Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

5.4.7 Joint Information Center

  1. Develop a Joint Information Center – “Where a joint information center was established, it had a positive effect on the timeliness and quality of the information campaign in the wildland-urban interface environment.

    These incidents received international attention, and the need for an information campaign reached a threshold much larger than any one agency could manage effectively. The joint information center combined the people and unique strengths of different agencies public affairs staffs.

    On several incidents, the information effort remained defensive. The joint information center allowed a unified message presented to the public and the media. The joint information center could communicate key fire management issues (the use of air tankers, the need for defensible space) and address these issues proactively through public information while fires held the public’s attention.”
    Southern California Firestorm 2003: Report for the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center

  2. Develop a Joint Information Center Ahead of Time – “Having a joint information center plan in place ahead of time was effective. Respondents identified the further need to pre-identify joint information center staff and expanded joint information center staff, and identify potential joint information center locations in the area.”
    Southern California Firestorm 2003: Report for the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center

  3. Develop Joint Information Center Locations Throughout Community – “Develop pre-identified and pre-designated Joint Information Center locations throughout the County, a properly staffed Joint Information Center can provide timely, quality information to the community, public and the media, large fires receive national and international attention and the information requests exceed the ability of a single agency, a Joint Information Center can provide a unified message to the community, public and the media, a Joint Information Center can be used to dispense pro-active fire prevention messages through out the year.”
    San Bernardino County Fire Chiefs’ Association: Lessons Learned Report: Fire Storm 2003: “Old Fire”

February 7, 2006
Publication #FHWA–HOP-08-015