Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Real-Time System Management Information Program Data Exchange Format Specification

3. Functional Requirements

This section defines the Functional Requirements based on the user needs identified in the Concept of Operations (see Section 2). This section includes:

  • A tutorial which describes the type of requirements contained in this document and gives some indication of how requirements are written.
  • Scope of the Interface – Describes the nature of the interfaces covered by this document.
  • The Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix – A Functional Requirement is a requirement to satisfy a given feature and therefore is only required to be implemented if the associated feature (e.g., user need) is selected through the use of the Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix (NRTM). The NRTM also indicates which of the items are mandatory, conditional, or optional. The NRTM can be used by procurement personnel to specify the desired features of a connected device or can be used by a manufacturer to document the features supported by their implementation. Due to the size of the NRTM it is contained in a separate Annex A.
  • Architectural Requirements – This section defines basic modes of operation.
  • Data Exchange Requirements – These are requirements related to the features identified in Section 2.5 that can be realized through a data exchange. For example, this includes the requirement to be able to transmit a vehicle’s position and speed.
  • Performance Requirements – These are some basic performance requirements derived from TMDD.

3.1 Tutorial

This systems requirements specification (SRS) defines the formal requirements that are intended to satisfy the user needs identified in Section 2.5 of this document. This is achieved through the development of a NRTM that traces each user need to one or more requirements defined in this section. The details of each requirement are then presented following the NRTM. The functional requirements are presented in three broad categories as follows:

  • Architectural Requirements – These requirements define the required behavior of the system in exchanging data across the communications interface, including any restrictions to general architectural requirements, based upon the architectural needs identified in this document.
  • Data Exchange and Operational Environmental Requirements – These requirements define the required behavior of the system in exchanging data across the communications interface based upon the features identified in this document.

The SRS is a specification for a particular product that performs certain functions in a specific environment. The purpose of this SRS is to document the full set of functions to meet the user needs defined in this DXFS. This SRS will address the functionality needed to meet the user needs of the RTSMIP as defined by this DXFS.

The following criteria are used when documenting and writing requirements:

  1. Is it a well-formed requirement? Some of the attributes of well-formed requirements are:
    1. Necessary – Is the requirement an essential part of the system?
    2. Clear – Can the requirement be interpreted one and only one way?
    3. Complete – Can the requirement stand on its own without further clarification?
    4. Consistent – Does the requirement contradict or duplicate another requirement?
    5. Achievable – Is the requirement technically feasible at a reasonable cost and in a reasonable time?
    6. Verifiable – Can one unambiguously determine if the requirement has been met?
    7. Concise – Is the requirement described succinctly and without superfluous text?
    8. Technology independent – Is the requirement statement technology independent?
  2. Is the requirement mapped to one or more user needs? This will also address whether the requirement is in fact needed.
  3. Does the requirement, with its sibling requirements, satisfy the intent and all key items of the need?

The well-formed requirements will generally take the form: [Actor] [Action] [Target] [Constraint] [Localization].

The localization and constraint portions are important, but not all requirements will have both. The constraint identifies how you will measure success or failure of the requirement. The localization identifies the circumstances under which the requirement applies. For example: The System [Actor] shall generate [Action] event reports [Target] containing the following information [Constraint] on a scheduled interval [localization].

3.2 Scope of the Requirements

The DXFS addresses information that is sent from an owning center to another external center. There are several stakeholders that can represent either owning center or external center, but fundamentally all the information sharing is between these two types of centers. This same situation applies to the Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) standard as well. This standard is the only ITS center to center standard that contains a set of requirements, and many of these requirements apply to RTSMIP. Where requirements from TMDD Vol 1 satisfy RTSMIP needs defined in this DXFS (e.g., providing link or route travel times), the DXFS does not reproduce the requirement, but contains a reference to the requirement name and paragraph number in the TMDD. Because some but not all of the TMDD requirements are used here, the paragraph numbering of the DXFS (in Section 3) does not match that found in the TMDD standard.

3.3 Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix (NRTM)

The Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix (NRTM) discussed in Section 3.3.3 (and contained in Annex A), maps the user needs defined in Section 2.5 to the requirements defined in Section 3.5-3.6 of this document. The table lists each user need to be addressed by the DXFS, followed immediately by the requirement(s) that supports (and traces to) that user need. The table can be used by:

  • A user or specification writer to indicate which requirements are to be implemented in a project-specific implementation.
  • The interface implementer, as a checklist to reduce the risk of failure to conform to the standard through oversight.
  • The supplier and user, as a detailed indication of the capabilities of the implementation.
  • The user, as a basis for initially checking the potential interoperability with another implementation.

Annex A – Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix (NRTM), contained in a separate volume, includes a Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix (Table A-1) followed by a smaller table (Table A-2) which maps user needs to requirements in Section 3.4 Architecture Requirements.

3.3.1 Notation

The following notations and symbols are used to indicate status and conditional status in the NRTM within this standard. Not all of these notations and symbols are necessarily used within this standard. Conformance Symbols

The following symbols are used to indicate status in the NRTM table (Section 3.3.3):

The O.# (range) notation is used to show a set of selectable options (e.g., O.2 (1..*)) would indicate that one or more of the optio

Table 21. Conformance Symbols.
Symbol Value
M Mandatory – This requirement(s) is required to support the specified user need.
M.# Support of every item of the group labeled by the same numeral # is required, but only one is active at a time
O Optional – This requirement may be included in support of the specified user need
O.# (range) Part of an option group. Support of the number of items indicated by the ‘(range)’ is required from all options labeled with the same numeral #
N/A Not-applicable (i.e., logically impossible in the scope of the standard)

n group 2 options must be implemented.

Much of the NRTM is based upon the NTRM from TMDD Volume 1 (meaning that the conformance indication for requirements equals that given in TMDD). In some cases the entry in the NRTM is different due to the specific user need. For example user need Speed Data for Limited Access Roads will have requirement Link Average Speed as M, in this DXFS while in TMDD this requirement is O. Where the conformance requirement differs from TMDD the entry in the NRTM will indicated with a “*”. Conditional Status Notation

The following predicate notation may be used:

Table 22. Predicate Notations.
Symbol Value
<predicate>: This notation introduces a single item that is conditional on the <predicate>.
<predicate>:: This notation introduces a table or a group of tables, all of which are conditional on the <predicate>.
(predicate) This notation introduces the first occurrence of the predicate either in the NRTM or in that specific user need. The feature associated with this notation is the base feature for all options that have this predicate in their conformance column.

