Facilitates communication and coordination across jurisdictions
  5. Coordinates response from other State and Federal agencies
  6. Assumes role of Incident Commander, if appropriate

5.         Environmental Agencies

Including the Department of Environment and other similar, local agencies

  1. Provide technical expertise
  2. Ensure hazardous material releases are re-mediated properly
  3. Respond to and assess incidents involving hazardous materials
  4. Coordinate the responsible party response to the incident
  5. Support unified command, as necessary

III.       Establishment of Incident Scene Emergency Lighting Guidelines

The section of the Memorandum of Understanding creates a Lighting Policy establishing the on-scene lighting procedures developed with the guidance of the 2009 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Section 6I.05 shown as Attachment B.

Public safety agencies should examine their policies on the use of emergency vehicle lighting, especially after a traffic incident scene is secured, with the intent of reducing the use of this lighting as much as possible while not endangering those at the scene. Special consideration should be given to reducing or extinguishing forward facing emergency vehicle lighting, especially on divided roadways, to reduce distractions to on coming motorists.

By recognizing and understanding the importance of the local Emergency Lighting guidelines, the TIM Team Agency Member agrees to restrict the use of incident scene lighting as noted in the policy.

IV.       Establishment and Implementation of Traffic Incident Management Training

The section of the Memorandum of Understanding establishes the standard for first responder traffic incident management training as Federal Highway Administration's Strategic Research Highway Project 2 (SHRP2) as the preferred resource. The TIM Team Agency Member agrees to establish, endorse, implement and/or maintain SHRP2 traffic incident management training to all sworn, uniformed and first responders within their agency.

V.        Recognition of an Informational Clearinghouse for Incident Information

The TIM Team Agency Member is resolved to improve incident communications by establishing the Office of CHART & ITS Development's Statewide Operations Center (SOC) as a clearinghouse for incident information. The purpose of this resolve is to ensure that all participating TIM Team Agency Members are committed to notifying the SOC of all incident information including but not limited to notification of the incident, response taken to the incident, verification of incident information and clearance actions taken during an incident.

Review and/or Cancellation of Memorandum

The parties agree to review the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding at least every two (2) years and make any changes, modifications, or revisions to this Memorandum which are deemed necessary to ensure continued efficient management and operations of Maryland roadways.

It is mutually understood by the parties, that this Memorandum of Understanding for Coordination of Traffic Incident Management on roadways maintained by the Maryland State Highway Administration shall remain in effect until canceled by written notification of any party or their successors to the other.

AS WITNESS, our hands this _______ day of __________________, 2014.


DOT Head                                                             Partner Agency Head

Memorandum of understanding

Memorandum of understanding continued

Memorandum of understanding continued

Office of Operations