Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Case Studies - Orlando


Orlando and the rest of Central Florida rely on tourism for much of its economic vitality, which in turn depends on trucks to deliver goods to a host of businesses that serve the tourist industry. Reliable and predictable travel times are especially important in a tourist-oriented economy like that of Central Florida. Over the past few decades, Central Florida has experienced heavy population growth and massive urban sprawl. As a result, traffic congestion and aging infrastructure are growing concerns. According to the Texas Transportation Institute, Orlando ranks eight in annual hours of delay per traveler.1

State, county, and local governments are working together to develop a regional approach to transportation issues. Several large road projects are now underway, such as SR 408 improvements (East-West Expressway) and I-4 expansion. Florida DOT, in cooperation with several Central Florida counties and the City of Orlando, also support the development of SunRail, a commuter rail transit system that will link many Central Florida communities.

The primary elements of Orlando's freight management, operations, planning, and implementation activities include:

  • The Freight, Goods, and Services Mobility Strategy Plan, which serves as the foundation for transportation planning and the development of long-range strategies to guide future infrastructure decisions that balance goods movement with passenger travel. Two elements of the plan, presented here, are 1) Freight Villages and 2) Truck Treatment in the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) review process.
  • Downtown Truck Route Designation System
  • Quick Fix Projects identified through METROPLAN ORLANDO, which is the MPO for Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties.

1 David Schrank and Tim Lomax, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, 2007 Urban Mobility Report, available at

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  Last modified: October 20, 2020