The <predicate>: notation means that the status following it applies only when the NRTM states that the feature or features identified by the predicate are supported. In the simplest case, <predicate> is the identifying tag of a single NRTM item. When the group predicate is true then the associated section shall be completed. The symbol <predicate> also may be a Boolean expression composed of several indices. .AND., .OR., and .NOT. shall be used to indicate the Boolean logical operations.

The predicates used in the NRTM map to the following sections.

Table 23. Predicates.
Predicate Section
Subscription 3.4.2

3.3.2 Needs to Requirements Traceability Matrix (NRTM) Table

In addition to the conformance column and the support column, which were discussed in Section 3.3.1, the additional columns in the NRTM table are the User Need ID and User Need columns, FR ID and Functional Requirement columns. User Need ID and User Needs Column

The user needs are defined within the Section 2.5 of this document and the NRTM is based upon the user need within that Section. The section number and user need name are indicated within these columns. FR ID Requirements Type and Requirements Columns

The requirements are defined within Sections 3.4 to 3.6 and the NRTM references the traces from user needs to these requirements. The requirement type, section number and requirements name are indicated within these columns. Using the NRTM to define a system

This document is an informational level specification used to define information exchanges between a center and other centers. In order to use the specification to define a system the developer should first select the user needs that will be addressed by the system. For each user need, the NRTM identifies the set of requirements that relate to that user need. All Mandatory requirements must be selected in order to satisfy the user need. Depending on the deployment some (or all, or none) of the optional requirements will be selected. The requirements identified in the NRTM are mapped in Section 4 of this document to data concepts (dialogs, messages, data frames, or data elements) of other ITS standards (e.g., Traffic Management Data Dictionary). In order to facilitate the selection of the optional requirements, all the requirements under each user need in the NRTM have been organized to indicate what type of data concept will be implemented to satisfy the requirement. This mapping can be categorized as one of four types of data concept:

  • Dialog – a requirement to describe the sequence or conditions for information exchanges between a center and other centers.
  • Request Message – the requirement used to describe the message sent from an external center to an owner center.
  • Response Message – a requirement to describe the message sent from an owner center to an external center.
  • Error Message – a requirement to describe the error report message.

Note that many requirements are mapped in Section 4 to data concepts that form a part of a message (e.g., data frames or data elements), but these lower level data concepts are never exchanged by themselves, but always as a part of a message. Hence the characterization of requirements into the four categories shown above. A more detailed discussion of how to use the DXFS to define a system is provided in the DXFS Implementation Guidance Document.

3.4 Architectural Requirements

The requirements to manage the interface connections between centers are as follows:

3.4.1 Connection Management

The requirements to manage the interface connections between centers are as follows: Exchange Center Active Verification

Each center that is part of the C2C network supports the exchange of center active information with the following requirements. Send Center Active Verification Upon Request

The requirement for Send Center Active Verification Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Center Active Verification Information

The requirement for Publish Center Active Verification Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Center Active Verification Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Center Active Verification Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Center Active Verification Request

The requirement for Contents of the Center Active Verification Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Center Active Verification Request Content

The requirement for Required Center Active Verification Request Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Center Active Information

The requirement for Contents of the Center Active Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Center Active Information

The requirement for Required Center Active Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Center Active Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the center active information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Center Active

The requirement for Restrictions – Center Active is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.4.2 Support Request-Response

The requirement for Support Request-Response is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.4.3 Support Subscription-Publication

The requirements to support subscription-publication of messages between centers are as follows: Support Periodic Updates

The requirement for Support Periodic Updates is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Support Event-Driven Updates

The requirement for Support Event-Driven Updates is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.4.4 Support Error Handling Report

The following are requirements for reporting errors encountered during the exchange of information between centers. Contents of the Error Report

The requirement for Contents of the Error Report is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Error Report Contents

The requirement for Required Error Report Contents is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Error Report Contents

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the error report information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Error Report: The requirement for Restrictions – Error Report is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.5 Functional Requirements

3.5.1 Provide Information on Organizations and Centers

This section covers the relevant requirements for the information regarding organizations that will be sent as part of the real time network, event and device information that addresses the RTSMIP user needs. A more complete set of organizational data that could form part of information exchange between centers in contexts beyond those defined by the DXFS is contained in TMDD Section 3.3.2. Contents of the Organization and Centers Information

The requirement for Contents of the Organization and Centers Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Organization Information Content

The requirement for Required Organization and Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.5.2 Events Information Sharing

The key needs of RTSMIP described in this DXFS for the sharing of incident information and construction related road or lane closures is addressed by the TMDD requirements for Events Information Sharing. The following set of requirements represents a subset of the complete event information requirements that are relevant to RTSMIP. Send Event Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Event Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Event Information

The requirement for Publish Event Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Event Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Event Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of Event Information Request

The requirement for Contents of Event Information Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Information Request Content

The requirements for Required Event Information Request Content are defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Message Header Information

The following are optional requirements that an external center may include in the event information request sent to an external center. Authentication – Events

The requirement for Authentication – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Operator Identifier – Events

The requirement for Operator Identifier – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Requesting Organization – Events

The requirement for Requesting Organization – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Information Request Filter Content

Centers may be tracking multiple events at any one time, with each event containing lengthy pieces of information. Centers may wish to search for only those events that meet specific criteria, such as a specific type of event, events at a specific location or a recap of current events that had been updated since a specified date and time.

