Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Incorporating Travel-Time Reliability into the Congestion Management Process (CMP): A Primer

Acronyms and Symbols

CMP Congestion Management Process (Federal guidelines) or Congestion Management Program (locally or regionally adopted)
DOT Department of Transportation
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
GPS Global Positioning System
GIS Geographic Information Systems
HCM Highway Capacity Manual
HOT High Occupancy Toll
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
LOS Level of Service
MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (Federal surface transportation reauthorization law from 2012 to the issuance of this report)
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
MTP Metropolitan Transportation Plan
NHS National Highway System
NPMRDS National Performance Management Research Data Set
PeMS (California's) Performance Measurement System
PBPP Performance-Based Planning and Programming
PTI Planning Time Index
SAFETEA-LU Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Federal surface transportation reauthorization law from 2005 to 2012)
SHRP2 The second Strategic Highway Research Program
SOV Single Occupant Vehicle
TIP Transportation Improvement Program
TMA Transportation Management Area
TMC Transportation Management Center
TSM&O Transportation System Management and Operations
TTI Travel Time Index
V/C Volume to Capacity Ratio
VHD Vehicle Hours of Delay
VHT Vehicle Hours Traveled
VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled


Office of Operations