Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Case Studies - Orlando


Freight Villages

The Freight Village concept regulates development in a defined area to provide sufficient infrastructure to facilitate the efficient movement of goods. Based on past and anticipated growth in Central Florida's population and economy, the number of warehousing and distribution facilities is likely to increase. Clustering warehousing and distribution facilities into a Freight Village would allow many shippers and carriers to benefit from the same infrastructure improvements.

By analyzing current land use and development patterns, agencies can identify ideal locations for Freight Villages and establish zoning designations that will ensure their development. Orange County, for example, is participating in the National Demonstration Project in Land Market Monitoring, which is led by the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education and its partners, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and FHWA. The Land Market Monitoring project uses Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software to collect detailed land-use information. Orange County can use this information to identify ideal locations for Freight Villages and encourage their development.

Design Standards/Zoning Classifications

The Mobility Strategy Plan suggests that local jurisdictions develop a warehousing and logistics (WL) zoning category to ensure appropriate design standards for the development of Freight Villages or similar sites. Signal timing, geometric design standards, loading dock requirements, and other factors that affect goods movement also would be regulated in a WL zone.

Complimentary Activities

METROPLAN has identified several ideal locations for a WL zoning designation in Central Florida. These areas have a concentration of industrial facilities, high volume of commercial vehicles, and excellent access to the existing transportation network. According to the Mobility Strategy Plan, the following areas would benefit from a special zoning classification:

  • The Wildwood area to the west of the Central Florida region—an area that has access to Central Florida and Tampa Bay markets, as well as to Miami and Jacksonville.
  • The Winter Garden area, particularly south of SR 50—an area that has existing WL development, available land for future development, and excellent access to the transportation system for local distribution.
  • The industrial area south of the Orlando airport and towards Kissimmee—an area that has a high concentration of industry, available land for future development, and excellent multimodal access, (airport, intermodal, trucking routes, and access to the port, via the Bee Line).

The City of Orlando has begun implementing new zoning classifications in the region south of the airport. For example, the City has developed an "airport support" zone as part of its Southeast Sector Plan. The airport support zone provides sufficient infrastructure to support activities vital to the operation of the airport and the efficient movement of goods.

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  Last modified: October 20, 2020