If the owner center supports filtering of event information, the following are optional filtering requirements that an external center may include in the event information request sent to the owner center. Multiple filters may be sent. Event Unique Identifier Filter

The requirement for Event Unique Identifier Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Response Plan Identifier Filter

The requirement for Event Response Plan Identifier Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Category Filter

The requirement for Event Category Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Priority Filter

The requirement for Event Priority Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Description Confidence Level Filter

The requirement for Event Description Confidence Level Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Access Level Filter

The requirement for Event Access Level Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Action Flag Filter

The requirement for Event Action Flag Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Severity Filter

The requirement for Event Severity Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. External Center Organization Filter

The requirement for External Center Organization Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Location Filter

The requirements for Event Location Filter are defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Request Start Time Filter

The requirement for Request Start Time Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Request End Time Filter

The requirement for Request End Time Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Hazardous Material Codes Filter

The requirement for Hazardous Material Codes Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Hazardous Material Placard Codes Filter

The requirement for Hazardous Material Placard Codes Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Headline Filter

The requirement for Event Headline Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Event Information:

The requirement for Contents of the Event Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Information Content

The requirements for Required Event Information Content are defined by Section of the TMDD standard. The requirements for each aspect of the event information are given below. Event Message Header

The following are requirements for the contents of the event message header information sent from an owner center to an external center. Required Event Message Header Information

The requirements for Required Event Message Header Information are defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Message Header Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event message header information sent to an external center. External Center Organization – Events

The requirement for External Center Organization – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Responding Organization

The requirement for Responding Organization is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Message Expiry Time

The requirement for Message Expiry Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Reference

The following are requirements for the contents of the event reference information sent to an external center. Required Event Reference Information

The requirement for Required Event Reference Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Reference Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event reference information sent to an external center. Event Response Plan Identifier

The requirement for Event Response Plan Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Headline

The following are requirements for the contents of the event headline information sent from an owner center to an external center. There may be multiple instances of event headline information.

Note: The event headline information is optional IF and ONLY IF the event information message is used to close an open event. Required Event Headline Information

The requirement for Required Event Headline Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Headline Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event headline information sent to an external center. Event Headline Element

The requirement for Event Headline Element is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Element Details

The following are requirements for the contents of the event element details information sent to an external center. There may be multiple instances for the event element details information.

Note: The event element details information is optional IF and ONLY IF the event information message is sent to close an open event. Event Time

The requirement for Event Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Time Information

The requirement for Required Event Time Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Time Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event time information sent to an external center. Event Valid Period

The requirement for Event Valid Period is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Effective Period Information

The requirement for Required Event Effective Period Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Effective Period Information

If the event valid period is defined by an effective period, then the following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event valid period sent to an external center. Effective Period Qualifier

The requirement for Effective Period Qualifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Days Event Not In Effect

The requirement for Days Event Not In Effect is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Planned Event Schedule Element Identifier

The requirement for Planned Event Schedule Element Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sequence Date/Time

The requirement for Sequence Date/Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Start Date/Time

The requirement for Event Start Date/Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Alternate Start Date/Time

The requirement for Alternate Start Date/Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Alternate End Date/Time

The requirement for Alternate End Date/Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Expected Start Date/Time

The requirement for Expected Start Date/Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Expected End Date/Time

The requirement for Expected End Date/Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Recurrent Times Event in Effect

The requirement for Recurrent Times Event in Effect is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Planned Event Continuous Flag

The requirement for Planned Event Continuous Flag is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Element Identifier

The requirement for Element Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Schedule Element Identifier

The requirement for Schedule Element Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Category

The requirement for Event Category is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Source

If the owner center supports event source, the elements details information sent from an owner center to an external center may include the event source information as described in the following. Information Source Organization

The requirement for Information Source Organization is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Detection Method

The requirement for Event Detection Method is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Description

The requirement for Event Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.
Each event may support multiple instances of event description information. Event Quantity

The requirement for Event Quantity is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Detour

The requirement for Detour is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Detour Information

The requirement for Required Detour Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Detour Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the detour information sent to an external center. Destination

The requirement for Destination is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Location on Alternate Route

The requirement for Location on Alternate Route is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Additional Text Description Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event description information sent to an external center. Description Language

The requirement for Description Language is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Report Medium

The requirement for Report Medium is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Location

The requirement for Event Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Area Location Information

If area location is used to describe the event location, then the following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event location information sent to an external center. Area Identifier

The requirement for Area Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Name of Area

The requirement for Name of Area is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Area Location Rank

The requirement for Area Location Rank is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Secondary Area Location Reference

The requirement for Secondary Area Location Reference is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Link Location Information

The requirement for Required Link Location Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Link Location Information

If link location information is used to describe event location, then the following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event location information sent to an external center. Link Ownership

The requirement for Link Ownership is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Designator

The requirement for Route Designator is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Second Route Designator

The requirement for Second Route Designator is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Identifier

The requirement for Link Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Name – Events

The requirement for Link Name – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Secondary Point

The requirement for Secondary Point is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Direction

The requirement for Link Direction is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Alignment

The requirement for Link Alignment is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference – Events

The requirement for Linear Reference – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Alternate Link Location

The requirement for Alternate Link Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Point on a Link Location Information

The requirement for Required Point on a Link Location Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Point on a Link Location Information

If point on a link location information is used to describe event location, then the following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event location sent to an external center. Linear Reference Location

The requirement for Linear Reference Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Name – Event Point

The requirement for Link Name – Event Point is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Point Name

The requirement for Point Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Cross Street Identifier

The requirement for Cross Street Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Cross Street Name

The requirement for Cross Street Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Signed Destination

The requirement for Signed Destination is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Point Location Rank

The requirement for Point Location Rank is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Landmark Type

The requirement for Landmark Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Secondary Link Location

The requirement for Secondary Link Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Landmark Location Information

The requirement for Required Landmark Location Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Landmark Location Information

If landmark location is used to describe the event location, then the following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event location information sent to an external center. Landmark Point Name

The requirement for Landmark Point Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Landmark Location Rank

The requirement for Landmark Location Rank is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Landmark Location

The requirement for Landmark Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Secondary Landmark Location

The requirement for Secondary Landmark Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Geographic Location

The requirement for Geographic Location is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Name

The requirement for Event Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Lane

The requirement for Event Lane is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Lane Information

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event lane information sent to an external center. Lane Type

The requirement for Lane Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Direction of Travel

The requirement for Direction of Travel is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Total Number of Lanes

The requirement for Total Number of Lanes is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Number of Lanes Affected

The requirement for Number of Lanes Affected is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Lane Number Affected

The requirement for Lane Number Affected is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Lane Status

The requirement for Lane Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Description Confidence Level

The requirement for Event Description Confidence Level is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Access Level

The requirement for Event Access Level is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Hazardous Material Code

The requirement for Event Hazardous Material Code is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event hazardous materials information sent to an external center. Event HazMat Code

The requirement for Event HazMat Code is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event HazMat Placard Code

The requirement for Event HazMat Placard Code is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Placard Code Displayed Correctly on Vehicle

The requirement for Placard Code Displayed Correctly on Vehicle is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the full event update information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Events

The requirement for Restrictions – Events is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Project Reference

The requirement for Project Reference is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Project Reference Information

