Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Transportation Systems Management and Operations Benefit-Cost Analysis Compendium

List of Acronyms

Acronym Definition
AADT average annual daily traffic
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AB annual benefit
ALPRS automated license plate recognition system
APC automatic passenger counter
ARTIMIS Advanced Regional Traffic Interactive Management and Information System
ATDM Active Transportation and Demand Management
ATMS automated traffic management system
ATSAC Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (center)
AVL automatic vehicle location
AVI Automatic Vehicle Identification
AVO average vehicle occupancy
AWWS Automated Wind Warning System
BCA benefit-cost analysis
BCMOT British Columbia Ministry of Transportation
BCR benefit-cost ratio
BDS automated bus dispatching system
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
Caltrans California Department of Transportation
CCTV closed circuit television
CHART Coordinated Highways Action Response Team
CMV commercial motor vehicles
COATS California / Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems
CPI Consumer Price Index
CRD Congestion Reduction Demonstrations
CUTR Center for Urban Transportation Research (University of South Florida)
DMS dynamic message signs
DRCOG Denver Regional Council of Governments'
EUAC Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost
ESS environmental sensor station
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FITSEval Florida ITS Evaluation
FSPE Freeway Service Patrol Evaluation
GPS global positioning system
GLTS Green Light Transportation System
HAR highway advisory radio
HCM Highway Capacity Manual
HERS-ST Highway Economic Requirements System
HOV/HOT high occupancy vehicle/high occupancy toll (lane)
HPMS Highway Performance Monitoring System
IDAS Intelligent Transportation Systems Deployment Analysis System
IIHS Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
LADOT Los Angeles Department of Transportation
LOS level of service
MAARS Maryland Automatic Accident Reporting System
MATOC Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination Program
MBCA Multimodal Benefit-Cost Analysis
MDSHA Maryland State Highway Administration
MDSS Maintenance Decision-Support System
MOE measures of effectiveness
MPO metropolitan planning organizations
MTA Metropolitan Transportation Authority
MUL managed use lanes
MWCOG Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
NCR National Capital Region
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NPV net present value
O&M operations and maintenance
OKI Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana
OMB Office of Management and Budget
P4O planning for operations
PWOB present worth of benefits
PWOC divided by the present worth of costs
PBC TED Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Department
PDO Property damage only (crash)
RITIS Regional Integrated Transportation Information System
RTMC Regional Traffic Management Center
RWM road weather management
RWMIS road weather management information systems
SCRITS Screening Tool for ITS
SHRP 2 Strategic Highway Research Program 2
SMART System Management for Advanced Roadway Technologies
SOC Statewide Operations Center
STEAM Surface Transportation Efficiency Analysis Model
TIGER Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
TOC transportation operations center
TOPS-BC Tool for Operations Benefit-Cost Analysis
TREDIS Transportation Economic Development Impact System
TRIMMS Trip Reduction Impacts of Mobility Management Strategies
TSP Traffic Signal Priority
TSMO transportation systems management and operations
UPA Urban Partnership Agreements
USDOT United States Department of Transportation
V/C volume to capacity (ratio)
VMT vehicle miles traveled
VOC volatile organic compounds
WIM weigh-in-motion
YOE year of expenditure (dollars)
  Last modified: May 20, 2020  
Office of Operations