Figure 23. Diagram. Regional intelligent transportation systems architecture use in corridor planning.
Flow-chart of the process of planning for transportation systems management and operations within corridors and how regional ITS architecture affects it. The process steps are:
- Step 1: Getting Started: Scoping the Effort and Building a Team
- Step 2: Gathering Information on Current and Future Context and Conditions
- Step 3: Developing an Outcome-Oriented Operational Concept
- Corridor Goals
- Corridor Operations Objectives
- Performance Measures
- Step 4: Identifying Operations Performance Needs, Gaps, and Opportunities
- Step 5: Developing an Integrated TSMO Approach
- Identifying TSMO Strategies Based on Operations Objectives and Performance Needs
- Evaluating TSMO Strategies
- Selecting TSMO Strategies
- Step 6: Programming for TSMO on Corridors
- Step 7: Implementing
The process then loops back to Step 2 via monitoring and maintaining the level of operations over time.
Regional ITS Architecture provides input at each stage of this process.