The requirement for Project Reference Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Permit Reference Information

The requirement for Permit Reference Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Owner Organization – Project Reference

The requirement for Owner Organization – Project Reference is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Project Description

The requirement for Project Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Indicator

The requirement for Event Indicator is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Multiple instances of event indicator information may be sent. Each instance of event indicator information consists of one of the following: Event Status

The requirement for Event Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Duration Exceeded Flag

The requirement for Event Duration Exceeded Flag is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Priority Level

The requirement for Event Priority Level is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Severity

The requirement for Event Severity is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Impact Level

The requirement for Event Impact Level is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Active Flag

The requirement for Event Active Flag is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Class

The requirement for Event Class is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Other References

Center can associate one event with another event, regardless if the other event was originated by the owner center or by an external center. Two separate centers may enter the same event into their own systems (each event having a unique event identifier), or a single event, such as a crash, may cause a secondary accident nearby. In these situations, it is helpful to associate one event with another event to obtain a complete picture of a situation. The requirement for Other References is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Multiple instances of other reference information may be sent. Each instance of other reference information consists of one of the following: Trip Reference

The requirement for Event Active Flag is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Responsible Reference

The requirement for Responsible Reference is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Related Event

The requirement for Related Event is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Previous Event

The requirement for Previous Event is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Split Event

The requirement for Split Event is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Merged Event

The requirement for Merged Event is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sibling Event

The requirement for Sibling Event is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Associated Device

The requirement for Associated Device is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Associated URL

The requirement for Associated URL is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Comments

The requirement for Event Comments is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Comments

The requirement for Required Event Comments is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Comments

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event comments information sent to an external center. Operator Identifier – Event Comments

The requirement for Operator Identifier – Event Comments is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Operator Comments

The requirement for Operator Comments is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Comment Description Language

The requirement for Comment Description Language is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Reports

The requirement for Event Reports is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Reports

The requirement for Required Event Reports is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Reports

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event reports information sent to an external center. Report Description Language

The requirement for Report Description Language is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Action Logs

The action logs are used to exchange information that accompanies a basic or full event message. The action logs act as a timeline for the event where each action log element represents a change to an event, or a free text description that describes an operator or device function that is associated with an event.

The requirements for exchanging action logs information between centers are as follows: Send Action Logs Upon Request

The requirement for Send Action Logs Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Action Log Information

The requirement for Publish Action Log Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Action Log Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Action Log Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of Action Log Information

The requirement for Contents of Action Log Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Action Log Information Content

The requirement for Required Action Log Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Action Log Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the action log information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Action Logs

The requirement for Restrictions – Action Log is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Index

The event index message is used to determine a list of events that an owner center is currently tracking.

The requirements for exchanging event index information between centers are as follows: Send Event Index Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Event Index Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Event Index Information

The requirement for Publish Event Index Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Event Index Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Event Index Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of Event Index Request

The requirement for Contents of Event Index Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Index Request Content

The requirement for Required Event Index Request Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Index Request Information

The following are optional requirements that an external center may include in the event index request sent to an external center. Authentication – Event Index

The requirement for Authentication – Event Index is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Operator Identifier – Event Index

The requirement for Operator Identifier – Event Index is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Requesting Organization – Event Index

The requirement for Requesting Organization – Event Index is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Event Index Information

The requirement for Contents of the Event Index Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Event Index Information Content

The requirement for Required Event Index Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Event Index Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the event index information sent to an external center. Event URL File Update Date and Time Information

The requirement for Event URL File Update Date and Time Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event URL Reference Medium

The requirement for Event URL Reference Medium is defined by Section of the TMDD standard

3.5.3 Share Roadway Network Data

This section of requirements covers the sharing of link speed and travel time to support data sharing user needs. In order to share speed and travel time, centers need to have GIS-based traffic network inventory and location attributes including linear reference and geographic coordinates to support the location of devices and the location of events between operational centers. This includes requirements for the sharing of traffic data and traffic detector based link status, which can be attributed to the underlying link and route-based traffic network.

The requirements to exchange traffic network inventory and status information between centers, which are derived from the TMDD standard are as follows: Share Traffic Network Information

The requirements to exchange traffic network information between centers are as follows: Contents of the Traffic Network Information Request

The requirement for Contents of the Traffic Network Information Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Traffic Network Information Request Content

The requirement for Required Traffic Network Information Request Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Traffic Network Information Request Content

If the owner center supports it, the following are optional requirements that an external center may include in the traffic network information request sent to an owner center. Authentication – Network

The requirement for Authentication – Network is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Operator Identifier – Network

The requirement for Operator Identifier – Network is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Network Identifier

The requirement for Roadway Network Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Traffic Network Identifier

The requirement for Traffic Network Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Node Information

The requirements to exchange node information between centers are as follows: Share Node Inventory Information

The requirements to exchange node inventory information between centers are as follows: Send Node Inventory Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Node Inventory Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Node Inventory Information

The requirement for Publish Node Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Node Inventory Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Node Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Node Inventory Request

The requirement for Contents of the Node Inventory Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Node Inventory Information

The requirement for Contents of the Node Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Node Inventory Information Content

The requirement for Required Node Inventory Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Node Inventory Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the node inventory information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Node Inventory

The requirement for Restrictions – Node Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Network Name – Node Inventory

The requirement for Roadway Network Name – Node Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Name – Node Inventory

The requirement for Node Name – Node Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Description

The requirement for Node Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Designator – Node Inventory

The requirement for Route Designator – Node Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Direction

The requirement for Node Direction is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference – Node Inventory

The requirement for Linear Reference – Node Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Type

The requirement for Node Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Number of Links

The requirement for Number of Links is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Inventory Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Node Inventory Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Link Information

The requirements to exchange link information between centers are as follows: Share Link Inventory Information

The requirements to exchange link inventory information between centers are as follows: Send Link Inventory Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Link Inventory Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Link Inventory Information

The requirement for Publish Link Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Link Inventory Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Link Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Link Inventory Request

The requirement for Contents of the Link Inventory Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Link Inventory Information

The requirement for Contents of the Link Inventory Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Link Inventory Information Content

The requirement for Required Link Inventory Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Link Inventory Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the link inventory information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Link Inventory

The requirement for Restrictions – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Network Name – Link Inventory

The requirement for Roadway Network Name – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Name – Link Inventory

The requirement for Link Name – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Alternate Names – Link Inventory

The requirement for Roadway Network Name – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Designator – Link Inventory

