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Congestion Pricing — A Primer: Overview


  1. Texas Transportation Institute. (2007). 2007 Urban mobility report. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.
  2. Federal Highway Administration. (2000). Highway economic requirements system (HERS) report (Tech. Rep. Vol. 4). Washington, DC. (Updated based on construction cost index.)
  3. Berg, J. T., Kawada, K., Burris, M., Swenson, C., Smith, L., & Sullivan, E. (1999). Value pricing pilot program. TR News, 204, 3–10.
  4. Sullivan, E. (2000, December). Continuation study to evaluate the impacts of the SR 91 value-priced express lanes: Final report. Retrieved November 3, 2008 from
  5. Burris, M., Swenson, C., & Crawford, G. (2002). Lee County's variable pricing project. ITE Journal, 72, 36–41.
  6. Whitty, J. (2007, November). Oregon's mileage fee concept and road user fee pilot program: Final report. Salem, OR: Oregon Department of Transportation.
  7. Transport for London. (2007, July). Central London congestion charging: Impacts monitoring (Fifth Annual Report). Retrieved November 20, 2008 from
  8. Beser Hugosson, M., Sjöberg, A., & Byström, C. (2006, December). Facts and results from the Stockholm Trial. Stockholm, Sweden.
  9. Christainsen, G. B. (2006, Winter). Road pricing in Singapore after 30 years. Cato Journal, 26(1).
  10. Schweitzer, L. A. C., & Taylor, B. (2008). Just pricing: The distributional effects of congestion pricing and sales taxes. Transportation, 35(6), 797–812.
  11. DeCorla-Souza, P. (in press). Congestion pricing with lane configurations to add highway capacity. Public Roads.
  12. Federal Highway Administration. (2007, August). National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) briefs. Retrieved on November 3, 2008 from
  13. Zmud, J. & Arce, C. (2008). Compilation of public opinion data on tolls and road pricing (NCHRP Report No. 377). Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
  Last modified: March 25, 2021