Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Chapter 7. Phase 6: Debrief and Assessment

7.1 Introduction

As soon as all of the agencies that were involved in the evacuation process have resumed normal operations and the ICS has been disassembled, the debrief and assessment phase should begin. The purpose of this phase is to get all of the agencies involved in the evacuation process together to discuss and document what went well, what went wrong, what should be changed in the overall emergency evacuation plan and process, and what additional training and exercises are needed for evacuation personnel. This phase may also involve an independent assessment from federal agencies such as FEMA.

This chapter briefly outlines the agencies involved in the debrief and assessment phase, their roles and responsibilities, resources and equipment used during this phase, and the sharing and coordination of information during this phase.

June 26, 2006
Publication #FHWA-HOP-08-020