The requirement for Route Designator – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Secondary Route Designator

The requirement for Secondary Route Designator is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference – Link Inventory

The requirement for Linear Reference – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Length

The requirement for Link Length is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Capacity

The requirement for Link Capacity is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.  Link Speed Limit – Link Inventory

The requirement for Link Speed Limit – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.  Link Truck Speed Limit – Link Inventory

The requirement for Link Truck Speed Limit –Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Speed Limit Units – Link Inventory

The requirement for Speed Limit Units – Link Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Law Enforcement Jurisdiction

The requirement for Link Law Enforcement Jurisdiction is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Designated Owner

The requirement for Designated Owner is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Left Shoulder Width

The requirement for Left Shoulder Width is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Right Shoulder Width

The requirement for Right Shoulder Width is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Median Type

The requirement for Median Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Inventory Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Link Inventory Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Link Status Information

The requirements to exchange link status information between centers are as follows: Send Link Status Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Link Status Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Link Status Information

The requirement for Publish Link Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Link Status Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Link Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Link Status Request]

The requirement for Contents of the Link Status Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Link Status Information

The requirement for Contents of the Link Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Link Status Information Content

The requirement for Required Link Status Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Link Status Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the link status information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Link Status

The requirement for Restrictions – Link Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Name – Link Status

The requirement for Link Name – Link Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Direction – Link Status

The requirement for Link Direction – Link Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Travel Time

The requirement for Link Travel Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Average Speed

The requirement for Link Average Speed is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Estimated Speed

The requirement for Link Estimated Speed is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Speed Limit – Link Status

The requirement for Link Speed Limit – Link Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Current Advisory Speed

The requirement for Link Current Advisory Speed is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Truck Speed Limit – Link Status

The requirement for Link Truck Speed Limit – Link Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Speed Limit Units – Link Status

The requirement for Speed Limit Units – Link Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Status Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Link Status Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Route Information

The requirements to exchange route information between centers are as follows: Share Route Inventory Information

The requirements to exchange route inventory information between centers are as follows: Send Route Inventory Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Route Inventory Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Route Inventory Information

The requirement for Publish Route Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Route Inventory Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Route Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Route Inventory Request

The requirement for Contents of the Route Inventory Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Route Inventory Information

The requirement for Contents of the Route Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Route Inventory Information Content

The requirement for Required Route Inventory Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Route Inventory Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the route inventory information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Route Inventory

The requirement for Restrictions – Route Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Network Name

The requirement for Roadway Network Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Name – Route Inventory

The requirement for Route Name – Route Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Alternate Names – Route Inventory

The requirement for Alternative Name-Route Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Length

The requirement for Route Length is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node List

The requirement for Node List is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Image URL

The requirement for Route Image URL is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Image URL Reference Medium

The requirement for Route Image URL Reference Medium is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Inventory Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Route Inventory Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Route Status Information

The requirements to exchange route status information between centers are as follows: Send Route Status Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send Route Status Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish Route Status Information

The requirement for Publish Route Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to Route Status Information

The requirement for Subscribe to Route Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Route Status Request

The requirement for Contents of the Route Status Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the Route Status Information

The requirement for Contents of the Route Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Route Status Information Content

The requirement for Required Route Status Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Route Status Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the route status information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Route Status

The requirement for Restrictions – Route Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Name – Route Status

The requirement for Route Name-Route Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Detour Status Flag

The requirement for Route Detour Status Flag is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Surface Conditions

The requirement for Route Surface Conditions is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Data Stored Type

The requirement for Route Data Stored Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Traffic Algorithm Data Type

The requirement for Route Traffic Algorithm Data Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Travel Time

The requirement for Route Travel Time is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Average Speed

The requirement for Route Average Speed is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Current Advisory Speed

The requirement for Route Current Advisory Speed is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Speed Limit Units – Route Status

The requirement for Speed Limit Units – Route Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Description Time – Route Status

The requirement for Event Description Time – Route Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Status Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Route Status Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.5.4 Provide Device Inventory and Status.

In the context of RTSMIP, the section below provides requirements for sharing road weather data between centers. These requirements fall into two general types-sharing of static data such as device inventory and location, and sharing of dynamic data such as the status and observations of the road weather devices. The requirements are taken from TMDD. Generic Devices

This section contains those requirements from TMDD that apply to all types of devices, although in the context of RTSMIP, these requirements apply only to road weather measurement devices.

The requirements to share device information between centers are as follows: Share Device Information

The following should be considered when exchanging device information between centers:

  • It is not necessary to send the device inventory when organization, center or contact information is updated, unless the unique identifier changes.
  • The object IDs should be unique within the TMC but concatenating with NTCIP 1104 naming convention (use as prefixes) in a regional environment. NTCIP 1104 naming convention uses the following: country ID, state ID, agency ID, center ID, entity kind, entity type and entity instance.

The requirements for a device information request are as follows: Contents of Device Information Request

The requirement for Contents of Device Information Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Device Information Request Content

The requirement for Required Device Information Request Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Device Information Request Content

If the owner center supports it, the following are optional requirements that an external center may include in the device information request sent to an owner center. Authentication – Device Information

The requirement for Authentication – Device Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Operator Identifier-Device Information

The requirement for Operator Identifier – Device Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. External Center Organization – Device Information

The requirement for External Center Organization-Device Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard Content of Device Information Request Filter

The requirement for Content of Device Information Request Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Identifier Filter

The requirement for Device Information Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Network Identifier Filter

The requirement for Roadway Network Identifier Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Identifier Filter

The requirement for Link Identifier Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Designator Filter

The requirement for Route Designator Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference Filter

The requirement for Linear Reference Filter is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Device Inventory Header Information

The requirements to exchange device inventory information between centers are as follows: Contents of the Device Inventory Header

The requirement for Contents of the Device Inventory Header is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Device Inventory Content

The requirement for Required Device Inventory Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Device Inventory Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the device inventory information sent to an external center. Restrictions – Device Inventory

The requirement for Restrictions-Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard Device Description

The requirement for Device Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Control Type

The requirement for Device Control Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Network Identifier – Device Inventory

The requirement for Roadway Network Identifier – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Identifier-Device Inventory

The requirement for Node Identifier – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Node Name – Device Inventory

The requirement for Node Name – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Identifier – Device Inventory

The requirement for Link Identifier – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Name – Device Inventory

The requirement for Link Name – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Link Direction – Device Inventory

The requirement for Link Direction – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference – Device Inventory

