Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Figure 1: Illustration. The Federal Highway Administration's Six—Phase Scenario Planning Framework.

Figure shows the 6-phase FHWA planning framework.

1. How should we get started?
Scope the effort and engage partners.
Considerations: process goals, objectives, budget, and stakeholder roles and responsibilities.
Output: Work Plan

2. Where are we now?
Establish baseline analysis. Identify factors and trends that affect the state, region, community, or study area.
Considerations: Transportation and land supply, suitability, and demand; state, regional, community, or study area trends.
Outputs: Transportation systems inventory, land suitability analysis, evaluation of historical trends.

3. Who are we and where do we want to go?
Establish future goals and aspirations based on values of the state, region, community, or study area.
Considerations: Key values and priorities for the state, community, region, or study area.
Outputs: Set of working principles that document broad state, community, regions, or study-area goals and preferences.

4. What could the future look like?
Create baseline and alternative scenarios.
Considerations: Scenario types, analysis tools, travel demand model.
Outputs: Identification of appropriate scenario analysis tool or refinement of of travel demand model; baseline and alternative scenarios.

5. What impacts will scenarios have?
Assess scenario impacts, influences, and effects
Considerations: Indicators to help evaluate scenario performance.
Outputs: refined or calibrated analysis tool(s) or model(s) if necessary; list of indicators to compare scenario outcomes; qualitative or quantitative assessment of scenario impacts.

6. How will we reach our desired future?
Craft the comprehensive vision. Identify strategic actions and performance measures.
Considerations: Stakeholder feedback on scenarios and the future blueprint; potential actions, investment, or policies to lead the state, community, region, or study area toward comprehensive vision.
Outputs: Comprehensive vision; action steps; performance measure to assess progress; plan for monitoring progress.

Office of Operations