Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Integrating Freight into NEPA Analysis


The efficiency and effectiveness of freight transportation in the United States is critical to national, regional, and local goals and objectives related to: 1) economic growth and development; 2) ensuring livable communities; and 3) creating a sustainable environment (human and natural). In order to satisfy these goals and objectives it is increasingly important to integrate freight transportation issues and solutions throughout the transportation planning and project development process (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Integrating Freight into the Transportation Planning and Project Development Process

Figure 1 - flow chart - Figure 1 shows the steps involved in this process and how the environmental step relates to other steps.

This handbook is designed to provide information on freight transportation to: 1) professionals responsible for advancing transportation projects through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process analysis; and 2) those freight stakeholders (public and private sector) interested in advancing freight transportation projects utilizing public sector highway funds that require NEPA analysis.

There are a number of resources available to those who desire a more in-depth understanding of NEPA and various characteristics specific to freight transportation. Some of these resources are listed in Appendix A and others are referred to in the text. Appendix B lists key legislation, regulations, and guidance to environmental planning.

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