The requirement for Linear Reference – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference Version

The requirement for Linear Reference Version is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Route Designator – Device Inventory

The requirement for Route Designator – Device Inventory is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

The requirement for Device Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device URL Reference Medium

The requirement for Device URL Reference Medium is defined by Section of the TMDD standard Device Inventory Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Device Inventory Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share Device Status Header Information

The requirements to exchange device status information between centers are as follows: Contents of the Device Status Header

The requirement for Contents of the Device Status Header is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Device Status Header Content

The requirement for Required Device Status Header Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Device Status Header Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the device status header sent to an external center. Restrictions – Device Status

The requirement for Restrictions – Device Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Unique Identifier of the Controlling Center

The requirement for Unique Identifier of the Controlling Center is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Communications Status

The requirement for Device Communications Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Operator Identifier – Device Status

The requirement for Operator Identifier – Device Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Identifier – Device Status

The requirement for Event Identifier – Device Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Event Response Plan – Device Status

The requirement for Event Response Plan – Device Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Status Date and Time Change Information

The requirement for Device Status Date and Time Change Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Environment Sensors

The environmental sensor station (ESS) model assumes that each environmental sensor station may have multiple environmental sensors. Each environmental sensor may collect different types of environmental or roadway data. Each environmental sensor may also be located on different links (roadways), on different lanes, bodies of water, or different elevations.

The requirements to exchange ESS information between centers are as follows: Share ESS Inventory Information

The requirements for sharing ESS inventory information with other authorized centers are as follows: Send ESS Inventory Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send ESS Inventory Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish ESS Inventory Information

The requirement for Publish ESS Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to ESS Inventory Information

Subscribe to ESS Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Inventory Request

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Inventory Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Inventory Information

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Inventory Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required ESS Inventory Content Information

The requirement for Required ESS Inventory Content Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional ESS Inventory Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the ESS inventory information sent to an external center. Lane Number – ESS

The requirement for Lane Number – ESS is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Elevation

The requirement for Device Elevation is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Height

The requirement for Device Height is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Type

The requirement for Device Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Operation Type

The requirement for Device Operation Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Device Mobility Type

The requirement for Device Mobility Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share ESS Status Information

The requirements for sharing ESS status information with other authorized centers are as follows: Send ESS Status Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send ESS Status Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish ESS Status Information

The requirement for Publish ESS Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to ESS Status Information

The requirement for Subscribe to ESS Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Status Request

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Status Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Status Information

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Status Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share ESS Observation Data Information

The requirements for sharing ESS observation data information with other authorized centers are as follows: Send ESS Observation Data Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send ESS Observation Data Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Publish ESS Observation Data Information

The requirement for Publish ESS Observation Data Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Subscribe to ESS Observation Data Information

The requirement for Subscribe to ESS Observation Data Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Observation Data Information Request

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Observation Data Information Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Observation Data Information

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Observation Data Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required ESS Observation Data Information Content

The requirement for Required ESS Observation Data Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional ESS Observation Data Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the ESS observation data information sent to an external center. Restrictions – ESS Data

The requirement for Restrictions – ESS Data is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Share ESS Metadata

The requirements for sharing ESS metadata information with other authorized centers are as follows: Send ESS Metadata Information Upon Request

The requirement for Send ESS Metadata Information Upon Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Metadata Request

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Metadata Request is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Contents of the ESS Metadata Information

The requirement for Contents of the ESS Metadata Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required ESS Metadata Information Content

The requirement for Required ESS Metadata Information Content is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional ESS Metadata Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the ESS observation metadata information sent to an external center. Username

The requirement for Username is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Password

The requirement for Password is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Collector Configuration Information

The requirement for Collector Configuration Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Collector Configuration Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the ESS observation metadata information sent to an external center. Observation Type

The requirement for Observation Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Null Value

The requirement for Null Value is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Owner Organization – ESS Metadata

The requirement for Owner Organization – ESS Metadata is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor Specific Information

The requirement for Sensor Specific Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Required Sensor Specific Metadata Information

The requirement for Required Sensor Specific Metadata Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Optional Sensor Specific Metadata Information Content

The following are optional requirements that an owner center may include in the sensor specific metadata information sent to an external center. Sensor Description

The requirement for Sensor Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Minimum Value of the Sensor Range

The requirement for Minimum Value of the Sensor Range is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Maximum Value of the Sensor Range

The requirement for Maximum Value of the Sensor Range is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Maximum Positive Rate of Change

The requirement for Maximum Positive Rate of Change is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Maximum Negative Rate of Change

The requirement for Maximum Negative Rate of Change is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Rate Interval

The requirement for Rate Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Persistence Interval

The requirement for Persistence Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Persistence Threshold

The requirement for Persistence Threshold is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Like Instrument Threshold

The requirement for Like Instrument Threshold is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Date of Calibration

The requirement for Date of Calibration is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Date of Last Maintenance

The requirement for Date of Last Maintenance is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Serial Number

The requirement for Serial Number is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor Resolution

The requirement for Sensor Resolution is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor Accuracy

The requirement for Sensor Accuracy is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Minimum Value Output

The requirement for Minimum Value Output is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Maximum Value Output

The requirement for Maximum Value Output is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor to Station North South Offset

The requirement for Sensor to Station North South Offset is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor to Station East West Offset

The requirement for Sensor to Station East West Offset is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor to Station Elevation Offset

The requirement for Sensor to Station Elevation Offset is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sensor to Surface Offset

The requirement for Sensor to Surface Offset is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Embedded Material Description

The requirement for Embedded Material Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Output Average Interval

The requirement for Output Average Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Output Internal Units

The requirement for Output Internal Units is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Initial Installation Date – ESS Sensor

The requirement for Initial Installation Date – ESS Sensor is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Begin Date/Time of Out of Service Period

The requirement for Begin Date/Time of Out of Service Period is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. End Date/Time of Out of Service Period

The requirement for End Date/Time of Out of Service Period is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Sampling Interval

The requirement for Sampling Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Specific Information

If available, the following are requirements for site specific metadata information that an owner center may include in the ESS metadata information sent to an external center. Required Site Specific Metadata Information

The requirement for Required Site Specific Metadata Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Roadway Name

The requirement for Roadway Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference – ESS Metadata

The requirement for Linear Reference – ESS Metadata is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Linear Reference Units

The requirement for Linear Reference Units is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Distance to Roadway

The requirement for Distance to Roadway is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Elevation from Roadway

