Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Transportation Management Center Video Recording and Archiving Best General Practices

List of Abbreviations and Symbols

AIRS—Auto Incident Record System

ASF—Advanced Systems Format

ATMS—Active Traffic Management System

BVMS—Bosch Video Management System

CARS—Condition Acquisition and Reporting System

CCTV—Closed-circuit television

DOT—Department of Transportation

DVR—Digital Video Recorder

FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions

FDOT—Florida Department of Transportation

FOIA—Freedom of Information Act

fps—Frames per second

FTE—Full-Time Equivalents

FTP—File Transfer Protocol

HOT—High-Occupancy Toll

HOV—High-Occupancy Vehicle

IP—Internet Protocol

IT—Information Technology

ITS—Intelligent Transportation Systems

MSA—Metropolitan Statistical Area

MnDOT—Minnesota Department of Transportation

MOU—Memorandum of Understanding

MSP—Minnesota State Patrol

NITTEC—Niagara International Transportation Technology Coalition

NJDOT—New Jersey Department of Transportation

NMDOT—New Mexico Department of Transportation

NTCIP—National Transportation Commission for ITS Protocols

NVR—Networked Video Recorder

NYSDOT—New York State Department of Transportation

ODOT—Oregon Department of Transportation

RTC—Regional Transportation Commission

RTMC—Regional Transportation Management Center


SPCA—Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

STMC—Statewide Traffic Management Center

STOC—Statewide Traffic Operations Center

TDOT—Tennessee Department of Transportation

TIM—Traffic Incident Management

TMC—Transportation Management Center

TRIMARC—Traffic Response and Incident Management Assisting the River Cities

TSMO—Transportation Systems Management and Operations

VHS—Video Home System

WisDOT—Wisconsin Department of Transportation

WSDOT—Washington State Department of Transportation

Office of Operations