Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Measuring the Impacts of Freight Transportation Improvements on the Economy and Competitiveness

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym / Abbreviation Stands For
3PL Third party logistics provider
AASHTO American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
BCA Benefit Cost Analysis
CDSS Congestion Decision Support System
DOT Department of transportation
EDRG Economic Development Research Group
FAF Freight Analysis Framework
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
HERS-ST Highway Economic Requirement System - State
IDAS ITS Deployment Analysis System
IMC Intermodal Marketing Company
IMPLAN IMpact analysis for PLANning
I-O Input-Output
LEAP Local Economic Assessment Package
LTL Less-than-Truckload
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
PECAS Production Exchange Consumption Allocation System
REMI Regional Models Incorporated
REIHMS Regional Economic Impact Model for Highway Systems
RIMS II Regional Input-Output Modeling System II
RUBMRIO Random Utility-Based Multiregional Input-Output
SAM social accounting matrices
SEMCOG Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
STEAM Surface Transportation Efficiency Model
SHRP Strategic Highway Research Program
TELUM Transportation Environment and Land-use Model
TL Truckload
T-PICS Transportation Project Impact Case Studies
TREDIS Transportation Economic Development Impact System

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Office of Operations