Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

6.2 Advanced Technology

  1. Advance Technology Can Provide Important Information – “Once a catastrophic event has occurred, advanced technologies can aid in providing information on existing conditions to decision makers. This information can then be used to make better-informed decisions on when and how to open or restrict facilities. Examples of this included the use of closed circuit television and traffic monitors to gauge traffic volumes on key facilities.”
    Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations: Cross-Cutting Study

  2. Information Can Be Shared Using ITS – “It can facilitate better communications with other agencies involved in the emergency response. Traffic management centers were able to share information on current conditions with other agencies. It can also assist in communicating with the public by providing accurate information on the status of the transportation system. This included variable message signs, highway advisory radio broadcasts, 1-800 telephone lines, and web based video feeds of traffic. Through the coordination of Transportation Operations Coordinating Committee and the I-95 Corridor Coalition, variable message signs all along the East Coast were displaying warnings to the traveling public about avoiding New York City/Pentagon area.” 
    Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations: Cross-Cutting Study

February 7, 2006
Publication #FHWA–HOP-08-015