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Value Pricing Pilot Program: Lessons Learned


The research reported herein was performed by K.T. Analytics, Inc. under a subcontract with Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

Dr. William Perez of Cambridge Systematics, Inc. was the project manager. Dr. Kiran Bhatt, K.T. Analytics, Inc., served as the principal investigator. Other key staff involved included: Thomas Higgins (K.T. Analytics, Inc.), John T. Berg (Consultant), and Jeffrey Buxbaum and Evan Enarson-Hering (Cambridge Systematics, Inc.).

The authors are grateful to members of the “Expert Panel”, set up by the Federal Highway Administration, for invaluable comments and suggestions they provided for the interim and final reports. Thanks also go to the tolling and pricing and congestion pricing special projects team members at the Office of Operations in the Federal Highway Administration (USDOT) who provided overall guidance, made available Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) documents and related data at short notice, and reviewed and commented on numerous drafts of the report. 

Needless to say, the authors alone are responsible for the accuracy of information presented and opinions expressed in the report.
  Last modified: April 15, 2021