Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume XII:
Work Zone Traffic Analysis – Applications and Decision Framework

Figure 55 Long Description

Figure 55. Speed Contour Plot Comparisons

Figure 55 is a series of charts showing the comparison of speed contours between model outputs and four peak-hour weekday scenarios. The horizontal direction represents the analysis number (in direction of travel) and the vertical direction represents the analysis period. Six speed contours are included as follows: a- FREeway EVALuation – Default capacity, b- FREeway EVALuation with Work Zone: capacity adjustment factors=0.90, c- peak-hour sensor data: sample day 1, d- peak-hour sensor data: sample day 2, e- peak-hour sensor data: sample day 3, and f- peak-hour sensor data: sample day 4.

Office of Operations