The requirement for Elevation from Roadway is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Jurisdiction

The requirement for Jurisdiction is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. State

The requirement for State is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Country

The requirement for Country is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Access Directions

The requirement for Access Directions is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Representativeness

The requirement for Site Representativeness is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Obstructions

The requirement for Site Obstructions is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Landscape

The requirement for Site Landscape is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Access Control

The requirement for Site Access Control is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Slope

The requirement for Site Slope is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Grade Direction

The requirement for Site Grade Direction Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Wind Roughness

The requirement for Site Wind Roughness Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Site Soil Type

The requirement for Site Soil Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Unique Site Identifier

The requirement for Unique Site Identifier is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Specific Information

If available, the following are requirements for station specific metadata information that an owner center may include in the ESS metadata information sent to an external center. Required Station Specific Metadata Information

The requirement for Required Station Specific Metadata Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Description

The requirement for Station Description is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Operation Type

The requirement for Station Operation Type is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Geo-coordinate Referencing Model

The requirement for Station Geo-coordinate Referencing Model is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Power Source

The requirement for Station Power Source is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Door Status

The requirement for Door Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Battery Status

The requirement for Battery Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Line Volts

The requirement for Line Volts is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Maintenance Group Name

The requirement for Station Maintenance Group Name is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Preventive Maintenance Interval

The requirement for Preventive Maintenance Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Maintenance Calibration Interval

The requirement for Maintenance Calibration Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Maintenance Status

The requirement for Maintenance Status is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Initial Installation Date

The requirement for Initial Installation Date is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Number of Devices

The requirement for Number of Devices is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Communications Method

The requirement for Communications Method is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Phone Number

The requirement for Station Phone Number is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station IP Address

The requirement for Station IP Address is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Manufacturer

The requirement for Station Manufacturer is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Observation Collection Interval

The requirement for Observation Collection Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Observation Collection Offset

The requirement for Observation Collection Offset is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Transmission Interval

The requirement for Transmission Interval is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Transmission Offset

The requirement for Transmission Offset is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Transmission Format

The requirement for Transmission Format is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Station Maintenance Contact Information

The requirement for Station Maintenance Contact Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Climate Record Information

The requirement for Climate Record Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Data Collector Information

The requirement for Data Collector Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Image Information

The requirement for Image Information is defined by Section of the TMDD standard. Restrictions – ESS Metadata

The requirement for Restrictions – ESS Metadata is defined by Section of the TMDD standard.

3.5.5 Transit Related Requirements

The following sections define requirements for sharing real time information on transit vehicle location and passenger loading as well as transit vehicle arrival and departure times. Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading

This feature enables a transit agency to provide transit vehicle location and passenger load information. Request Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Information

An owner center shall respond to an authorized external center requesting transit vehicle and passenger loading information with a message containing the owner center’s transit vehicle and passenger loading information. Subscribe to Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Information

An external center shall send a subscription message to an owner center requesting its transit vehicle location and passenger loading information. Publish Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Information

An owner center shall publish a message containing its transit vehicle location and passenger loading information to all authorized, subscribing external centers. Contents of Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Information Request

The owner center shall provide to an external center transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Request – Transit Vehicle Identifier

An external center shall include the transit vehicle identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Request – Trip Identifier

An external center shall include the trip identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Location and Passenger Loading Request – Route Identifier

An external center shall include the route identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Contents of Transit Vehicle Location Information

The owner center shall provide to an external center transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Location – Measurement Time

The owner center shall provide to an external center the measurement time of the vehicle location information. The measurement time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, is the time when the owner center measured the transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Location – Transit Vehicle Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the identifier of the transit vehicle as part of transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Location – Trip Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the trip identifier of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Location – Route Identifier

A RSU shall provide to an external center the route identifier of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Location – Block Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the identifier of the block of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Location – Vehicle Position

The owner center shall provide to an external center the transit vehicle geographic position (latitude, longitude, elevation) at the measurement time as part of the transit vehicle location information. The latitude and longitude are measured in units of 1/10th micro degree. The elevation represents the location of the surface of the roadway above or below the reference ellipsoid in units of 1 decimeter. Transit Vehicle Location – Vehicle Heading

The owner center shall provide to an external center the transit vehicle heading at the measurement time as part of the transit vehicle location information. The vehicle heading is measured in heading sectors and each heading sector is 22.5 degrees wide. Transit Vehicle Location – Passenger Load

The owner center shall provide to an external center the total number of passengers onboard the transit vehicle at the measurement time as part of the transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Times

This feature enables a transit agency to provide current transit vehicle arrival and departure time information. Request Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information

An owner center shall respond to an authorized external center requesting transit vehicle arrival and departure times with a message containing the owner center’s transit vehicle arrival and departure time information. Subscribe to Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information

An external center shall send a subscription message to an owner center requesting its transit vehicle arrival and departure time information. Publish Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information

An owner center shall publish a message containing its transit vehicle arrival and departure time information to all authorized, subscribing external centers. Contents of Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information Request

The owner center shall provide to an external center transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information Request – Transit Vehicle Identifier

An external center shall include the transit vehicle identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information Request – Trip Identifier

An external center shall include the trip identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information Request – Route Identifier

An external center shall include the route identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information Request –Stop Identifier

An external center shall include the trip identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Contents of Transit Vehicle Arrival and Departure Time Information

The owner center shall provide to an external center transit vehicle arrival and departure time information. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Publication Time

The owner center shall provide to an external center the publication time as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. The publication time is the time at which the passenger load information is provided by the external center and is in the format of hour, minute, and seconds (hhmmss). Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Transit Vehicle Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the identifier of the transit vehicle as part of transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Trip Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the trip identifier of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle location information. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Route Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the route identifier of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Block Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the identifier of the block of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Stop Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the transit stop identifier as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Stop Location

The owner center shall provide to an external center the geographic location of the transit stop as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. The geographic location is defined as latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude are measured in units of 1/10th micro degree. Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Expected Stop Arrival Time

The owner center shall provide to an external center the expected arrival time at the stop as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. The arrival time is in the format hour, minute, and seconds (hhmmss). Transit Vehicle Arrival/ Departure Time – Expected Stop Departure Time

The owner center shall provide to an external center the expected departure time from the stop as part of the transit vehicle arrival/departure time information. The departure time is in the format hour, minute, and seconds (hhmmss). Transit Vehicle Arrival/Departure Time – Uncertainty

