Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Case Studies - Orlando


Until recently, most planning agencies focused on the needs of passenger travel. Efficient goods movement was viewed primarily as the responsibility of the private sector. However, many government agencies, MPOs, and the private sector have taken steps to understand and consider freight transportation needs in their planning efforts. METROPLAN Orlando and the City of Orlando are two such groups. They serve as an example of how transportation issues can be addressed and improvements made when various stakeholders are brought together to address issues facing their transportation system. The following strategies and practices identified in this case study can be implemented in other areas around the country.

  • Freight Villages. Develop new zoning classifications to cover goods movement activities that would provide efficient infrastructure for, and encourage the development of, various truck-related activities.
  • Truck Treatment in the Development Review Process. Differentiate trucks from passenger vehicles in the development review process to determine the full impact that development will have on the transportation system and surrounding areas.
  • Truck Route Designation System. Develop a truck route designation system that funnels truck traffic onto a few facilities in order to minimize their impacts on the overall system and to better match infrastructure to transportation demand.
  • Use Disposable Cameras to Identify Problems. Hand out disposable cameras to get input from local commercial vehicle operators on the problems they encounter on area roads.

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  Last modified: October 20, 2020