The owner center shall provide to an external center the expected uncertainty (defined in seconds) associated with the expected arrival or departure times. Transit Vehicle Arrival/Departure Time – Service Alerts

The owner center shall provide to an external center service alerts that to provide updates whenever there is disruption on the network. Transit Vehicle Travel Time

This feature enables a transit agency to provide current transit vehicle travel times for specific routes. Request Transit Vehicle Travel Time Information

An owner center shall respond to an authorized external center requesting transit vehicle travel time with a message containing the owner center’s transit vehicle travel time information. Subscribe to Transit Vehicle Travel Time Information

An external center shall send a subscription message to an owner center requesting its transit vehicle travel time information. Publish Transit Vehicle Travel Time Information

An owner center shall publish a message containing its transit vehicle travel time information to all authorized, subscribing external centers Contents of Transit Vehicle Travel Time Information Request

The owner center shall provide to an external center transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Travel Time Request – Transit Vehicle Identifier

An external center shall include the transit vehicle identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Travel Time Request – Trip Identifier

An external center shall include the trip identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Travel Time Request – Route Identifier

An external center shall include the route identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Travel Time Request – Start Stop Identifier

An external center shall include the start stop identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Transit Vehicle Travel Time Request – End Stop Identifier

An external center shall include the end stop identifier as part of transit vehicle travel time information request. Contents of Transit Vehicle Travel Time Information

The owner center shall provide to an external center transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Publication Time

The owner center shall provide to an external center the publication time as part of the transit vehicle travel time information. The time is in the format hour, minute, and seconds (hhmmss). Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Transit Vehicle Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the identifier of the transit vehicle as part of transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Trip Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the trip identifier of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Route Identifier

A owner center shall provide to an external center the route identifier of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Block Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the identifier of the block of the transit vehicle as part of the transit vehicle travel time information. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Start Stop Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the stop identifier of the starting stop for the determination of transit vehicle travel time. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – End Stop Identifier

The owner center shall provide to an external center the stop identifier of the ending stop for the determination of transit vehicle travel time. Transit Vehicle Travel Time – Trip Travel Time

The owner center shall provide to an external center the estimated travel time for the trip from the starting to ending stop as part of the transit vehicle travel time information. The time is in the format hour, minute, and seconds (hhmmss).

3.5.6 Weather Alert Requirements

The following subsections define requirements for providing weather related alerts. Request Weather Alert Information

An owner center shall respond to an authorized external center requesting weather alerts with a message containing the owner center’s transit vehicle travel time information. Contents of Weather Alerts Request

The owner center shall provide to an external center all weather based alerts that are currently in effect for the road network managed by the owner center. Contents of Weather Alerts Information

The contents of the weather alert are contained in the following requirements. Weather Alerts – Links

The owner center shall provide to an external center the roadway links associated with the weather alerts. Weather Alerts – Node

The owner center shall provide to an external center the roadway node associated with the weather alert. Weather Alerts – Area

The owner center shall provide to an external center the geographic area associated with the weather alert. Weather Alerts – Start Time of Alert

The owner center shall provide to an external center the start time of the weather alert. Weather Alerts – End Time of Alert

The owner center shall provide to an external center the end time of the weather alert. Weather Alerts – Duration of Alert

The owner center shall provide to an external center the duration of the weather alert. Weather Alerts – Hazardous Wind Speeds

The weather alert shall include indication of hazardous wind speed conditions. Hazardous wind speeds are defined as speeds in excess of 40 MPH. Weather Alerts – Hazardous Precipitation

The weather alert shall include an indication of hazardous precipitation conditions. Hazardous precipitation conditions are defined as moderate or heavy rain, snow, or mixed precipitation. The definition of moderate or heavy precipitation is given in NTCIP 1204, Section 5.8.9. Weather Alerts – Storm Cell Warning

The weather alert shall include a warning of hazardous storm cells. Hazardous storm cells include tornado, thunderstorm, and hail related cells. Request Weather Alerts – NWS Bulletins

An owner center shall respond to an authorized external center requesting weather alert-NWS Bulletins with a message containing the owner center’s weather alert-NWS Bulletins upon request. Contents of Weather Alerts – NWS Bulletins Request

The owner center shall provide to an external center all weather based alert-NWS Bulletins that are currently in effect for the road network managed by the owner center. Contents of Weather Alerts – NWS Bulletins

The weather alert shall include National Weather Service Bulletins, including warnings for tornado, severe thunderstorm, flood, flash flood, dense fog, high wind, winter storm, snow, blizzard, or ice storm.

3.6 Performance Requirements

The performance requirements for RTSMIP, as defined below in this DXFS, are taken from TMDD. The purpose of the performance requirements is to specify the communications performance requirements for the information exchanges between two centers. This section defines the range of allowable time intervals between when an event takes place at an owner center (e.g., an action, a change in status, or a change in the data) to when it transmits the updated information to an external center, and the allowable time intervals between when a receiving center first receives a request to when it must begin transmitting a response.

The time intervals for each implementation will vary based on the message, the importance and size of the message, and environmental conditions, such as the communications network used and congestion on the network.

For example, an external center monitoring another agency’s traffic signal controller may be interested in receiving second-by-second information from the owner center, but may receive the owner center’s traffic signal inventory only when the inventory changes. Also, the response time to a request for an owner center’s complete traffic signal inventory will be different than the response time to a request for event data of a single event.

3.6.1 Message Transmission Time – Publication Updates

The owner center shall begin sending information update message to an authorized external center within 15 minutes after the information is updated in the owner center. This requirement is for owner centers that transmit updates to subscribing external centers, and assumes that the owner center has approved an external center’s subscription for information updates on an event-driven basis (See The maximum time for an owner center to begin sending information update messages after the information is updated shall be between a range from 100 milliseconds to 24 hours.

3.6.2 Response Time

The owner center shall process a request from an external center within 1 minute of receiving the request. The response time is measured as the time, in milliseconds, between when a receiving center receives the last byte of a request message from another center, to the transmission of the first byte of the response. During the response time, the receiving center shall process the request in accordance with all of the rules of the relevant standards, including updating any values in its database and initiating the transmission of the appropriate response. The maximum response time for an owner center to process a request shall be between a range from 100 milliseconds to 1 hour.

  Last modified: May 29, 2020